LOL Cade Davis not athletic

Seymore Cox

Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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I remember several threads last year about how Cade wasn't athletic and about how Cade was limited athletically. There were a few who rebutted that like BT and some others that I don't recall right now. If you watch the preseason work out vids, it is obvious that he's probably our best athlete. Especially when to take into account speed, endurance and stregnth. Also, when they did the vert measures last year, he finished in the top half.
Unathletic tends to be code for white player. The beauty of sports is that there are no racial quotas. It is all merit based. Hockey is predominately white. Basketball predominately black. Baseball has a high percentage of Latinos.

Cade is playing high d1 basketball because he is very good. If only the world worked more like athletics- excelling based on talent and skill and not political correctness.

Yeah, I saw that he ran the fastest mile time on the team. 5:27 is pretty decent. I wonder if he has lost some of his hops. When he first got to OU as a freshman he had a couple of dunks right off the bat, then he missed one in one of the first games. I don't think I've seen him attempt a dunk since.

I wonder if he might get more opportunities this year if we run more.

Regardless, it was probably better last year that he did his best on every fast break to get Blake the ball for the dunk.
Yeah, I saw that he ran the fastest mile time on the team. 5:27 is pretty decent. I wonder if he has lost some of his hops. When he first got to OU as a freshman he had a couple of dunks right off the bat, then he missed one in one of the first games. I don't think I've seen him attempt a dunk since.

I wonder if he might get more opportunities this year if we run more.

Regardless, it was probably better last year that he did his best on every fast break to get Blake the ball for the dunk.

Cade has done is best to serve the team, the best the team needs him. I don't think it would take much to understand that we needed him to be a smart player and to try to feed it down low (i.e. Blake), to get it to WW and then, when he had his opportunities, he would then try to score. Mostly his opportunities would be out on the perimeter.

Now I'm not sure if it was a confidence level issue, but he seemed to try and drive the ball a little more, last year, than his first year.
Unathletic tends to be code for white player. The beauty of sports is that there are no racial quotas. It is all merit based. Hockey is predominately white. Basketball predominately black. Baseball has a high percentage of Latinos.

Cade is playing high d1 basketball because he is very good. If only the world worked more like athletics- excelling based on talent and skill and not political correctness.

Of course, athletics didn't always work that way at all. Thousands of great athletes whose skin was not lily-white were not given a remotely a fair shake over the decades, and many -- not all, but many -- who now so loudly and frequently decry "political correctness" would, had they been born fifty years earlier, have been hurling epithets at Jackie Robinson from the stands.

And I'm not sure who you think is getting such a raw deal in other fields of endeavor (and who is being handed undeserved success), but we endured not decades but centuries in this country (and the colonies that gave birth to it) in which the only people who were allowed to pursue their dreams were white men.

Whatever you might mean by "political correctness" and the injustices it supposedly imposes upon society, they are nothing compared to the injustices that came before (and still, in many ways, continue).
Yeah, I saw that he ran the fastest mile time on the team. 5:27 is pretty decent. I wonder if he has lost some of his hops. When he first got to OU as a freshman he had a couple of dunks right off the bat, then he missed one in one of the first games. I don't think I've seen him attempt a dunk since.
I wonder if he might get more opportunities this year if we run more.

Regardless, it was probably better last year that he did his best on every fast break to get Blake the ball for the dunk.

It's just a change of competition. I remember those dunks and they were against tomato cans. Even if you look at WW and Crock guys who were high risers coming to OU, the competition change has made them less apt to get dunk opportunities. Also, we equate dunking with athleticism too much. Dunking doesn't define you as being athletic.
45 second mark
Yeah, I must strongly disagree with the idea that sports is "all merit based," which seems to be a rather naive reading of not only the history of competitive athletics but present-day sports as well.

That said, I do agree with DFW that unathletic seems to be code for white, and you'll often see that sort of thing manifest itself with regards to Cade's shooting ability as well.
Yeah, I must strongly disagree with the idea that sports is "all merit based," which seems to be a rather naive reading of not only the history of competitive athletics but present-day sports as well.

