Open Letter to Buzz (Marquette fan)


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2010
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"Dear Buzz,

It's 3 a.m., I'm still too excited to sleep, and since the neurons in my head are misfiring like Stevie Wonder at the gun club, I figured I'd write you a letter.

Evidently, you’re human after all. So much for perennially exceeding expectations; you’ve merely met the expectations of your peers this year. What a travesty, huh?

I know you don’t read the papers and perhaps you’re not in touch with NCAA hoops fans, but I’ve got news for you: nobody likes you. That’s right… there’s no middle ground with you; people either love you or hate you. Sure, for years there existed the “lukewarm on Buzz” crowd of which 10% were ESPN freelance blogger-types who kneel at the Alter of Vitale yet have never seen your work on the court and 89.99% were Marquette fans who were hoping that maybe John Wooden would have come out of retirement to replace your predecessor. If you hear the sound of pants tearing, that’s coming from the hundreds of thousands of people who are actually picking a side and jumping off the Buzz Williams fence. Single-handedly, you’ve kept tailors across the country in business for another decade.

Of course, you know why this is happening, but you’re too modest to say it. You’ve given Cinderella Butler, Cinderella Buycks, Cinderella Crowder, Cinderella Otule, CJO, Cinderella Cadougan, (you get the picture) another chance to dance. I should be calling you the Fairy Godfather, but for fear that it would be misconstrued, I’ll refrain. But in case you’re not up to speed on annoying Disney movies from the past, please allow me to explain:

Whether by design or necessity, you picked the pick of the litter that remained after the pick was already picked. In other words, the cupboard was bare yet you successfully rounded up a bunch of middling high school & junior college athletes and gave them a second chance to play the game they love. These were the players that Division I forgot, players who were dismissed from consideration before their names even came up, players who did not have opportunities handed to them by the dozen. Whatever it is that you saw in these kids, you chose wisely. While there are some who may question your recruiting choices from a basketball perspective, take pride in knowing that as a human being, you’ve already done right by the world.

If you don’t mind, my back is getting sore, and I’m sure you’re starting to feel a draft from all this ass-kissing I’m doing, so let me get to the point. Whatever it is that you are trying to prove this season, please keep your eyes on the future. And when I say “future,” I mean it in the sense as both a week from now and 8 months from now. What lies before you is a tempting mistress (one who has been tempted by mistresses itself, apparently). You’ve got a [expletive] golden chance – tonight – to avenge the most gut-wrenching loss of the season. You have a chance to accomplish a deed in Madison Square Garden that should have been completed at the Colonelsieum earlier this year. You have a chance to embolden those who wish to destroy you (figuratively, of course). The Karmic gods are on your side. Darth Vader kneels before you, defenseless. But listen to me when I say this – have fun tonight, and let your team have fun.

You’re playing with house money right now. Granted, I would be applauding as loud as anyone in November when the ‘Big East Tournament Champions’ banner is raised in the BC, but banners are meaningless compared to the opportunity ahead. Let’s face it, there probably won’t be any banners hung this fall. While it would be a wonderful way to thank Jimmy, Joe, Dwight and Rob for their work, there are other ways to say farewell. Have fun tonight. Play your bench. Give your guys a chance to go out and have a good time at the Mecca of Naismith. When you sub-out one of the guys because he made a boneheaded decision, throw him a smile and slap him on the rear. Give Rob a chance to play outside of the dumpster, if only for a minute before a media timeout. Have fun. Don’t wear your team down. Enjoy yourselves. Cherish the moment. Play tonight’s game like the game doesn’t matter. Because it doesn’t, relatively speaking. What really matters is 8 months from now, and that starts with the other thing that matters – one week from today (or tomorrow).

This team has already proven that it can hang with the best. It’s hung with Top 5 teams multiple times this season. It’s beaten Top 25 teams numerous times. You don’t have to be the best to beat the best, you just have to be better that night. And therein lies the opportunity: this team can beat ANYONE in the country ANYWHERE. Can you do it six times in a row? Hickory Butler set the bar pretty high for the Cinderellas last year at “darn near 6.” Can you do better? It’s possible. Should you do better? Meh. Is it necessary? No.

Last year, Marquette was the “hardest working team on hardwood.” So what happened; did the team get lazy? Of course not… the “hardest working” moniker is like saying someone has a great personality. It’s a nice compliment, but it overshadows a shortcoming. You don’t call a team like yours “hard working,” you give credit where credit is due by calling them “talented," "strong," or my favorite, "dangerous." The way you’ve developed this team, you’ve sold me as a believer. Seriously… Chris Otule?!? When people said you can’t teach 6’11”, I’m pretty sure they were saying that you can teach someone who is 6’11”. But again, you’ve proved them wrong. Junior showed us a glimpse of greatness last night. Jae showed us on day 1. Vander continues to work, but it’s merely a matter of time. Even Erik, Jamail and Ox are getting into the act. And that kid who happens to be the best dressed on the bench every night - yes, Buzz, even better than you - I can’t wait to see him in Valour Blue (no relation).

So play your bench tonight. Have fun. Give everyone experience in a big game, because there will be many more to come on even larger stages – beginning this year, next week specifically. Give your guys a taste of the Sweet Sixteen in a couple weeks. Give them an opportunity to succeed on a national level, but more importantly, give them the opportunity to see what lies ahead. Don’t waste this opportunity for the sake of the temptation before you. In two weeks, walk them into an arena that the world will be watching – and when you walk out, hold your heads high regardless of the outcome. There is no better way to say farewell to yesterday than there is by saying hello to tomorrow.

Ring Out Ahoya.

Benny B";topic=25462.0