Journalist and interviewee shot on live television

At this point, no one knows if the discrimination the shooter felt was real or imagined. It doesn't really matter because nothing justifies his actions, just as nothing justifies the actions of all the other mass shootings.
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At this point, no one know if the discrimination the shooter felt was real or imagined. It doesn't really matter because nothing justifies his actions, just as nothing justifies the actions of all the other mass shootings.

We need a like button on this forum.
sounds like you are saying the shooter is a victim. surely not.

Obviously in this instance no. But over the course of his life? Absolutely. Anybody who thinks minorities, especially blacks, are not treated differently by police and society is kidding themselves. For white people it's innocent until proven guilty with infinite benefit of the doubt. It's the opposite for blacks from the day they are born and they know it and it makes them angry.

It's actually pretty amazing what self control they have based on how bad they have been mistreated.
Obviously in this instance no. But over the course of his life? Absolutely. Anybody who thinks minorities, especially blacks, are not treated differently by police and society is kidding themselves. For white people it's innocent until proven guilty with infinite benefit of the doubt. It's the opposite for blacks from the day they are born and they know it and it makes them angry.

It's actually pretty amazing what self control they have based on how bad they have been mistreated.


you sir are the problem. always blaming other people instead of sacking up and taking responsibility for your actions. excuses excuses
Enough already!!!

OUHoops agrees to create an off-topic board, and even modifies the rules to give you guys who like to talk smack a little more room to play around, and hopefully have fun. But, every time I visit this board, I see more name calling than sensible conversations where the goal is to make your case in the best way possible. The biggest perpetrator of them all is the poster who promised me by PM not long ago that he would do a better job of controlling his urge to call people names. Do I need to say more, Boca?

Here's the deal, guys. Find a way to carry on discussions about politics, gun control and other controversial and potentially volatile topics without the personal insults, or this board could disappear with the simple stroke of a keyboard key. I haven't discussed this with OUHoops yet. But, if the name calling doesn't stop, I will do my very best to get him to shut this board down!

If you're wondering why crap like this is so upsetting to me? it's that I am troubled when I see longtime posters on this web site, guys I have known and liked since the board was launched in 2008 (some even longer), go at the juggler like they hate each other.

My goodness, people! No one can convince me that you can't make your point without the personal insults and name calling. If I'm wrong, and that's the best you can do, maybe it's time to File 13 this forum. Is that what you want?

Thank you Ada. I'm more than willing to have some civil discourse and debate regarding politics and current events, but a few don't know how to conduct themselves within a level of decorum and respect for people who disagree with them.

I think this could be a really interesting/learned forum if we could tone down not only the personal attacks, but also the attacks on groups/worldviews. We all know the main culprit, but I will continue to choose to ignore topics/threads that get off the rails.
Another assassination in Harris County. Not coincidentally this is the same redneck county where Sandra Bland was pulled over & assaulted for changing lanes without signaling. Then she was arrested and 3 days later found dead in her cell.

Until racist attitudes change, until unarmed black people stop being killed by police, expect this to continue. How much are they supposed to take? Then they have to listen to garbage from the likes of WT and bounce minimizing and mocking them. It's a disgrace.

No different than those POS deputies in Tulsa who murdered the guy in the street for running away. As he lay there dying after being shot for no reason the roided up white trash said "you shouldn't have run".

Disgusting. BTW nobody responded to my suggestion WT say those things to Eric Striker. lol We know how that would end. WT would have his tail between his legs.
Disgusting. BTW nobody responded to my suggestion WT say those things to Eric Striker. lol We know how that would end. WT would have his tail between his legs.

I would 100% say those things to Striker. If he can't understand that, well, that's on him.

If he isn't smart enough to know that sometimes the black guy that gets shot ended up shot for legit reasons, then maybe he isn't smart enough for college.

And if he doesn't like what I have to say, what's he going to do, beat me up? LMAO. Fine. I'll take a beating and draw 5% from his NFL paychecks for the next decade. Can you arrange that? I'd love another revenue stream.

