Off Topic - Non Basketball


Nov 5, 2008
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I hope the Adm will let this one fly for a little while since it is off topic.

Guys I spent 27 yrs as a Federal Agent - I also have 11 grand kids, 7 granddaughters that I am very protective off. Today here in Memphis it was almost 70 degrees and the girls are out on spring break so I took them to the park since it has been a long hard winter. The only thing I said to my girls was if you move around the park please let me know. I put myself on a swing so that I could see my girls and then I notice a guy sitting on the fence watching the children at play. Something didn't seem right so I continued to watch him, as the children moved so did he. I never took my eyes off of him!

When my son and daughter n law arrived I ask them to watch the girls and I followed this guy around for a while. I know a lot of cops in this area so I called and had a patrol car sent to the park. I wanted to watch and see what this guy would do if a patrol car drove through the park. When he spotted the cops he went in another direction and I continued to follow until I was joined by two officers. It turns out this guy had just got out of prison for abuse.

Guys, it would have only taken a minute for this guys to take a child, please watch your babies because they are not looking for strangers.

Have a great summer but remember it's your job as a parent or grand parent to protect.


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its not the same world I grew up in... it stinks, but we won't let our 7 year old out of our sight...
its not the same world I grew up in... it stinks, but we won't let our 7 year old out of our sight...

Actually it is. The primary difference is stories of bad events go National while they were only local prior to the 90s.
Good job oketex! My wife & two youngest daughters think I go overboard when I won't let the youngest alone out in public. All it takes is a split second for disaster to occur. Better safe than sorry.
Scary stuff, oketex. Who knows what might have happened if you had not been in the park that day?

The possibilities have been one of my greatest fears for years, starting with our own children, and now with our grandchildren. My wife and daughter get upset with me when I continue to warn them about the risks of walking to their car at night in a shopping center parking lot, or jogging alone down a seldom used road or street. As Boca said, all it takes is a split second for the unthinkable to happen.

Thing is, it's impossible to protect them forever. Kids grow into adults who eventually go off on their own. All you can do is teach them about the dangers when they're young and hope most of it sticks. Praying a lot helps, too.
Thanks oketex.

I have a 9 yer old daughter that loves to be outside running around and playing. Needless to say I spend a lot of time outside too!

There's some real creeps out there.
The scary part is most of the time people aren't like oketex and don't have the courage to step in and prevent atrocious crap. Good job man!
I had a similar incident about 5 years ago at a park here in OKC. I caught an old perv using his phone to film my daughter and other kids as they played. He was sitting in his car and had a laptop up & running when I rolled in from his rear. I got a little too upset and put my hands on him. The police were called, and the perv refused to let them see what he was filming, and what was on his computer. One lady cop wanted to arrest me for assault, but the Shift Commander told the perv, if you don't agree to let us see your computer, we won't arrest him for forcibly making it impossible for you to see your computer....

The cop took me aside and warned me to not do it again. He said he believed the guy was probably a perv, but couldn't force him to show what he had on the computer, or his phone. He said he was also a father of two girls, so he understood my rage. He then said he would have done the same thing or worse, and he let me go. The lady cop was glaring at me as we loaded up & left. My wife was present, along with another single mother and her 3 kids.

I'm always aware of the people around my family. As an Investigator at DHS, and because of my own life experiences, I have seen too much. I have a friend who use to be in charge of the OKC Crimes Against Children Unit. She once told me her kids never enjoyed normal stuff like sleep overs, slumber parties, etc at any of their friend's houses. She said she saw too many cases in her 17 years, where kids were perped on, and it was usually by someone the family trusted. She had no use for the scum like you described....

I knew I was wrong for punching the guy, but I also knew he was up to no good. He was screaming for the cops to arrest me, and the cops kept telling him they would, if he would let them see his computer & phone. He refused. He asked the police if they were just going to let me get away with hitting him, and the Shift Commander told him all of the witnesses said they didn't see me hit him, they just saw him trip while exiting the vehicle and hit his face on the side of the door... :-) Needless to say I should have called the cops immediately, but I lost it when I saw what he was doing.
You weren't wrong, jmizzy!

Were you wrong in the eyes of the law? Maybe so. But I doubt if there are many fathers and grandfathers reading this thread who would not have done the same thing if they had been in your shoes. I know I would have.

