OU played Houston's game tonight...


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
That is exactly what Houston was hoping for... Not talking about the win, but they wanted the game to get into the 80's and 90's (or 100's in this case). That's how they play.

OU played small (1 post player), a zone (which they tore to shreds), and OU tried to score with them.

It was like a wish-list that Tom Penders sent to Jeff Capel, and it was granted. You beat a team like Houston by killing them on the glass, slowing them down, and being on their guards like white on rice. OU clearly can't do this, otherwise there is no reasonable explanation for playing the game exactly how Houston wanted to.

They get pretty much nothing out of the post and were supposed to be a really bad rebounding their team. Their best rebounder was their shooting guard who had 10 rebounds.

OU was able to score with them in the first half, but that is not OU's game and they werent able to keep up with it for the whole game. At one point late in the second half Houston was outscoring OU by 20.

I won't make a bunch of threads about this game... If you look at the box you would think OU played great, they just didnt play their game. They played Houston's and they got beat.
If you look at the box you would think OU played great.

I'll look at the part that says that Houston got 17(!) offensive rebounds and say OU didn't play great. We played their game, sure. Gallon could have scored all day from inside, but we also might have turned the ball over 20 times to get it to him. Turnovers and lack of rebounding KILLED us tonight. That's reflected in the box score.

I don't necessarily think we played their game as much as we're still trying to find out what ours is, though. I don't know that we're not a fast-paced team because I don't know that we can play controlled in the half-court. Time will tell what our "style" is.
What is OU's game then?

I just want to know, cuz it seemed like when we had some form that looked like a team earlier in the game which is more than we can say in the past two performances.
What is OU's game then?

I just want to know, cuz it seemed like when we had some form that looked like a team earlier in the game which is more than we can say in the past two performances.

Who the hell knows what OU's game is right now, but I have seen enough of these Houston players and watched them enough to know this is their game. This is how Houston plays, and this is not really how Capel plays from what I have seen from him so far.

If Capel had emailed the game-plan for tonight to Tom Penders, you can bet he would be thrilled with it. It is exactly what Penders and this Houston team try to sucker other teams into.

Houston can score with pretty much anyone in the country if you play their game. OU played small, played a zone, and tried to score with them and Houston blew them out in the second half. It was exactly what they wanted.
I tend to agree bigabd...I think we played exactly the way Houston wanted us to play. I think we could become a better team if we slowed the game down and worked inside-out with Tiny. There were a few possessions in the second half where I had the feeling that Houston had no answer for Tiny. But we rarely fed him the basketball. Instead, we jacked up ridiculous shots that resulted in points on the other end.

I just can't believe how poor we are defensively. It looks like we haven't even practiced defense, and I know that can't be the case.
OU played 4 guards and got beat up on the offensive glass. Houston played at their pace and only had 7 turnovers... OU played Houston's game and turned it over 18 times.

The scoring numbers and shooting percentages indicate that OU played well... You have to be thrilled with Pledger, he played great and only had 1 turnover. Willie played a really good game too.

Their guards just played better. Lewis, Brown, and Coleman were great tonight. I mean, they combined for 70 points tonight. Three Houston guards scored 70 points. That is very impressive.
Capel is trying to play a more up tempo style right now and it is not working at all. Guys are out of control and the pace of the games are affecting things on the defensive side of the ball. I think JC needs to slow things down and start focusing on defense and rebounding as top priorities. This team will never get anywhere if they can't stop anybody.
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They just look like an AAU team out there, all offense and zero defense. Seems like everybody wants to make their own highlight instead of doing what it takes to get the best scoring opp.
i was talking to my dad on the phone this AM and said the same thing. trying to stay uptempo with a Penders team was putting the game in the UH wheelhouse.

agree with abd entirely.
Capel does not appear to know what his game is. Tom Penders knows what his game.
It looked like to me last night that when OU started the game off hot hitting three's and Houston was missing theirs and OU got up by 20 or whatever it was OU tried to step on their throats by playing "Houston-Ball" and shooting more three's, and playing faster and faster and try to bury them.

Then some shots didn't fall and Houston's did, and OU didn't know what kind of gameplan to fall back into.
It looked like to me last night that when OU started the game off hot hitting three's and Houston was missing theirs and OU got up by 20 or whatever it was OU tried to step on their throats by playing "Houston-Ball" and shooting more three's, and playing faster and faster and try to bury them. .

Exactly what happened. It's tough though as a young player, to come out hit everything you throw up then have your coach say "we need to slow it down a bit", which is exactly what OU needed to do.

It's the law of averages, you're not going to shoot like that the whole game.