That said, I do agree with DFW that unathletic seems to be code for white, and you'll often see that sort of thing manifest itself with regards to Cade's shooting ability as well.

100%. Everybody is guilty of these misconceptions. It took me only a few times of being outclassed by a white guy to break me of this misconception. People forget that Cade came in as a guy who wasn't known as a long distance shooter and a guy who was really known as more of a scorer/athlete. When he came in and didn't shoot well everyone wondered what was wrong with him and why he was slumping, but he was just in the early stages of developing himself as a catch and shoot guy.
DM, so he has already proven he is a catch and shoot type of player?

Yes he is athletic as seen in his highschool dunk competition and in workouts...But I am still trying to figure out his far he has yet to prove he can consistently knock down the three....

So DM this year do you see him being more consistent from deep or do you see him being more of a slasher and getting the ball to the basket for easy buckets?
DM, so he has already proven he is a catch and shoot type of player?

Yes he is athletic as seen in his highschool dunk competition and in workouts...But I am still trying to figure out his far he has yet to prove he can consistently knock down the three....

So DM this year do you see him being more consistent from deep or do you see him being more of a slasher and getting the ball to the basket for easy buckets?

I thought at times he played really well catching and shooting off of the offense with WW and Blake. No one's going to make every basket and like Tony did last year, players go on cold streaks, but he has proven when he has gotten extended attempts that he can be a reliable shooter.
I'm sorry, but being able to score well in timed drills or whatever, or doing an acrobatic dunk against air, doesn't make you an athlete.

The way Cade plays in ACTUAL games, and against actual D1 players (not the average joe), tells me he isn't on the upper end of athleticism. His foot speed on defense is below average. That is the number 1 thing I notice.
I'm sorry, but being able to score well in timed drills or whatever, or doing an acrobatic dunk against air, doesn't make you an athlete.

The way Cade plays in ACTUAL games, and against actual D1 players (not the average joe), tells me he isn't on the upper end of athleticism. His foot speed on defense is below average. That is the number 1 thing I notice.

yeah, being fast, strong and jumping high matters not.
I'm sorry, but being able to score well in timed drills or whatever, or doing an acrobatic dunk against air, doesn't make you an athlete.

The way Cade plays in ACTUAL games, and against actual D1 players (not the average joe), tells me he isn't on the upper end of athleticism. His foot speed on defense is below average. That is the number 1 thing I notice.

Oddly, I thought that Cade was by the end of the year our third best guard defending on the ball last year (behind AJ and Croc). He was consistent stuck to his man, etc... I don't know what you saw but I expect him to be our third best guard at defending on the ball again (behind WW and Croc).
Oddly, I thought that Cade was by the end of the year our third best guard defending on the ball last year (behind AJ and Croc). He was consistent stuck to his man, etc... I don't know what you saw but I expect him to be our third best guard at defending on the ball again (behind WW and Croc).

I agree completely. Granted, that Cade DID look slow during his freshman season, but like Crock, he showed some good progress on D last year, and I expect to see a Crock-like defensive year from Cade this season.

Don't forget that he is the best rebounding guard on the squad, which will really help a team that seems to be lacking in the rebounding department.
Don't forget that he is the best rebounding guard on the squad, which will really help a team that seems to be lacking in the rebounding department.

Yep, people talk a lot about how we graduated a lot of scoring in context of giving certain players more time. However, I think players that can rebound will be a bigger deal given that we graduated a bunch of rebounding.
I agree completely. Granted, that Cade DID look slow during his freshman season, but like Crock, he showed some good progress on D last year, and I expect to see a Crock-like defensive year from Cade this season.

Don't forget that he is the best rebounding guard on the squad, which will really help a team that seems to be lacking in the rebounding department.

So he is a better rebounding guard than WW and Crocker?? I just dont see it...I hope he does well because he can see me but I have yet to see the rebounding/shooting....Crocker should be our best rebounding guard with WW behind if WW is playing the point with crocker at the 2 and cade at the 3...cade has the oppertunity to be the worst rebounder on the floor...I may be missing something but I dont see it at all