Starters: 2015-2016


New member
Nov 5, 2008
Reaction score
One of the things that we learned late in the season was that it was easier to score on a putback than to shoot over someone. The defense is rarely in position for a putback while still trying to rebound.

Kay Kay emerged after midseason in this respect. We had passed the ball into her for two years and Nicole Griffin two years before that trying to get the offense started. But, Kay Kay was better if someone else shot, and she got the rebound. There isn't anyone in position to prevent you from putting it back up. You don't have to worry about your shot being blocked. I don't know that Kay Kay hit a shot from a set against West Virginia in the tournament, but she probably had ten points by halftime on putbacks. She excels at it. It takes advantage of her primary asset. She is quicker than most posts. When she began getting the offensive boards, her scoring went up almost effortlessly.

She still misses a lot when she tries to shoot over someone or keep her body between the ball and the defender. They tend to be taller and with longer arms. But, she can get putbacks almost at will. Once Vivi began to emerge, she and Kay Kay began to rotate and keep each other fresh, not just when they got fouls. It worked out well for both. They worked out so well that I'm almost inclined to list the Kay Kay/Vivi team as a starter rather than as a starter and reserve. They are just enough different to complement each other. We are stronger inside now than we have been because we have two posts who are comfortable with what they can do.

Gabbi was a freshman. She had some things to learn, like don't dribble into traps. But, by the end of the year, she was almost impossible to steal the ball from, and she seemed to be strangely effective at getting a shot off in the lane. She can handle the ball with absolute confidence. She can lead the team from the point. It is interesting that she had so many minutes in for the US team without scoring a lot. She was what they needed, someone who didn't turn it over. We probably had the fewest turnovers in years because of her confidence. If there was a problem, a lot of times her dribbling didn't result in getting people open for shots. I don't know if that was her or the rest of the team. Gabbi is now a sophomore, and she is probably the best pure point in the conference at controlling the ball. She's learning the rest as the team learns.

Peyton was our best spot shooter. She isn't the creator that I anticipated given her highschool records. I thought she would be able to create her own shot. She is much better at getting to a position and being in position to shoot off the catch. Great in-bounds shooter. We lost games in which she didn't shoot well. We have to learn to get her more open shots. She didn't really drive much effectively. Her hands do seem to be everywhere on defense. Sherri mentioned that Maddie and Peyton have learned to play together, and there were some times when Peyton made some unbelievable threes off of unbelievable assists.

Gioya began conference play hot. She cooled off. Actually, they began to try to keep her from getting the shots that she liked. But, her biggest problem was staying on the floor. She has a tendency to commit reach-in fouls that limit her time on the floor. She is extremely good at catch and shoot, even in the lane. Some of the shots that she took on passes from Kay Kay or Sharane in the lane were beautiful. We do need for Gioya to stay on the court more this year. She also has to learn that she is great at shooting when she gets her shot, but not when she doesn't. If she just goes with the flow, she should improve her scoring and increase her percentage. Don't force it.

Maddie is the inheritor of Sharane's position, not that she is a power forward, or even a forward. I like the term that they used, "The Glue." Late in the year, it was obvious that Maddie had attributes that nobody else had. She is tall enough to shoot over people, probably the only person that we have in that category. She can shoot over anyone likely to guard her. She can also create shots. Sometimes, she rebounds like she had an anger. She controls the ball so well that she was often used when the other team tried to press. They simply were not effective pressing Maddie. She showed glimpses of how good she can be, and we really need for her to put that foot forward this year. She is the one that must be our creator, provide the scoring when everyone else is covered. She is also the one that can create defensive pressure. If you remember TCU, she blocked two three point shots by simply catching the ball in midair. I'm not sure they even counted them as blocks or simply stolen passes. Her arms are so long that she was about four feet from the shooter and still took the ball out of the air. You just don't expect 6-2 guards with long arms out there blocking threes. It creates something that hasn't been in the game. If you will remember, she blocked a couple of shots by Donohoe that kept her from scoring in the first OSU game. She just couldn't shoot over Maddie. Whether Maddie is a point forward or a guard isn't clear. She'll probably guard a forward and play offense as a guard. At least twice, she was the tallest person that we had on the floor, playing post essentially.

These will be the five. They've had a year to get to know each other, as well as themselves. I look for them to emerge this year because they will know themselves and each other better. Guess what. There is only one senior on the team.

