The Basketball team can save my day


New member
Nov 5, 2008
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This football game sucks. Tuogh, tough year in football. With all the injuries it is quite frankly amazing they have even competed this season. Today it looks like the defense is too tired to keep OU in the game.

I sure hope the basketball team can get a nice win tonight.
It is saddeing.

:(:(. I am huge OU basketball fan and football fan. I hate to see how bad our football team has played.

Well, At least we have a lot to look forward to in OU basketball. Our future is MUCH MUCH brighter.
Go look at the depth chart. The future of the football program is fine too. OU just had a young offense to begin with and then got crushed by injuries. On offense OU only loses three players that have made any significant contributions to the team (I did not include Bradford and Gresham in that 3 player total because they really didn't play this year and are not currently on the depth chart). Defense is returning a bunch of guys too (Jackson, Clayton, English (I added English because he played all season) and McCoy are gone - Reynolds will/should get his medical redshirt). Even special teams is dominated by underclassmen, with only the deep snapper leaving.

It was a tough season but I have no worries about the future of OU football.
Yeah, the basketball team better win tonight or I'm going to be in a foul mood for the next few days.
I'm pumped to see how our freshmen respond on the road.
Guys, I have been following OU (all sports) for 60 years and I have never seen so many 1/2 empty people at OU. I came over here to see what time the game starts and to see if it is on tv.

It is nice to be around some people who aren't about to jump ship, don't know what kind of BB season we will have but at least know one will be yelling to fire coach so and so, pull player so and so ship.

Happy Thanksgiving!:clap
Yeah, the basketball team better win tonight or I'm going to be in a foul mood for the next few days.

Next few days? I used to be theat way but I try not to allow it to bother me. In the mid-90s I late OU football negatively impact my life by ruining my weekends on a regular basis. I decided after 2000 that no matter what happens, OU will be back and I need to just take it in stride.

If you think about it, every single team has down periods. When I was in college it would have been laughable to suggest that Oklahoma, Notred Dame, Michigan, Nebraska, Miami, Penn State and FSU would all have a pretty rough stretch in the next 20 years (I am pretty sure they have all actually had losing seasons). All of those teams were consistent top 20 if not top 10 teams back then (the only reason I don't say top 10 is a I am sure they were not all in the top 10 every year). Nobody wins every game, not even Bud or Barry.
Denver, would you be so kind as to drop by the football boards and let those morons know what you just said. The problem with so many people its "all about making me feel good attitude and if I am not happy fire everyone". If the young people of today have such negative attitudes what will this country be like in another 20 to 25 years?

I am sure glad that I am old.

Thanks for the post Denver, you and your family, in fact all of you, have a great Thanksgiving and God bless the men and women serving this country.

Just about time for some Sooner Basketball!

I feel bad about the football team, however, I do not give them much leeway with the amount of money/quality of players in the program(yes, I know we have missed many starters throughout the year). We should be able to COMPETE with a .500 Tech team.

As for basketball, I will not be mad if we lose tonight because we are so YOUNG at a lot of positions. I just want to see them try and fight, anything else is a plus in the first true road game of the year.

Sorry for they cap/yelling. Just trying to emphasize.

I feel that Bob Stoops is at the point that Kelvin Sampson was at his last couple of years. And we may be closing in at a point where we need a change.
Today reminds me of 2 years ago when our football team got spanked by West Virginia in the bowl game and then less then 48 hours later our basketball team went to West Virginia, played their hearts out and won in OT.

I hope that's how our bball team plays tonight in Virginia.
Today reminds me of 2 years ago when our football team got spanked by West Virginia in the bowl game and then less then 48 hours later our basketball team went to West Virginia, played their hearts out and won in OT.

I hope that's how our bball team plays tonight in Virginia.
Basketball team beat West Va before the Fiesta Bowl beat down.
Next few days? I used to be theat way but I try not to allow it to bother me. In the mid-90s I late OU football negatively impact my life by ruining my weekends on a regular basis. I decided after 2000 that no matter what happens, OU will be back and I need to just take it in stride.

Great post, never understood why people invest so much of their emotions and overall well being based on a bunch of 18-23 year old kids.

On a side note I would act add Texas Tech is by far the trashiest university in the Big XII, and its not even close. Living in Dallas, have probably met hundreds of TT fans, can count on one hand how many I can stand.
Go look at the depth chart. The future of the football program is fine too. OU just had a young offense to begin with and then got crushed by injuries. On offense OU only loses three players that have made any significant contributions to the team (I did not include Bradford and Gresham in that 3 player total because they really didn't play this year and are not currently on the depth chart). Defense is returning a bunch of guys too (Jackson, Clayton, English (I added English because he played all season) and McCoy are gone - Reynolds will/should get his medical redshirt). Even special teams is dominated by underclassmen, with only the deep snapper leaving.

It was a tough season but I have no worries about the future of OU football.

Sorry, I am looking for something that gets excited. I see nothing. You can't prove to me that we will be any better next year. We will be losing more then we gain next year. It will take us 2 years to get back to where we need to belong, maybe longer.
Denver, would you be so kind as to drop by the football boards and let those morons know what you just said. The problem with so many people its "all about making me feel good attitude and if I am not happy fire everyone". If the young people of today have such negative attitudes what will this country be like in another 20 to 25 years?

I am sure glad that I am old.

Thanks for the post Denver, you and your family, in fact all of you, have a great Thanksgiving and God bless the men and women serving this country.

Just about time for some Sooner Basketball!


The worst thing about the internet is that it gives a voice to every moron that wants to complain. The well adjusted people watch the game, say that sucks and move on. The half full crowd will never change the half empty crowd. Both are right but I find life a lot more pleasant in the half full crowd.
Sorry, I am looking for something that gets excited. I see nothing. You can't prove to me that we will be any better next year. We will be losing more then we gain next year. It will take us 2 years to get back to where we need to belong, maybe longer.

Your right. I can't prove anything about the future. Until it gets here we will not know with certainty but I have a pretty good feeling OU will be fine next season. They may not win a national championship or even a Big XII Championship but they will have a much better season. The experience gained at Oline and receiver alone will make a big difference.

I try to remember that OU fans are lucky. We went to a University that has an excellent football program and an excellent basketball program. Many, many people went to schools that never really win. In the Big XII alone you have Tech, OSU, ISU, Missouri, Baylor and KU that have never won a Big XII Championship in Football. Basketball is about the same with a slightly different cast of characters but neither group includes OU.