random arguments


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2008
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But, but, he was a top 75 recruit ... I have been told Jalen Hill would be lucky to crack a rotation ahead of those kind of players.

I mean shouldn't we wait and see before your flexing? I don't understand what is causing you to take a victory lap here. Being contacted on twitter is different than shooting a real offer.. and signing someone isnt proof positive that he will in fact start either.

Im anxious to see how this one goes. Im not a huge fan of Hill's basketball abilities so i know what i am betting on. Again, would have loved to have him, but no where worth like > 100k to me.
In your last post, you were bragging about how great WSU was doing based on getting him. Now you're bagging on the kid? I don't care which side you pick, but flip-flopping every post is an embarrassing look for you. Please just pick a side.

Can you read? In no way did I brag on WSU. I posted that they got two commitments today in a thread about the transfer portal. I made no comments that could even remotely be interpreted as praising either player. I think Germany is a stiff and have no clue whether the other kid is healthy enough to be a good player again. And by saying that I hope we can start signing good players and using parentheses around the word “good,” I made clear that I wasn’t implying that I’d be happy to sign warm bodies just for the sake of filling the roster.

I’d challenge you to post other examples of me supposedly flipping on an issue, but doubt you have the ability to do so.

Can you read? In no way did I brag on WSU. I posted that they got two commitments today in a thread about the transfer portal. I made no comments that could even remotely be interpreted as praising either player. I think Germany is a stiff and have no clue whether the other kid is healthy enough to be a good player again. And by saying that I hope we can start signing good players and using parentheses around the word “good,” I made clear that I wasn’t implying that I’d be happy to sign warm bodies just for the sake of filling the roster.

I’d challenge you to post other examples of me supposedly flipping on an issue, but doubt you have the ability to do so.

You made a post about WSU getting two commitments, and then immediately followed that up with a comment about wishing OU could get commitments. That may not be the message that you intended to convey, but my reading comprehension isn't the issue.

That would be a great get, but we'd need to add some shooting next to it.

Definitely. I just think finding shooters will be easier than bigs. Several have come off the board, but new ones are appearing with frequency. Finding good players under 6'5 has never been an issue at most schools.

I mean shouldn't we wait and see before your flexing? I don't understand what is causing you to take a victory lap here. Being contacted on twitter is different than shooting a real offer.. and signing someone isnt proof positive that he will in fact start either.

Im anxious to see how this one goes. Im not a huge fan of Hill's basketball abilities so i know what i am betting on. Again, would have loved to have him, but no where worth like > 100k to me.

My comment wasn’t a victory lap regarding Hill. It was pointing out how funny it is that two days after people were praising a couple Auburn guys who were top 100 recruits even though they have been awful for three years in college, we also have people saying that the guy WSU signed is so bad that an empty roster spot is more valuable. But as for Jalen, this isn’t high school recruiting where teams might spend months or years touching base with dozens of guys just so they have plans A through Z in place. Teams like KU and Houston and Baylor can be very selective in who they target in the portal, so it’s unlikely they would reach out to someone unless they have genuine interest.

I mean shouldn't we wait and see before your flexing? I don't understand what is causing you to take a victory lap here. Being contacted on twitter is different than shooting a real offer.. and signing someone isnt proof positive that he will in fact start either.

Im anxious to see how this one goes. Im not a huge fan of Hill's basketball abilities so i know what i am betting on. Again, would have loved to have him, but no where worth like > 100k to me.

You made a post about WSU getting two commitments, and then immediately followed that up with a comment about wishing OU could get commitments. That may not be the message that you intended to convey, but my reading comprehension isn't the issue.

Again, I guess the parenthetical is lost on you.

My comment wasn’t a victory lap regarding Hill. It was pointing out how funny it is that two days after people were praising a couple Auburn guys who were top 100 recruits even though they have been awful for three years in college, we also have people saying that the guy WSU signed is so bad that an empty roster spot is more valuable.

Your quotes:

"The other is a kid who had a good start to his career at Miami, but has been slowed by injuries the past two years."

"whether the other kid is healthy enough to be a good player again"

When you say "again," it implies that he previously was a good player prior to injuries. His HS rankings didn't account for him getting injured, so you're actually validating the rankings.

Nobody is claiming that HS rankings are all there is to it, but it's one of the best quantifiable ways to assess the overall talent of a roster. KU has a lot of guys getting limited minutes early in their career that go on to be stars as upper classmen or at other schools. It would have been silly to look at Cole Aldrich after his freshman year and write him off. Auburn absolutely has had one of the most talented frontcourts in the country over the last few seasons. HS rankings is one metric. Other metrics are that Jabari Smith and Kessler were first rounders or that Broome was all-SEC. You could also take in consideration that time that Hill and co were absolutely useless against Auburn's frontcourt.

Is this thread about two posters who like to argue with each other or is it a portal thread? I can’t tell.

Your quotes:

"The other is a kid who had a good start to his career at Miami, but has been slowed by injuries the past two years."

"whether the other kid is healthy enough to be a good player again"

When you say "again," it implies that he previously was a good player prior to injuries. His HS rankings didn't account for him getting injured, so you're actually validating the rankings.

Nobody is claiming that HS rankings are all there is to it, but it's one of the best quantifiable ways to assess the overall talent of a roster. KU has a lot of guys getting limited minutes early in their career that go on to be stars as upper classmen or at other schools. It would have been silly to look at Cole Aldrich after his freshman year and write him off. Auburn absolutely has had one of the most talented frontcourts in the country over the last few seasons. HS rankings is one metric. Other metrics are that Jabari Smith and Kessler were first rounders or that Broome was all-SEC. You could also take in consideration that time that Hill and co were absolutely useless against Auburn's frontcourt.