I think others will get a lot of playing time since there is enough talent to provide competent rest. But, these are the five that were on the floor at the end of the game this past year, and they will be there this year. I think they will be better than forecasters will project. I look for a second again, but I don't think there will be that much difference between one and two.
Would maddie play the 3 or 4? I am guessing she would continue with the 4 guard 1 big. But I could also see her going with a 3 guard 2 big lineup and putting vivi as a starter.
I think we'll have a four-guard offense. Is Vivi better than Gioya, Peyton, Maddie, or Gabbi? Sherri has said that Gioya and Vivi have improved, but I don't think Vivi can do the things that the other four can do. Essentially, we would have a two-post, three guard offense since neither would be an effective forward.
I think we'll have a four-guard offense. Is Vivi better than Gioya, Peyton, Maddie, or Gabbi? Sherri has said that Gioya and Vivi have improved, but I don't think Vivi can do the things that the other four can do. Essentially, we would have a two-post, three guard offense since neither would be an effective forward.

I have to agree with Syb on this one. Until we have two "bigs" that can play together and stay out of the way, Sherri will stay a one in four out approach. I hope we play alot of people early to see who gets it and who doesn't.
Syb has the line up. A more seasoned team but only one senior! Amazing.
Who will start

for OU to reach their maximum ceiling
this lineup should be ready to start

Maddie super sub off the bench at really any 4 spots.
I actually thought about that, and it may end up working that way. At the end of the year, Maddie was subbing in after about two minutes for either Sharane or Gioya, depending on who was having a bad day. Then, she'd play the rest of the half. I don't know that Maddie will start as well as she relieves when she watches, and I don't know what the effect of not starting would do to someone else. When Maddie hits the floor, she is kind of the person who has to be in charge for everything to work.
Who will start

for OU to reach their maximum ceiling
this lineup should be ready to start

Maddie super sub off the bench at really any 4 spots.

As far as the two line-ups, I would say it depends upon the match-up. One would be good for one opponent and the other for another opponent. Also, I think there is a possibility that EJ might start some games and Maddie and Vivi off the bench. And has McKenna made a big improvement? I see some question marks until the season gets going. Have no clue as to what happened over the off-season but hope some players improved.
I think the 4th starter will be Manning or EJ, I don't think Kay Kay or Vivi can play at the 4.
I think the 4th starter will be Manning or EJ, I don't think Kay Kay or Vivi can play at the 4.

This and throw a slight chance for Treece...she has some outside shooting skill.
I think any of several players may replace Sharane in the staring lineup, at least for certain matchups. McKenna, EJ, LaNesia, and Penzo all have a shot IMO and maybe Derica. Also Gioya isn't a shoo in to start, unless she can be more consistent. I would keep Vivi and Kaykay alternating except for a big team matchup. And I would see if Maddie makes the team better as a starter or a "finish the game" sub.
But sometimes Sherry Coale does give players minutes for development rather than what they can do today.
I have little doubt that the five starters will be Kay Kay, Maddie, Peyton, Gioya, and Gabbi. Some others will get a lot of time. With this team having had the experience of being together last year and learning their own attributes as well as those of their teammates, I think this team will be a bit better than a lot of people expect. I fully expect a Sweet Sixteen team that will be hard for an Elite Eight team to beat.

In order to take the next step up where we are Elite Eight or Final Four contenders, we need for someone to show some real talent like we had when we went to the prior three Final Fours: Dales, Paris, and Robinson. We had good players at all positions, but you need someone that makes it difficult for opposing teams to compete. If we have that this year, I suspect that it will be that Maddie has arisen from the world of injuries. She had the raw talent to take us that far if surrounded by good players.

It is possible that Vivi may have that ability. It may be possible that Penzo or Treece have it. We haven't seen it yet.

I think we have three players that have something that makes them difficult to contend with, providing us with the opportunity to go to a Final Four if surrounded by other players: Maddie, Nancy Mulkey, and Ana Llanusa. Each of them can be a ticket if they are as good as they appear to be.
I think the 4th starter will be Manning or EJ, I don't think Kay Kay or Vivi can play at the 4.