You are the master at taking something somebody says, and twisting it into something completely different. Nobody does it better. Just one massive troll job from you. Not one of the cases where I have sided with law enforcement, or the non-dead black person, has anybody been charged with any wrong doing. And the cases like the cop in NC (or maybe SC) shooting the guy as he runs away? I've said since day 1 that cop should be in prison.

Keep on keeping on though boca. Must be a really sad life you have to be trolling OU boards for as long as you have been.
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Obviously in this instance no. But over the course of his life? Absolutely. Anybody who thinks minorities, especially blacks, are not treated differently by police and society is kidding themselves. For white people it's innocent until proven guilty with infinite benefit of the doubt. It's the opposite for blacks from the day they are born and they know it and it makes them angry.

It's actually pretty amazing what self control they have based on how bad they have been mistreated

Exhibit A - the soft bigotry of low expectations.

I hear this argument quite often, and while those who postulate it think they are being compassionate, when in reality, they are crippling the progress of some African American communities by antagonizing a volatile situation. There are far too many examples of successful blacks working their way out of difficult circumstances and these stories should be trumpeted within these communities....instead of the the "victimization" exploitation that seems to be encouraged and put forth by many "community leaders" and politicians.
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instead of the the "victimization" exploitation that seems to be encouraged and put forth by many "community leaders" and politicians.

Yeah they are just supposed to ignore constant killings of unarmed black people by law enforcement. Just chalk it up to 200 years of bad luck, nothing to see here folks. Get a clue. It's amazing how tone death rednecks in the south are to reality. Explains a lot though. Why education and income levels are so low and obesity rates are so high.
You are the master at taking something somebody says, and twisting it into something completely different.

You're not fooling anybody. You took the side of Zimmerman, then Donald Sterling, then Darren Wilson, then OU SAE, then the pig who manhandled the 15 year old black girl in a bikini, now mocking black lives matter, but hey no pattern here.

You're not fooling anybody. You took the side of Zimmerman, then Donald Sterling, then Darren Wilson, then OU SAE, then the pig who manhandled the 15 year old black girl in a bikini, now mocking black lives matter, but hey no pattern here.


That is not entirely true, but again, boca with the spin.

I also sided with the black guy shot in SC, probably the dude from the NYC street corner, and most likely the kid from the NE that was thrown in the back of the paddy wagon and who broke his neck/spine.

I call a spade a spade, regardless of color. There are a lot of punks/thugs of both races. But when some crazy white dude does some stupid ish and ends up dead, or in jail, or whatever.....most white folks don't rally to call that person an angel, and profess innocence when none exists.

You want to see me in a room with Striker. I'd like to see me in a room with you. :ez-roll:
Hand guns will eventually be outlawed. They serve no purpose, ownership numbers keep falling and are now below 30% of the population and those owners are the bottom of the food chain. It's just a matter of time.

Hunting guns are fine for home protection and tasers are fine for most law enforcement. If this mofo had to use a rifle he would have lost the element of surprise.

No they won't. They are constitutionally protected. They will never be outlawed in the US unless we amend our constitution.
Exhibit A - the soft bigotry of low expectations.

I hear this argument quite often, and while those who postulate it think they are being compassionate, when in reality, they are crippling the progress of some African American communities by antagonizing a volatile situation. There are far too many examples of successful blacks working their way out of difficult circumstances and these stories should be trumpeted within these communities....instead of the the "victimization" exploitation that seems to be encouraged and put forth by many "community leaders" and politicians.

Well said. Liberals do a lot of damage to people.
Yeah they are just supposed to ignore constant killings of unarmed black people by law enforcement. Just chalk it up to 200 years of bad luck, nothing to see here folks. Get a clue. It's amazing how tone death rednecks in the south are to reality. Explains a lot though. Why education and income levels are so low and obesity rates are so high.

so you don't care about unarmed white people being shot by cops?

Guess, what? more whites are killed by cops than blacks.

