Trevor Releford interview


The Red Wig
Nov 2, 2008
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Trevor Releford stands at just 5′11 but this point guard is for real. The younger brother of Kansas’ Travis Releford is making a name for himself and will be a rising senior next season. He has a lot of schools interested in him like Oklahoma, Kansas, USC, UCLA, Arizona and many more. However, they are not all on his list.

We talked to Trevor and asked him about: – his college list, his thoughts on Anthony Grant being hired at Alabama, Travis’ impact on his recruitment, when he plans on commiting, his official visit schedule, his AAU season, goals for his senior year and the #1 factor in his recruitment. Trevor decided to write a mini jounal entry on it all! *Important notes are highlighted in bold.*

“Well the list conist of Alabama, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Arizona, Minnesota, and UCLA but they haven’t offered. Alabama hiring Coach Grant was good. I think it opened stuff up for me when other schools saw them coming after me, they started to too. My brother is not playing any role in that (my recruitment), he just gives me advice on everything. I would like to make it (my commitment) before the seasons starts. My visits planned right now are Oklahoma next weekend, and Alabama after then. The following week will be Arizona or Tennessee. I haven’t decided but I will take all of them. Also Minnesota. My favorite tournament was Take5 because that was the first tournaments coaches could come and watch and I think I played the best in that tournament. My senior season I want to win it all, thats my goal, and go undefeated. The main factor (of my recruitment) is if I can see myself living there (at the school) for four years, because all the places that I’m interested in have the style of play, coaches, and academics that I want.”

Trevor certainly has a good list that will be cut down soon after he takes all of his visits. He will not be teaming up with his brother, Travis, at Kansas. Even though this is not the case, I’m sure he will make the right decision in the end. We want to thank Trevor Releford for the interview/journal and wish him the best of luck on his commitment.