Interesting take by Gottlieb

Other than the leadership isn't that what Gotlieb is saying. Poor fundamentals from AAU ball?
There are many guys today who played AAU ball who are playing good fundamental basketball in college which kinda refutes his argument.
1) Not all AAU programs are the same. I can remember Blake and Sam Bradford talking about an AAU game that Athlete's First lost that bothered them a lot. It was obvious that they took the AAU wins and losses seriously, unlike those described earlier.

I agree. So why lump them all together? High schools are the same way. Heck, colleges are the same way. Some are great and stress fundamentals and some are bad and don't and just play run and gun.
To blame AAU on OU's problems is silly because all the top programs players played AAU. How in the world are they winning?

There are many guys today who played AAU ball who are playing good fundamental basketball in college which kinda refutes his argument.
Texas is 5-0 with their AAU Freshmen...