75% of the times there is a police shooting, the "victim" has a weapon. There are only a few cases a year where a shooting isn't justified on the part of the cop. Always room for improvement, but with the number of cops and number of criminals in the US, its really quite amazing
  • Guns are dangerous
  • Humans are dangerous
  • Humans with guns are dangerous

If you release millions of guns to millions of people, you will end up with what we have today. 33,000 people were killed by a gun in the United States in 2013... That number is broken up by homicides, accidental discharge, suicides, etc.

Humans, regardless of our beautiful words or intentions, are dangerous. No other species on this planet kills each other like humans do, and we always have. We have been killing, murdering, invading, etc since the beginning of time. We are a dangerous species, and we destroy each other, we destroy animals and any other form of life around us, and we destroy the environment that we live in.... Fact of life, and no point in denying it.

Roughly 7,000 troops died during the entire duration of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars... More people are killed by gun homicide every year in the United States.
  • Guns are dangerous
  • Humans are dangerous
  • Humans with guns are dangerous

If you release millions of guns to millions of people, you will end up with what we have today. 33,000 people were killed by a gun in the United States in 2013... That number is broken up by homicides, accidental discharge, suicides, etc.

Humans, regardless of our beautiful words or intentions, are dangerous. No other species on this planet kills each other like humans do, and we always have. We have been killing, murdering, invading, etc since the beginning of time. We are a dangerous species, and we destroy each other, we destroy animals and any other form of life around us, and we destroy the environment that we live in.... Fact of life, and no point in denying it.

Roughly 7,000 troops died during the entire duration of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars... More people are killed by gun homicide every year in the United States.
all true. But the weapon has little effect on the numbers. It's simply an easier option if you want to kill someone. Stones, rope, knife, gun,etc. They aren't the issue
all true. But the weapon has little effect on the numbers. It's simply an easier option if you want to kill someone. Stones, rope, knife, gun,etc. They aren't the issue


Take EVERY gun off the street, and homicides go down for a short period of time. At that point, either guns are reintroduced on the black market, or another weapon of choice is simply used instead.

Some of the deadliest mass murders in world history (not wars) were NOT the results of guns.
  • Guns are dangerous
  • Humans are dangerous
  • Humans with guns are dangerous

If you release millions of guns to millions of people, you will end up with what we have today. 33,000 people were killed by a gun in the United States in 2013... That number is broken up by homicides, accidental discharge, suicides, etc.

Humans, regardless of our beautiful words or intentions, are dangerous. No other species on this planet kills each other like humans do, and we always have. We have been killing, murdering, invading, etc since the beginning of time. We are a dangerous species, and we destroy each other, we destroy animals and any other form of life around us, and we destroy the environment that we live in.... Fact of life, and no point in denying it.

Roughly 7,000 troops died during the entire duration of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars... More people are killed by gun homicide every year in the United States.

33,000 people also died in motor vehicles in 2013. Lets ban those too
all true. But the weapon has little effect on the numbers. It's simply an easier option if you want to kill someone. Stones, rope, knife, gun,etc. They aren't the issue

Not true at all... the gun has introduced a "power of one" concept. One person can do a ton of damage now. I can have an AR, backup pistols, etc

If I walk into a school with a knife, I can hurt people but can be subdued. Plus, I have to come within arms reach of someone to hurt them.

If I walk into a school with an AR-15, I can kill a lot of people, at range, and nobody will subdue me because they worry about being shot.

If I don't have a gun my options are very limited... I can attack people with blunt objects or knives/swords. Those are melee weapons, and are ineffective against large groups of people. If a group of people wanted to subdue me, chances are one of them would get hurt and potentially killed but that would be it. Chances of mass damage are very limited.
33,000 people also died in motor vehicles in 2013. Lets ban those too

33,000 accidents is different than 33,000 intentional eliminations of life. One is a tool to drive around town and accidents happen, the other is an act of intentional violence.

Come on man, you're better than that.