Moser on the Radio


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Dec 3, 2008
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Heard Coach Moser on the radio yesterday with Al. In case you didn't hear it, it was a pretty good interview by Al. Broke down the coaches and players.

On the coaches: All can and have coached, and all bring something different to recruiting . Dildy has worked the AAU from coast to coast, Turner is completely connected all over texas, and Patrick has vast overseas ties. He says all are great recruiters. Sounded good. I guess we will see. It looks like they did a good job of rebuilding the team in a short period of time from the portal. We will see how they do with the high school kids

Moser also broke down each player. TG= tough krafty and can stretch the floor, but needs to get stronger. JG=legit 6'9 (about the same as Tanner), but is definitely a perimeter player and is a tough kid; EC=skilled and good facilitator (whatever that means) and good rebounder; Mawein=legit 6'9 athletic and skilled; goldwire=super athletic and is elite at sliding his feet but needs work on his offensive game; Gibson can really shoot it, Harkless is tough hardnosed and good player overall; Hill is really improving and will play on the perimeter (they are working on his shot and it needs to improve); likes all the freshman; Noland is super strong and can't be moved off of his line with a hand check (he says unusual for freshman); cortes is a kid that just makes everyone better that plays with him; and Mason is a jet in transition. He says he is different than other coaches and you can still practice with team if you enter the portal. So, Rick is still practicing and may decide to stay with team. Rick sees he is getting better every day. Moser thinks he has potential.

On his style, he says on offense he plays one in and four out. On defense he says that switch a lot (don't know if this is like Lon or not, maybe someone on here can explain whether his defense is the same or different than Lons)

Then generally, it sounds like he is big on strength and conditioning. He thinks Tanner can be his Krautwig. Says he and his staff have been well received by recruits, and that due to the NCAA they are just now getting to get out in person and actually look at kids.

Overall, I was impressed with his energy and came away pretty encouraged. Can't wait to see what he puts on the Court.
Heard Coach Moser on the radio yesterday with Al. In case you didn't hear it, it was a pretty good interview by Al. Broke down the coaches and players.

On the coaches: All can and have coached, and all bring something different to recruiting . Dildy has worked the AAU from coast to coast, Turner is completely connected all over texas, and Patrick has vast overseas ties. He says all are great recruiters. Sounded good. I guess we will see. It looks like they did a good job of rebuilding the team in a short period of time from the portal. We will see how they do with the high school kids

Moser also broke down each player. TG= tough krafty and can stretch the floor, but needs to get stronger. JG=legit 6'9 (about the same as Tanner), but is definitely a perimeter player and is a tough kid; EC=skilled and good facilitator (whatever that means) and good rebounder; Mawein=legit 6'9 athletic and skilled; goldwire=super athletic and is elite at sliding his feet but needs work on his offensive game; Gibson can really shoot it, Harkless is tough hardnosed and good player overall; Hill is really improving and will play on the perimeter (they are working on his shot and it needs to improve); likes all the freshman; Noland is super strong and can't be moved off of his line with a hand check (he says unusual for freshman); cortes is a kid that just makes everyone better that plays with him; and Mason is a jet in transition. He says he is different than other coaches and you can still practice with team if you enter the portal. So, Rick is still practicing and may decide to stay with team. Rick sees he is getting better every day. Moser thinks he has potential.

On his style, he says on offense he plays one in and four out. On defense he says that switch a lot (don't know if this is like Lon or not, maybe someone on here can explain whether his defense is the same or different than Lons)

Then generally, it sounds like he is big on strength and conditioning. He thinks Tanner can be his Krautwig. Says he and his staff have been well received by recruits, and that due to the NCAA they are just now getting to get out in person and actually look at kids.

Overall, I was impressed with his energy and came away pretty encouraged. Can't wait to see what he puts on the Court.

Excellent recap, thanks so much for posting this. I know all coaches focus on the positives in interviews, but it’s nice to see quite a bit of detail in what he discussed. It’s so hard to know what to expect with not only a new staff, but so many new players who have never played together before. That said, I think there is the potential for this team to be very good, and I’m incredibly excited to watch them play.
Uh-oh…with that news about Rick, you may have just ruined Sooner04’s weekend :-). Seriously, though, great read and very encouraging! Thanks for posting that, Cowboy!
Good summary. Thanks, CowboySooner!
The Rick news would seem to indicate we aren't actively or aggressively looking to add another player thru the Portal.

Tough to gauge who the starters would be from that recap, but I really don't see Hill starting if he is going to play the 3. You assume Goldwire and Harkless start, that leaves Hill competing with Gibson and Johnson, and perhaps Noland.

I'd like to see our depth chart look like this once we hit the important games:

PG - Goldwire
SG - Harkless / Gibson (I'd be okay with Gibson starting too)
OG - Johnson / Hill
PF - J. Groves / Mawein
C - T. Groves / Chargois

I didn't list a backup PG because I'd like one of the other guards already listed to fill that role. That is nine players. We don't need to go any deeper once conference play starts. I know we all want to see Noland get minutes, and maybe he will, but they'll have to come at the expense of somebody (maybe Hill).

Lots of competition. Interesting to see how it shakes out. No matter what, we're going to have more offense on the bench then we've had in some time.
Great recap and appreciate it for those of us that missed it.

One thing is for sure, whether it is in person or TV, radio, or in print, Moser's energy and positivity come across. He uses a lot less coaches speak than Lon, but not as much harshness as Kelvin. As a result, he challenges his players in a positive way when he speaks about them.

