Practice Reports?


Active member
Dec 3, 2008
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900 miles away so I was reduced to seeing the practice on the net. Saw quite a few people in the seats and was very envious.

Some observations from a very limited view of things;

Buddy is lethal. Seems to able to score any time he wants. We may be looking at his last year. Probably depends on defense more than offense. He was pulled in crunch time on several occasions last year.

Cousins has improved his ball handling a ton. He was even playing point some. He just seemed to be able to go wherever he wanted with the ball and did a nice job passing off. His offense looks improved too. If Woodard doesn't improve from last year you could see Buddy, Cousins and Booker playing together sometimes.

Walker looks very secure with the ball and finds the open man well. Also shoots well. Will be a quality backup at the point.

Booker is handling the ball well and made several nice assists. About the time I wondered if he could still shoot he nailed one from well beyond NBA range. Hopefully he will develop more of a medium range game. Possible because he is penetrating a lot more.

We have 5 very solid guards and they seem to be very secure with the ball.

Inside a different story. Lot of development needed there. Will be easier if Thomas is eligible. He and Spangler make a solid team. Thomas a good all-around game. Spangler seems to be working on his mid and long range game. Will be interesting to see how it develops. Spangler is the best block out guy on rebounds I have seen for a while.

I think we will see a more confident Bennett but his game looks much like last year. But he will be more consistent.

Now the young guys. I don't think either redshirts. Maybe if Thomas is eligible but they look too good to redshirt. I'm not sure I don't like McNease more than Lattin. He has a great wingspan, is pretty mobile and has nice touch. I would not be surprised to see him hit one from behind the arc. Obviously the biggest question is whether they can handle the pounding inside. They both have a lot to learn but I see them pretty equal at this time.

I love Kruger's practices. He keeps them going, uses a lot of people and seems to be on top of what is going on. His great knowledge of the game is apparent and he really has them flying around. No messing around or sloppiness.
Now the young guys. I don't think either redshirts. Maybe if Thomas is eligible but they look too good to redshirt. I'm not sure I don't like McNease more than Lattin. He has a great wingspan, is pretty mobile and has nice touch. I would not be surprised to see him hit one from behind the arc. Obviously the biggest question is whether they can handle the pounding inside. They both have a lot to learn but I see them pretty equal at this time.

I still say once the NCAA does the right thing and lets Thomas play this season, McNeace will redshirt. Redshirt and let him hang out with YoYo for that season and build him up to go along with the wingspan.