Open Letter to OU Regents, President and Athletic Director


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Dec 1, 2008
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Dear University of Oklahoma Board of Regents, President and Athletic Director:

I realize this specific forum is where one can state their opinion on any given number of topics regarding the Oklahoma Women's Basketball program. I'm asking the university principals to review the standards set forth for athletic programs at OU; the OU Athletics Department vision, mission, core values, philosophy and operating principles. Can each of you honestly state that you are holding yourselves accountable and requiring all coaches...specifically WBB Head Coach Sherri adhere to these principles established by the university and published on your website? If not, when can one expect an update/revision/amendment to the principles, OR the head coach replaced for the obvious failure of upholding the principles for a significant amount of time?

The fans and donors deserve better than the less than professional acts of Sherri Coale. Her guidance of the program has been on a steady decline over the years. And I am not only referring to skills relative to X's and O's, game time coaching, recruiting, mentorship, role modeling and leadership, or the lack thereof. But more so about simply having a desire to be a trusted shepherd of the resources allocated to the program. More importantly, the student-athletes in the WBB program over the years and current student-athletes deserve(d) better. It's not to say that everything Sherri Coale has engineered has not been beneficial and good for the program, and the student-athletes. But very little has been in accordance to the principles stated in the vision, mission, core values, philosophy and operating principles set forth for OU.

No, I don't speak for all, but I'm sure a significant number of former fans, donors and student-athletes believe it's time for a change. Past time! This is the overtime that does not seem to end and so many are fatigued. The data doesn't lie. Look at the empty seats during the games, the minimal media coverage where there had been national coverage, and the hurt stated by some of the student-athletes from over the years. I hope change comes soon. I'd like to be a fan and donor again.


To be the preferred destination for student-athletes, staff and fans to pursue championships in sport and in life.

Through developing leaders and inspiring champions, we create Sooner MAGIC.



The University of Oklahoma Department of Athletics promotes excellence in athletics without compromising excellence in academics or integrity in its commitment to rules or conduct. Student-athletes are encouraged by the coaching and administrative staff to maintain a balance between athletics, academics, and the social aspects of college.

It is believed that athletic participation gives an added dimension to the student's overall college experience and provides an opportunity for social, moral, emotional, and cultural growth and development.

The athletic programs strive to create traits that once acquired will carry over and benefit student-athletes in their personal and professional endeavors. OU maintains a tradition of excellence in intercollegiate athletics.

The Department of Athletics continues to uphold this tradition by striving to make each athletic team and individual of championship caliber. Its staff members work to instill in student-athletes an appreciation for hard work, perseverance, and pride in accomplishment. It is believed these attributes will be utilized throughout the student-athlete's life.


Based on the above philosophy and mission statement, the Department of Athletics operates under the following principles in pursuit of excellence in all endeavors:

To support student-athletes in achieving academic, athletic, and personal aspirations through the use of all financial, physical, and human resources. To identify and maintain a coaching staff committed to the best in athletic instruction, program management, support of academic mission, integrity, and possessing the ability to motivate, inspire and support the student-athlete.

To sponsor sport programs consistent with the requirements of the NCAA, Big Twelve Conference, and the University of Oklahoma. To produce athletic teams of national championship caliber engendering pride to the University and State of Oklahoma.

To adhere to the letter and spirit of the rules and regulations set forth by the University of Oklahoma, NCAA, The Big Twelve Conference, and all local, state, and federal laws. To adhere to the OU principles of equal opportunity in programs and employment.

To provide programs and training for the safety and welfare of all student-athletes, staff, spectators, and others related to Department activities and events. To exercise fiscal responsibility throughout the Athletics Department.

To positively and effectively communicate accomplishments, activities, and events that engages our constituents in active participation in response to our programs. To provide the opportunity and encourage service to the community.

To respect and appreciate the variety of constituents who have a stake in the success of our mission. To foster a positive relationship among those who have a stake in the success of our mission to include but are not limited to:

The University Community
Alumni (including former Student-Athletes)
The Student Body
The Conference Office and Game Officials
As an employee of the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine, two words I hear a lot about- Inclusion and Diversity. It appears the standards to which we are all being held are not being enforced for the HWBC. Never mind that our team is terrible, there is so much more wrong than W/L. Her failure to accept the current college female athletes diversity and include those whose religious beliefs might not mesh with her Church of Christ ethics is how we got from the Courtney Paris days, on the cusp of becoming a perennial power, to the laughing stock of the big 12
As an employee of the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine, two words I hear a lot about- Inclusion and Diversity. It appears the standards to which we are all being held are not being enforced for the HWBC. Never mind that our team is terrible, there is so much more wrong than W/L. Her failure to accept the current college female athletes diversity and include those whose religious beliefs might not mesh with her Church of Christ ethics is how we got from the Courtney Paris days, on the cusp of becoming a perennial power, to the laughing stock of the big 12