Can't way to see how this attitude and enthusiasm impacts the product on the court.
Comments on the replies:
He didn't discuss who he thought would start although he clearly likes T Groves (TG is going to be his krawtwig).

Forgot to mention that he said Marvin Johnson is an elite rim to rim athlete, and does a lot of good things but plays way to fast and thus has too many turnovers. He talks to him about slowing down and learning to change speeds constantly, instead of going same full out. Thinks he can get the bad out of his game and leave the good. Seemed to think he can be a really good player.

He mentioned that he thought they would have a good core group for the year after next. Groves, Mawein, the freshman, and hill to build off of. So rebuild for this year, but would just need to add pieces for the next year.

Doesn't oppose free transfer, just not for the first year. He thinks freshman need to fight through things and not expect to start -- learn. Then, after a couple of years, if things are not working out, let them transfer. He wasn't sure this would be implemented however.

Thought is was interesting that he doesn't like highlight tapes but would rather watch an entire game. Said the kids always make every 3 on highlight tapes, but you get a better feel for them when you see all of their shots.

Thought the press and exposure of Trae Young couldn't hurt and only help.
Comments on the replies:
He didn't discuss who he thought would start although he clearly likes T Groves (TG is going to be his krawtwig).

Forgot to mention that he said Marvin Johnson is an elite rim to rim athlete, and does a lot of good things but plays way to fast and thus has too many turnovers. He talks to him about slowing down and learning to change speeds constantly, instead of going same full out. Thinks he can get the bad out of his game and leave the good. Seemed to think he can be a really good player.

He mentioned that he thought they would have a good core group for the year after next. Groves, Mawein, the freshman, and hill to build off of. So rebuild for this year, but would just need to add pieces for the next year.

Doesn't oppose free transfer, just not for the first year. He thinks freshman need to fight through things and not expect to start -- learn. Then, after a couple of years, if things are not working out, let them transfer. He wasn't sure this would be implemented however.

Thought is was interesting that he doesn't like highlight tapes but would rather watch an entire game. Said the kids always make every 3 on highlight tapes, but you get a better feel for them when you see all of their shots.

Thought the press and exposure of Trae Young couldn't hurt and only help.

I have heard more than one coach say they like to watch an entire game because you see their engagement when they don't have the ball, how they do the little things, etc.
He says he is different than other coaches and you can still practice with team if you enter the portal. So, Rick is still practicing and may decide to stay with team. Rick sees he is getting better every day. Moser thinks he has potential.
I have heard more than one coach say they like to watch an entire game because you see their engagement when they don't have the ball, how they do the little things, etc.

I remember watching 2 full games I found on Pritchard when he was still committed. I enjoyed his speed with the ball, willingness to move the ball, & defensive intensity.
Thanks Cowboy!

Is there a way to hear that interview anywhere?
Al's best days are behind him but he often asks the right questions with OU hoops. Al was the absolute best source on OU sports back in the day.
That's the absolute truth. It broke Al's heart when he had to give up the color seat. I haven't seen him in years, but the last time I did he still proudly wore his 1984 Big 8 Champions ring. He and Billy were great friends and, make no mistake, Al knows basketball. When Tubbs was recovering from his jogging accident, Eschbach would come by the house and sit by his bedside for hours debating the merits of various strategies. In passing once, Al told me that Leonard Hamilton used to call his house after the radio show just to talk hoops.

The Thunder forever ruined Sooner hoops coverage on the Animal. But that's the way it goes sometimes.
I also think the rise of modern media past Al by a long time ago. Recruiting stuff got rise to message boards and now social media that have people that can get news of these players out much faster. ESPN has people that talk to agents that get their info out quicker. Al has no real sources anymore because he got old and left behind a long time ago. His interviews are still sometimes okay though I will agree. It's just hit or miss now.
I will say I appreciated him going down the list and asking about every player on the roster. Some dunderhead interviewers ask questions that nobody gives a ratsazz about. Lots of good info....
Thanks for posting Moser’s interview, cowboy! I liked how he took the time to breakdown the strengths of each player, but what he had to say about his coaching staff is the thing that got my attention, especially the part about their recruiting:

On the coaches: All can and have coached, and all bring something different to recruiting. Dildy has worked the AAU from coast to coast, Turner is completely connected all over texas, and Patrick has vast overseas ties. He says all are great recruiters. Sounded good. I guess we will see. It looks like they did a good job of rebuilding the team in a short period of time from the portal. We will see how they do with the high school kids

I have said more than once over the years that a head coach is no better than his assistants, and to be honest I think Lon’s staff (after Henson and Hill’s departure) was mostly to blame for the criticism he received as a recruiter. Yes, he hit a home run with players like Buddy and Trae. But for every high profile recruit his staff signed, we could all point to a project who never panned out, and at least one player who was not actually D-1 worthy. Lon was a fine man, and he was definitely the right hire when he came to Norman. He just didn’t surround himself with assistants who were great recruiters.

Time will tell, of course, if Moser is right about his staff. All we know for sure is that he and his assistants did a great job via the transfer portal in filling the voids left by departing players and in convincing our freshmen recruits to stay the course on their commitment.

This staff has also hit the ground running with recruiting. CoachTalk was correct when he said, “Staff is chasing big fish!” The question is, can they land any of those big fish? Personally, I believe we will be pleasantly surprised by what this staff will accomplish!