I kind of feel bad for McGraw considering many times her teams made the title game and did not win. I remember her making it two years in a row without winning, kind of like Shaefer at MSU recently. Of course she lost again last year in the final. I'd say making the finals and losing is still a very successful season and she went out on a very high note. SC, on the other hand, will most likely have to be forced out due to her horrible performance. It might take a new AD in order to do so, or she will simply retire. McGraws 10 years older than SC, so hopefully we don't have 10 more years of this level. I have to think that at some point something will give and we will either make a turn in the right direction and start winning some games or someone will step down. Surely winning 8 - 15 games per season for the next several seasons won't be tolerated, will it??!