Starting Lineup


New member
Jun 1, 2014
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Unless I missed something, Lon has had the same starting 5 in every game the last two years. What are the odds he does it again?
Seems like it would be pretty low considering how many options we have at different positions, and the chance of injuries.
BUT if Buddy is back, 4 of the starters seem pretty set, so I could see Buford, Lattin, or Mayang grabbing a starting spot and holding on to it the entire year.
Well Thomas was at Houston last year, so there's that. But 4 of the same starters 3 years in row would be pretty nice. Might be the most experienced group in the country.
I think he was just meaning he made it 2 straight years starting the same 5 from start to finish of Just that season. Not necessarily the same starting 5 over the entire spam of those 2 years.
I don't think it will happen this year. Depending on the game and Buddy coming back, I could see Buford, Lattin, and Manyang all starting some games next to Spangler in the post. I would imagine the coaches will use the non-conference games to get things sorted out with the rotation.
I think he was just meaning he made it 2 straight years starting the same 5 from start to finish of Just that season. Not necessarily the same starting 5 over the entire spam of those 2 years.

Ahhh....That makes sense.