Maybe It Never Happened?

Sweetest OU Girl

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Mar 14, 2009
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The Big-12 website has still not mentioned OU's win over Baylor. Well there is a short clip on a secondary page of some game action.

But they are still slobbering over Baylor's win a week or so ago over TCU.

They are just tilting at windmills though, since even Baylor's own website has an article covering the game. Quite well written by the way.
The Big 12 website shows that Coale and Campbell were the feature of their weekly podcast yesterday.
The Big 12 website shows that Coale and Campbell were the feature of their weekly podcast yesterday.

This relates to something totally different than coverage of the OU-Baylor game. Every week the website posts an interview of the coach of a league school, promising to cover all 10 schools. This week was OU. Next week will be Texas.

But several times this year they have posted articles about individual games. Most are about Baylor or Texas wins. My point was that they have not mentioned the OU win over Baylor even though it was a significant Big-12 moment. Even ESPN covered it - but not our own conference.
If things continue as they are, Baylor may lose back to back games! Iowa State leading by 8 with under 6 minutes to play.
I like it when Baylor loses but, if they lose today it detracts a bit from our win.

It doesn't detract a bit from our win, but it does reinforce to the rest of the conference that BU doesn't have any superstars on this team.
It may get a little more attention to the conference other than Baylor and the seven dwarves.
The difference escapes me. She's a heck of a player.

I guess I have really high standards for the term 'superstar'. To me, only the best of the All-Americans are superstars. She might be one before her career is over, but not yet.