new LNC master plan coming


Nov 5, 2008
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today's regents agenda item 18

President Boren recommends the Board of Regents:
I. Rank in the order presented below architectural firms under consideration to
provide professional services required for a master plan for the Lloyd Noble
Center and for improvements at the facility;
II. Authorize the University administration to negotiate the terms of an agreement
and a fee for these professional services, starting with the highest-ranked firm;
III. Authorize the President or his designee to execute the consultant contract.
The Lloyd Noble Center was constructed in 1975 with a major building addition
constructed in 2002. Current building area totals approximately 264,000 gross square feet. The
need has been identified for a comprehensive master plan for facility-wide improvements. The
master planning effort will require the services of an architectural consultant to provide
programming and to assist in the development of a comprehensive program. As funding is
available and improvements projects are approved and implemented, the selected consultant will
be requested to provide professional services for project design, construction documents and
construction administration
Please let it be ribbon board, luxury boxes to downsize the arena, and taking out the wall!!
and square off the arena ...

boxes like ORU has would be perfect ..
fingers crossed that it includes getting rid of the orange seats
I thought they were going to build a basketball facility on main campus??? ;)
"New LNC Master Plan"

Hope so...

Well, I don't see that ever happening. There is too much invested into LNC to not use for basketball. It's used for too many other events (NCAA events, graduation and other school activities) to discontinue the use of LNC (see regents agenda item above!). Glad to see they are going to get a master plan developed though. I'm sure it will be 5 to 10 years before anything major is done IMO.
Well, I don't see that ever happening. There is too much invested into LNC to not use for basketball. It's used for too many other events (NCAA events, graduation and other school activities) to discontinue the use of LNC (see regents agenda item above!). Glad to see they are going to get a master plan developed though. I'm sure it will be 5 to 10 years before anything major is done IMO.

Nothing wrong with having both if the donors table it (and ive heard good things in that regard) The city of Norman can still lease the facility for it's use, concerts etc...

The fact is that OU men's basketball needs a smaller venue with better homecourt advantage architecture. 9k with boxes and a good design would be perfect for the team's future. Men's basketball is by far the second biggest revenue producer and source of national exposure in the athletic department and deserves a better venue IMO.

The women could choose to stay at the old LNC if they wanted...
If we dumped 50-60 mil into the LNC and if we do it right, it would be as nice a 10-12,000 arena as there is in the country. I like this master facility plan idea. We have piece mealed the LNC for too long and it has been way too long since any major renovation has even been considered. The seating bowl and concourse are essentially the same as when the building was built in 1975.
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Nothing wrong with having both if the donors table it (and ive heard good things in that regard) The city of Norman can still lease the facility for it's use, concerts etc...

The fact is that OU men's basketball needs a smaller venue with better homecourt advantage architecture. 9k with boxes and a good design would be perfect for the team's future. Men's basketball is by far the second biggest revenue producer and source of national exposure in the athletic department and deserves a better venue IMO.

The women could choose to stay at the old LNC if they wanted...

IMO that's a big waste of money to have 2 facilities of that nature. Especially when locker and training facilities are at LNC.

I disagree that LNC needs to be smaller. Few had a better homecourt advantage than we did in the 80's and 90's. I'm sure this masterplan will address the seating layout also. It will be interesting to see the ideas that will come from this plan.
If we dumped 50-60 mil into the LNC and if we do it right, it would be as nice a 10-12,000 arena as there is in the country. I like this master facility plan idea. We have piece mealed the LNC for too long and it has been way too long since any major renovation has even been considered. The seating bowl and concourse are essentially the same as when the building was built in 1975.

Totally agree!
nothing wrong with the LNC that 50-75 mil wouldn't fix ..

add suites and that would take it down to 11k from 13 and with another couple winning season all season tickets will be sold again
I thought they were going to build a basketball facility on main campus??? ;)


Was never gonna happen.

This is a good start. I'm not one that has complained about LNC at all, but there is no doubt that if structurally possible, there are some things that can be done to make it nicer.
The fact is that OU men's basketball needs a smaller venue with better homecourt advantage architecture.

How is that a fact when we've enjoyed one of the best home court records of the last 30 years or so?
Would OU ever consider not playing at LNC for a season during the renovation?
Renovations done other places would suggest they might have to play elsewhere for at least part of a season.

UCLA played at the LA Sports Arena while Pauley was being renovated. Clemson played at a makeshift gym while there arena was being updated.

I'm sure there are other examples. It's tough to get a $50-60 million renovation done in one off season.

It's not like football where you're just adding a deck.
Renovations done other places would suggest they might have to play elsewhere for at least part of a season.

There are certainly options available (e.g., Cox Convention Center in OKC). Of course the Fieldhouse could host several of the games against lesser opponents.

Moving games to OKC would hurt student attendance, but it may be necessary.

It might also be cool to play a home game (or two) in Tulsa.