The difference being, the Miami kid had a reasonably good freshman season. The two auburn guys have been bad their entire careers and don’t have injuries to blame. It’s just odd that you’re not willing to acknowledge that three years off being a scrub is evidence that a guy isn’t good. And if Aldrich had followed a year on the bench with two more seasons on the bench, would that have been a fair sample size? These guys have played 90 games. They aren’t good. I’m not contesting that the other guys they’ve had are, but there were only two of them on this year’s roster. That’s all I’m saying. My point is simply that we would be getting a very raw player. Not that he is bad or that he will never contribute.

Traore has played one season. Just stop.

You’ve again managed to miss the point. My posts about Auburn have been directed at the comment that he didn’t play because they had 4-5 studs in a stacked front court. I pointed out that two of the studs are, in fact, awful players who have done nothing in three seasons of college. Then you came back with those players’ recruiting rankings. So, again, I’m referring to the two top 100 guys who you cited as a reason for Traore not getting much playing time. I’ll spell this out again: those guys suck, regardless of what high school rankings from three years ago say. Therefore, they are not legitimate reasons for Traore not to play. Instead, the reason he didn’t play much was because he simply isn’t ready yet. And to further simplify this for you, I also said that I’m not suggesting he won’t eventually be a good player. I simply don’t see him as someone who will be an impact guy this coming season, which is why I won’t be doing cartwheels if he signs. We would need to pair him with a guy who can come in and start this season.

You’ve again managed to miss the point. My posts about Auburn have been directed at the comment that he didn’t play because they had 4-5 studs in a stacked front court. I pointed out that two of the studs are, in fact, awful players who have done nothing in three seasons of college. Then you came back with those players’ recruiting rankings. So, again, I’m referring to the two top 100 guys who you cited as a reason for Traore not getting much playing time. I’ll spell this out again: those guys suck, regardless of what high school rankings from three years ago say. Therefore, they are not legitimate reasons for Traore not to play. Instead, the reason he didn’t play much was because he simply isn’t ready yet. And to further simplify this for you, I also said that I’m not suggesting he won’t eventually be a good player. I simply don’t see him as someone who will be an impact guy this coming season, which is why I won’t be doing cartwheels if he signs. We would need to pair him with a guy who can come in and start this season.

Who cares? Seriously, why belabor such an irrelevant point. We want Traore either way, and it doesn’t matter why the 4th and 5th other guy on the bench Auburn didn’t play. Take the loss and move on.

You’ve again managed to miss the point. My posts about Auburn have been directed at the comment that he didn’t play because they had 4-5 studs in a stacked front court. I pointed out that two of the studs are, in fact, awful players who have done nothing in three seasons of college. Then you came back with those players’ recruiting rankings. So, again, I’m referring to the two top 100 guys who you cited as a reason for Traore not getting much playing time. I’ll spell this out again: those guys suck, regardless of what high school rankings from three years ago say. Therefore, they are not legitimate reasons for Traore not to play. Instead, the reason he didn’t play much was because he simply isn’t ready yet. And to further simplify this for you, I also said that I’m not suggesting he won’t eventually be a good player. I simply don’t see him as someone who will be an impact guy this coming season, which is why I won’t be doing cartwheels if he signs. We would need to pair him with a guy who can come in and start this season.

Not attacking you here...but why does this entire thread have to be an argument?

Not attacking you here...but why does this entire thread have to be an argument?

Because several of you continue to misrepresent what I said in my original post about this player. I made a comment that was in no way controversial -- Traore is raw and therefore unlikely to make a huge impact next season if we get him. For that very benign comment, I was immediately bashed by three of four posters, some of whom have now completely fabricated my argument. I don't mind getting blowback for my opinions, but would at least prefer it to be based off something I have actually said, rather than people making stuff up.

Because several of you continue to misrepresent what I said in my original post about this player. I made a comment that was in no way controversial -- Traore is raw and therefore unlikely to make a huge impact next season if we get him. For that very benign comment, I was immediately bashed by three of four posters, some of whom have now completely fabricated my argument. I don't mind getting blowback for my opinions, but would at least prefer it to be based off something I have actually said, rather than people making stuff up.

he played behind a bunch of upper classmen ..

he may or may not be an impact guy next year ..

but you lately ALWAYS take whatever viewpoint that is negative towards the program

he played behind a bunch of upper classmen ..

he may or may not be an impact guy next year ..

but you lately ALWAYS take whatever viewpoint that is negative towards the program

And you and others always defend the program to an extreme. The MOST I've seen any of you say is "yeah, our record needs to be better."

LOL. Yeah, it does. But that is a massive understatement as to where our program currently is and the job Moser has done while here.

he played behind a bunch of upper classmen ..

he may or may not be an impact guy next year ..

but you lately ALWAYS take whatever viewpoint that is negative towards the program

Let's see, I have said Grant was a good pickup, said a lot of good things about Los and Oweh, acknowledged that Cooper is a promising newcomer, and as of last summer, was extremely optimistic about Bam.

If we can close the deal on the Pitt player, that would move the needle for me. He has actually shown that he can be successful against good college competition. Assuming he is healthy, that would be a very nice pickup. But given the number of holes on our roster, we need to sign a handful of guys who can come in an make a big impact from day one. That is a tough ask for any program, let alone one that has seen more misses than hits in the portal. So yeah, I am absolutely concerned. You can call it "negative," but it is based on two years of evidence.
I wish I could display the "popcorn eating" emoji for this thread.