I agree Sherri is probably not following OU's I&D standards however the question becomes can those failures be documented or are they just internet rumor. No documentation no violations. No violations no charges. No charges no corrective action by the university.
As an employee of the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine, two words I hear a lot about- Inclusion and Diversity. It appears the standards to which we are all being held are not being enforced for the HWBC. Never mind that our team is terrible, there is so much more wrong than W/L. Her failure to accept the current college female athletes diversity and include those whose religious beliefs might not mesh with her Church of Christ ethics is how we got from the Courtney Paris days, on the cusp of becoming a perennial power, to the laughing stock of the big 12

An "I&D" proponent using someone's sincerely held religious beliefs to mock them without any substantiating evidence is more than I can handle." Apparently, SC is a Church of Christ religious fanatic post Courtney Paris, but prior to Courtney Paris coming on campus, she was an inclusive coach? Because that makes soooo much sense. What about the Final Four after Courtney Paris? Did we miraculously get to the Final Four with the religious fanatic SC, or was it the inclusive version? Anybody know?

There are lots of reasons for OU's demise over the last several years, and I am happy to debate them, but Sherri's faith isn't one of them. There are plenty of female athletes in OU's women's basketball program who have come and gone and do not come close to fitting the "mold" you described.
The OP may just be the most ridiculous in a long line of ridiculous posts that have appeared on this forum over the past couple of years.

I have no issue with anyone wanting SC fired for not winning enough games, or allowing the once proud Sooner program to fall to second tier status in the Big 12. Heck, I might even agree with you on some of it. But to say she needs to be canned for "not upholding the principles" of the athletic program's mission/vision/etc. is a complete overreach. You should try a different argument.
I pretty much agree with scrybe. I want to see Sherri go as soon as possible. She just can't recruit enough good players to sustain the program at a level where fans can go to LNC with the hope of competing for at least a runner up spot in the Big 12. The pathetic situation of lack of attendance is the reason to send her packing.

I love the young women who are had workers and nice people. We just need more of them. Even if you discount 2020 and so far in 2021, the situation is really bad.

My opinion.
I've been of the mindset it's time for Sherri to go but something is going on with this team we haven't seen for a while. It's not Sherri's fault 3 players opted out, Llanusa had season ending surgery and another fell to academic problems. Yet this team is playing harder, I think they are playing smarter and I wonder, are these new assistant coaches making a difference? We all know Sherri isn't the recruiter, it's always been her assistants. Maybe we are seeing a change. Let's hope so as we know Sherri isn't going anywhere for the next few years.
The OP may just be the most ridiculous in a long line of ridiculous posts that have appeared on this forum over the past couple of years.

I have no issue with anyone wanting SC fired for not winning enough games, or allowing the once proud Sooner program to fall to second tier status in the Big 12. Heck, I might even agree with you on some of it. But to say she needs to be canned for "not upholding the principles" of the athletic program's mission/vision/etc. is a complete overreach. You should try a different argument.

Scrybe, clearly the lack of effective recruiting within the WBB program is the primary problem with the program. Without athletes, there is no program. Without highly skilled athletes, there is no championship level success. I have been stating since 2007 (if not before) the problems with OU WBB recruiting. Did you read any of the vision, mission...? Very little of it (if any) can be accomplished without recruiting student-athletes that are skilled and can competitively compete in the conference and nationally. So recruiting is included along with many other things that are not being done within the program that's been detailed and discussed on this and other forums. My point was to bring attention to specific guidelines that the powers that be have put in place and published, yet SC is not held accountable to follow those guidelines versus the opinions of others.
I've been of the mindset it's time for Sherri to go but something is going on with this team we haven't seen for a while. It's not Sherri's fault 3 players opted out, Llanusa had season ending surgery and another fell to academic problems. Yet this team is playing harder, I think they are playing smarter and I wonder, are these new assistant coaches making a difference? We all know Sherri isn't the recruiter, it's always been her assistants. Maybe we are seeing a change. Let's hope so as we know Sherri isn't going anywhere for the next few years.

Agreed, especially that SC should be gone. Hopefully CParis is bringing some mental competitive coaching to the table for these young women as a former player that's been logistically EXACTLY where they have been before. No one else on the staff has been there. Each coach should have their own skill set that they bring to the table. And when they all come together, you have a very competitive team. But too many pieces are missing. If they are not allowed to recruit and sign competitive players, especially post players...they will always be the team that they are today. They'll have some success here and there, but never again a nationally ranked team on a consistent basis.
Scrybe, clearly the lack of effective recruiting within the WBB program is the primary problem with the program. Without athletes, there is no program. Without highly skilled athletes, there is no championship level success. I have been stating since 2007 (if not before) the problems with OU WBB recruiting. Did you read any of the vision, mission...? Very little of it (if any) can be accomplished without recruiting student-athletes that are skilled and can competitively compete in the conference and nationally. So recruiting is included along with many other things that are not being done within the program that's been detailed and discussed on this and other forums. My point was to bring attention to specific guidelines that the powers that be have put in place and published, yet SC is not held accountable to follow those guidelines versus the opinions of others.

Soonerbay, of course the lack of effective recruiting is one of (if not THE) the main factors in the fall of he WB program and SC's failure to maintain OU's status as a major player in the Big 12. No one – particularly me – is arguing that point.