There comes a time when you have to do what you think is right without any regard for the consequences. IMO, protecting your children and grandchildren from perverts is at the top of that list!
Yep, you must be vigilant with your kids. My 12 year old daughter is only allowed to go for a walk in our (upper middle class) neighborhood with a friend AND with her cell phone handy. You just can't be too careful.
This topic is so important to me, I want to share a few tips I have used with anyone who might be interested:

a) I ordered a small, easy-to-carry can of pepper spray for my wife and daughter. They don't always use them, but doing it made me feel better.

b) I also bought them a whistle they can carry on their key chain to call attention to themselves if they feel threatened.

c) This is the best tip for wives and older daughters or granddaughters. Encourage them to walk to their car in shopping center parking lots, or anywhere for that matter, with their key chain in their hand and a finger on the alarm button.

If someone they don't know approaches them, set off the alarm so the constant noise and flashing lights will draw attention to them. It's not likely the perv or would-be mugger will hang around too long. So what if it's a false alarm? Better safe than sorry!
This topic is so important to me, I want to share a few tips I have used with anyone who might be interested:

a) I ordered a small, easy-to-carry can of pepper spray for my wife and daughter. They don't always use them, but doing it made me feel better.

b) I also bought them a whistle they can carry on their key chain to call attention to themselves if they feel threatened.

c) This is the best tip for wives and older daughters or granddaughters. Encourage them to walk to their car in shopping center parking lots, or anywhere for that matter, with their key chain in their hand and a finger on the alarm button.

If someone they don't know approaches them, set off the alarm so the constant noise and flashing lights will draw attention to them. It's not likely the perv or would-be mugger will hang around too long. So what if it's a false alarm? Better safe than sorry!


Very good advice. The perps love to do what they do, quietly and without being seen. Noise and attention have scared off many a perp...
This topic is so important to me, I want to share a few tips I have used with anyone who might be interested:

a) I ordered a small, easy-to-carry can of pepper spray for my wife and daughter. They don't always use them, but doing it made me feel better.

b) I also bought them a whistle they can carry on their key chain to call attention to themselves if they feel threatened.

c) This is the best tip for wives and older daughters or granddaughters. Encourage them to walk to their car in shopping center parking lots, or anywhere for that matter, with their key chain in their hand and a finger on the alarm button.

If someone they don't know approaches them, set off the alarm so the constant noise and flashing lights will draw attention to them. It's not likely the perv or would-be mugger will hang around too long. So what if it's a false alarm? Better safe than sorry!

These are good tips and I'm going to use both of them for my wife.

Just a few years ago here in KC, a high school girl went to a Target IN THE GOOD PART OF TOWN in broad daylight (3 pm) was kidnapped by a young perv (teenager or early 20's). She was dead within 3 hours.

So, it's not just at malls, it can happen at Wal-Mart, Target or the grocery store in the middle of the day.
Guys I carry a badge says federal agent retired, I keep it where it can be seen because I also carry a weapon. Yesterday I was not carrying because I just had an eye operation and I felt it best not to carry until I'm cleared. Yesterday I just followed this guy until the cops arrived, I gave them the info I had and I was with them when they ask him for I'd and ran his sheet. What we found out didn't surprise us just from our observations of him.

Just be alert around you and you can prevent a lot.
You can be too careful. Who wants to live in a self-imposed prison? Not to mention it's often the grandparent, uncle, priest, teacher etc. who you can't really do much about (before the fact).

Question for the OP, how did you know it was a recently released offender?
These are good tips and I'm going to use both of them for my wife.

Just a few years ago here in KC, a high school girl went to a Target IN THE GOOD PART OF TOWN in broad daylight (3 pm) was kidnapped by a young perv (teenager or early 20's). She was dead within 3 hours.

So, it's not just at malls, it can happen at Wal-Mart, Target or the grocery store in the middle of the day.

She was the best friend of one of my buddies....

I rarely let any of my female friends go anywhere alone now because of this
To answer the question how we knew he was recently released from prison, one of the officer ask for his I D and he gave it to him, the officer then radio for a check and it came back with a long list of priors including the release. Now someone will ask if we were harassing this individual but I would say no, he was acting in a odd way and they were following up on a phone call that was made to the police, of course I made the call based on what I was seeing.