Tiny walked off during FT?

arguing with a teammate, not paying attention and causing a lane violation. terrible discipline during an incredibly frustrating evening.

What’s frustrating is going a third of the season setting pics and rolling to the goal and the guards not getting the ball to a wide open big man for a lay-up, and when they do throw the ball down low its late. Its is a shame that guards on this team cannot make a simple pic and roll pass. They better learn if they want to be successful at the next level!!!!
What’s frustrating is going a third of the season setting pics and rolling to the goal and the guards not getting the ball to a wide open big man for a lay-up, and when they do throw the ball down low its late. Its is a shame that guards on this team cannot make a simple pic and roll pass. They better learn if they want to be successful at the next level!!!!

pic and roll has nothing to do with defending, rebounding, and beating your man off the post. Blake wasn't a guy that pick and rolled alot. Blake was a guy who rebounded, outleted, and outraced his guy down the court. When is Tiny Gallon going to start doing that? And with TMG and WW being so out of control, I'm scared for them to play the pick and roll game. Really, the pick and roll is more set up for the NBA where it's exclusively one man vs. the other. In the NBA, you can't cheat off of any player. In college their might be a couple of players you can cheat off of and help on the pick and roll. What we need is the guards to reverse the ball ahead of the defense and quit playing hold and look basketball and the bigs to beat their guys to the block spots and establish pass entry lanes, preferably for baseline entry areas. Tiny stands around like a log sometimes and then runs up top to set a pick so he can get the ball back and then gets frustrated when it doesn't come his way. An experienced guy sets the pick, flashes to his pass area and then goes and sets another pick for a cutter and continues to flash till the ball comes his way. That's why the post position is the most strenous to play. You cover the most ground going baseline to baseline and you set the most picks and are the most active. When Tiny does that and doesnt camp out he'll be a force. Andrew does it some, but he's of course not as talented as Tiny.
If attitudes and performance don't improve, we may see Jeff pull a Ford and send some guys packing.
pic and roll has nothing to do with defending, rebounding, and beating your man off the post. Blake wasn't a guy that pick and rolled alot. Blake was a guy who rebounded, outleted, and outraced his guy down the court. When is Tiny Gallon going to start doing that?

I agree with BBHOUND, Wow DM, I 've seen Tiny camp out in the post wide open, so therefore he must be beating his man on the pic and roll. As far as rebounding, he is leading the team, We are not loosing because of the post dominating the games, of course you will give up some points, and Yes Tiny need to improve in that area, as do our other post players.
pic and roll has nothing to do with defending, rebounding, and beating your man off the post. Blake wasn't a guy that pick and rolled alot. Blake was a guy who rebounded, outleted, and outraced his guy down the court. When is Tiny Gallon going to start doing that? And with TMG and WW being so out of control, I'm scared for them to play the pick and roll game. Really, the pick and roll is more set up for the NBA where it's exclusively one man vs. the other. In the NBA, you can't cheat off of any player. In college their might be a couple of players you can cheat off of and help on the pick and roll. What we need is the guards to reverse the ball ahead of the defense and quit playing hold and look basketball and the bigs to beat their guys to the block spots and establish pass entry lanes, preferably for baseline entry areas. Tiny stands around like a log sometimes and then runs up top to set a pick so he can get the ball back and then gets frustrated when it doesn't come his way. An experienced guy sets the pick, flashes to his pass area and then goes and sets another pick for a cutter and continues to flash till the ball comes his way. That's why the post position is the most strenous to play. You cover the most ground going baseline to baseline and you set the most picks and are the most active. When Tiny does that and doesnt camp out he'll be a force. Andrew does it some, but he's of course not as talented as Tiny.

you are right, the pic and roll has nothing to do with defending, rebounding, but almost every time he pics and rolls he beats his man and he is wide open, everyone that is watching can see it except OU's guards. Tiny is not trying to be Blake Griffin! It looks like Tiny is doing what every it takes to try to win, He has lost more games with this team than He has lost in his entire life!! If I was scared that my guards could not run the the best play in the history of basketball I would bring someone off the bench that can make simple pass that most 9th grade guards can make!! Talk about standing around, Tiny's is almost at 9 rebounds per game. I don't think someone standing around like a log can avg. 9 a game. If Tiny gets frustrated I can understand why, If you go back and look every game this year you will see that Tiny sets 5 or 6 pics per play. Looks like he has been waiting for 13 games for them to throw the ball to him, How long would wait before you get frustrated. Sure they have thrown to him a few times, but only a few times this year when he is open. When you pic and roll the ball should meet him at the same time. Tiny rolls and is wide open for a lay-up or a dunk, the guards either waits until the defense gets and then they throw the ball or they look the other way. The scouting report is easy to write against OU. Defend the outside shot and cut WW of from driven in because we know they are not going to pass the ball down low. I guess the team shooting 43% is a lot better than Tiny shooting 59% (maybe that is why they are losing games!!!)
I am sure Tiny feels bad about that, OU could have only lost by 13 instead of 14
I am sure Tiny feels bad about that, OU could have only lost by 13 instead of 14

It's about being disciplined and being a team player. What he did was wrong. I can understand being frustrated but there is no excuse for that.
I checked youtube and I couldn't find one single video of it. Basically what happened was Fitz was getting ready to shoot a pair of free throws and as soon as Fitz shot the first one Tiny just walks off towards the other end of the floor which ends up being a lane violation. As soon as Tiny walks back towards the bench one of the assistants just ripped into him and Capel had a confused / bewildered look on his face.

I don't know why Ting did what he did but there is no excuse for it and I wonder if Tiny will get any sort of punishment and if he does I will be all for it.

Thanks for the explanation Dan.

Makes me wonder if his head just wasn't all there and he thought it was the 2nd attempt? Its not an excuse for sure just trying to figure out why he would do it.
I went back and watched it over again several times, it looks like Tiny was talking to someone and thought it was in between shots and like he does sometimes he walks down to get ready on defense. It really don't matter if your down by 14 with 10 seconds he should have been paying attention. But to say that Tiny is not a team player I think you need to go back and watch the first 13 games, Tiny has set more pics to free up other players than anyone on this team and out of five starters he is fourth in shots taken at seven per game. (team shooting 43% Tiny shooting 59%)