I agree with you. I think Maddie is the fan favorite to start but it isn't set in stone that she is Sherri's favorite to start. If she is still mistake prone, that certainly opens the door for a player like EJ, provided she is as good as advertized.
I have high hopes for EJ, but no way does she play instead of Maddie except to give her a rest. I'm such a Maddie fan.....You can just see that she is on the edge of what Syb wants (and I agree) a superior player who can take us to the Final Four.
13/1 Stanford
13/2 Quinnipiac
18/3 Texas
9/2 West Virginia
12/1 Oklahoma State
13/1 Kansas
9/1 Baylor
24/2 Kansas State
12/3 Iowa State
19/1 TCU

Of 142 turnovers by the team in the last ten games, seventeen were committed by Maddie. Now, explain to me how she was making mistakes? She had 12% of the turnovers. We were not exactly turning it over a lot in the last ten games, and Maddie was only responsible for about one in eight of our turnovers (slightly fewer). Meanwhile, she was the one handling the ball a lot of the time, especially under pressure, and she was the one trying to get the ball to some people under the basket. Where were the mistakes?
13/1 Stanford
13/2 Quinnipiac
18/3 Texas
9/2 West Virginia
12/1 Oklahoma State
13/1 Kansas
9/1 Baylor
24/2 Kansas State
12/3 Iowa State
19/1 TCU

Of 142 turnovers by the team in the last ten games, seventeen were committed by Maddie. Now, explain to me how she was making mistakes? She had 12% of the turnovers. We were not exactly turning it over a lot in the last ten games, and Maddie was only responsible for about one in eight of our turnovers (slightly fewer). Meanwhile, she was the one handling the ball a lot of the time, especially under pressure, and she was the one trying to get the ball to some people under the basket. Where were the mistakes?

But Maddie had those 12% of the turnovers while playing only played 8.7% of the minutes.
But Maddie had those 12% of the turnovers while playing only played 8.7% of the minutes.

Correct. Maddie had just about the same number of turnovers as Peyton while playing less than half the minutes that Peyton played. Same with fouls.

Those are mistakes that she needs to cut down to be the player she needs to be.
I didn't realize that Peyton was our primary ball-handler. Do you want to take into account the amount of time the ball was in Maddie's hands vs turnovers?

Peyton's job was to catch and shoot. Maddie's was to create and control. I can remember Peyton bringing up the ball against the press under pressure one time. Maddie did that most of the time, even more than Gabbi.

You are both way off base taking shots at Maddie for turnovers. She was the stabilizing effect that we finally found, the one who earned the title that she now has been given, "The Glue."
Let's make the point even more obvious. As a team, OU averaged 18 turnovers per game last year. In conference play, that went down to 15.5. When we began playing solid teams and weren't playing any weak sisters, our turnovers actually decreased. What was the difference?

There were two. 1. Gabbi began to avoid some early issues that had resulted in her losing the ball. 2. Maddie got more playing time. The combination of the two made our offense pretty stable with respect to turnovers.

In the last ten games, the turnovers were down to 14 per game. By that time, we had learned to use Maddie against pressure. But, it was also during the most serious part of our schedule: last six conference games and four tournament games.

A couple of numbers stand out. West Virginia had become a turnover-producing defense that had come back to beat Iowa State and almost came back against Texas, from something like 17-down in each game. They ramped up the pressure defense and caused turnovers. Yet, when they played us in the Big Twelve tournament, their comeback generated nine (9) OU turnovers. They were so effective against other teams, but they could not force OU into turnovers. Know who was handling the ball all the time against VW? It was Gabbi and Maddie.

We had 24 of those turnovers against one team. With the exception of Kansas State, we had 118 turnovers in nine games, meaning that one game took us from 13.1 to 14.2. Know what was interesting about that game? Maddie didn't play. She played one minute, was injured, somehow got two turnovers in a minute. She wasn't in the game during the only really bad turnover game that we had.

We became a solid team against turnovers late in the year because we got two people who could handle the ball: Gabbi and Maddie. There is a reason that Maddie is called "The Glue."
I didn't realize that Peyton was our primary ball-handler. Do you want to take into account the amount of time the ball was in Maddie's hands vs turnovers?

Peyton's job was to catch and shoot. Maddie's was to create and control. I can remember Peyton bringing up the ball against the press under pressure one time. Maddie did that most of the time, even more than Gabbi.

You are both way off base taking shots at Maddie for turnovers. She was the stabilizing effect that we finally found, the one who earned the title that she now has been given, "The Glue."

Payton can do so much more then catch and shot... The fact that she was one of our top scores, yet didn't have a lot of 3 would show she's more the. A catch and shot player... I can remember her taking players of the dribble, just not as strong as Carter. Manning could be a really good 6th man for OU she could come in and play the 1-4.