This and That


Active member
Dec 3, 2008
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First, if you would have told me we would be 15-5 overall with 4 top ten wins and 5 and 3 in conference, before the season began, I would have taken it in a heart beat.

Second, our road performances keeps reminding us that we are a young and inexperienced team. We will grow and improve. Our young players are our best players.

Third, this is a lost year for the best player we had last year (Doolittle). Missing 6 months practice and play has really set him back> He will have a good year next year. Our second best player last year, had some off the court issues that really set him back this year. He is slowly coming around. Again, I expect big things next year.

Fourth, this is the most physical play I have seen allowed in my life time. Not just in the OU games, but in every game I watch on TV. Did you guys see the Michigan State vs. Maryland game. It was a wrestling match involving a basketball. I can't hardly watch it.

Fifth, it is just unbelievable how poor we are at finishing around the rim. I'm not sure how you practice that, but really, have any of you ever seen a team miss so many bunnies in your life.

And finally, I really enjoy watching this team, and trae in particular. I am hoping for a 5 and 5 finish, maybe one win in the B12 tournament, and a 5-6 seed. If this happens, it will have been a really good year. Especially, if we win one or two in the NCAA Tourney.

My dream is that trae returns, doo and Kam return to form with a vengeance, and Manek turns into a star. McNease turns into a NBA draft pick at the 5, and Polla turns into a decent backup player at the post. We would be a final 5 caliber team. If CJ and Odomes improve a little and the new kids are good, who knows.
Seems to me that OU needs more post guys with some touch from 10 feet and in... Lattin and McNease are athletes, but have no touch. Freeman has touch, but apparently lacks athletic ability.

Surely there are some European dudes out there that fit the bill. Tall, decent athletic ability, with some touch.
Are you saying McGusty is having some off the court issues?
Kam had a very close friend pass away a few months back..which has been difficult for him to deal with (which is very understandable).
Meant final 4 not 5.

With regard to McGusty, I saw an interview where he said he lost a friend, kind of burned out, and lost interest. But, felt he was getting his energy to play back and would get back to last years form. That is what I was referring to.

I like the talent on the team. It is just that most are kids that will need a few years to develop, and aren't immediate impact like trae.

At the moment, OU sort of reminds me of Baylor football during grant Teaff's tenure, were good in cycles. Bad year one, pretty good year two, really good in years 3 and 4. There was the Buddy and Cousins cycle. Then, last year we fell off the map, improved this year, and if we can keep our players, we will be really good the next couple years.

We need a really good point guard to come into the program between now and next year in case Trae leaves. JS is a good player, but I'm not sure he is a true point.
Seems to me that OU needs more post guys with some touch from 10 feet and in... Lattin and McNease are athletes, but have no touch. Freeman has touch, but apparently lacks athletic ability.

Surely there are some European dudes out there that fit the bill. Tall, decent athletic ability, with some touch.

Last year McNease was quite good from the field hitting 55%. He was especially effective with his jump hook going both ways. The year both shots have abandoned him. Make little sense.
I think McNeace has been playing with a bad ankle the past couple of weeks
Last year McNease was quite good from the field hitting 55%. He was especially effective with his jump hook going both ways. The year both shots have abandoned him. Make little sense.

McNeace is not in control of what he is trying to do offensively. He’s not in position to make those jump hooks this year, because he’s allowing himself to be pushed around by bigger, stronger players. Lattin has the same problem.