TMG growing every game

In many ways, he was the forgotten recruit on this board. I'll never take for granted a playmaking pg again.
This kid is special and you can see it every game. I can only imagine once the game really slows down to him how good he can be. His shot is really good and the way he passes in space makes a team have to find him every time down the floor. His ability to penetrate and dish the ball is going to be worth 4 to 5 wins. I really like him alot and believe this is the kid that can get OU over the hump in the tourney.
The best part? He's probably going to be here 4 years. Imagine him as a senior in a few years.

this post = good


tony post = no make sense?
In many ways, he was the forgotten recruit on this board. I'll never take for granted a playmaking pg again.

Yep, guard play is so huge in college ball. The awesome thing is you'll likely have TMG for 4 years.
As TMG gets better and better this team will become more efficient. He has been improving on D. He is now a solid on the ball defender. I think the transition for a point guard is the hardest and TMG has really impressed me. We have a special player in Mason-Griffin. I salivate thinking about how he will play as an upper classmen.
if he can play like this in league play, I think he's darkhorse for B12 freshman of the year.
I think he's been our most consistent freshmen. Gallon has been good and put up better numbers because he's a little more involved in the scoring aspects of the offense, but Gallon is still basically learning a new position. With TMG the game is getting adjusted to him and he keeps getting better.
if he can play like this in league play, I think he's darkhorse for B12 freshman of the year.

Herny is blowing up at KU had high 20's yesterday. He is leading the number 1 team in the country in scoring. KU has already started to recruit for his replacement. I guess TMG could pass him with continued improvement and Henry slowing the pace. Either way I wouldn't trade TMG for Henry