Two Coaches Ejected in the Same Game


Admin Emeritus
Oct 23, 2008
Reaction score
I take the side of the officials in this one. Haith and Hurley were arguing a call on the sideline when one official tried to get them to stop. When they ignored his warning and continued the debate each coach received a technical. Hurley moved toward Haith supposedly to shake his hand. That’s when the second tech was issued that led to the ejection.

Haith and Hurley should have listened to the officials. They had a responsibility to prevent a verbal exchange on the sideline from escalating into something far worse. You can’t expect the officials to know the two coaches were good friends.
I disagree. Some of these refs need to understand it's not about them. It's not like the coaches were throwing punches or calling each other's mommas names!

It's always amazes matter what level, little league, HS, college, pros...refs are coddled at every level and if you dare say anything derogatory or in some cases look at them wrong...people are kicked out, given technical fouls, etc., etc. It doesn't even matter how incompetent or lousy the calls are...I coach my daughter's 11 year old soccer team and before EVERY season at the coaches meeting, when they discuss refs and calls...the tone instantly shifts towards basically coming across as a-holes. They say over and over how they will ALWAYS side with the call the refs make...regardless of how pathetic the call is.

We live in a country where people are allowed to CONSTANTLY ridicule our PRESIDENT...I mean call him whatever you want, and that's acceptable...but question the refereeing at ANY level...and all hell breaks loose!!! I know it's not an easy job, but I get so effin sick and tired on the same poor calls made over and over in every sport. The OU/K-State game...had some poor calls made by the "pretty boy" Higgins more than once. The travel on CJ, when he was bumped/fouled was ridic. Charge calls are ridiculous most of the time. We didn't lose that game because of the refs by any means...but some of these guys need to realize it isn't about them!!
I disagree. Some of these refs need to understand it's not about them. It's not like the coaches were throwing punches or calling each other's mommas names!

It's always amazes matter what level, little league, HS, college, pros...refs are coddled at every level and if you dare say anything derogatory or in some cases look at them wrong...people are kicked out, given technical fouls, etc., etc. It doesn't even matter how incompetent or lousy the calls are...I coach my daughter's 11 year old soccer team and before EVERY season at the coaches meeting, when they discuss refs and calls...the tone instantly shifts towards basically coming across as a-holes. They say over and over how they will ALWAYS side with the call the refs make...regardless of how pathetic the call is.

We live in a country where people are allowed to CONSTANTLY ridicule our PRESIDENT...I mean call him whatever you want, and that's acceptable...but question the refereeing at ANY level...and all hell breaks loose!!! I know it's not an easy job, but I get so effin sick and tired on the same poor calls made over and over in every sport. The OU/K-State game...had some poor calls made by the "pretty boy" Higgins more than once. The travel on CJ, when he was bumped/fouled was ridic. Charge calls are ridiculous most of the time. We didn't lose that game because of the refs by any means...but some of these guys need to realize it isn't about them!!

It's very annoying to hear fans complain about every call during every game. Also if a coach does it every game on every 50/50 call it gets ridiculous. If you complain about the bad call then it doesn't make much difference than if the official blows the call because you're already complaining about everything.

I would actually like to see refs T up coaches more often, and the players in the NBA. My biggest issue is that 1 coach will ride a ref the whole game & the other coach pops off once and he gets T'd because the ref is tired of hearing it.
It's very annoying to hear fans complain about every call during every game. Also if a coach does it every game on every 50/50 call it gets ridiculous. If you complain about the bad call then it doesn't make much difference than if the official blows the call because you're already complaining about everything.

I would actually like to see refs T up coaches more often, and the players in the NBA. My biggest issue is that 1 coach will ride a ref the whole game & the other coach pops off once and he gets T'd because the ref is tired of hearing it.

Totally understand your point...and I am not usually one to play the refs every time we lose. But for me, it's impossible to not get frustrated when I watch OU b-ball games and there are (IMO) so many calls made that either shouldn't be called at all or at least be consistent. I hate flopping and when a player who is 50-60+ pounds lighter brushed a bigger player who slides his a$$ in front of the smaller guy at the last second, then go's flying to the ground and the oblivious ref takes the bait and calls a charge because it "looked real" instead of actually applying some flippin common sense that what just occurred defies physics!!! I mean if it's soo obvious to everyone in the stands..why do these robots consistently reward the defensive player?? Personally, if a defender wasn't even in position and is obviously "sliding over" with the only intent of trying to get a bogus call..I would not reward him. That's not basketball. Charges SHOULD be called when the offensive player is obviously out of control and just rams into the defender (Miles Reynolds tends to do this a lot) or if the offensive player "lowers the shoulder" and plows into the defender. That's a charge. Nothing worse than a PG in transition is driving in, dished the ball across the court and some d-bag defensive player "slides" in front of him and the PG runs into him even though the ball is already across the court, yet they call a charge on a guy who isn't even near the ball..therefore is NO threat of gaining any advantage. That's the biggest BS of a call..yet these simple minded refs call that crap ALL the time!

I'll shut up now..but these guys should not be 100% sheltered from any criticism. I may only coach 11 year old girls rec soccer...but I am going to stick up for my team and question anything that I feel is significant enough to bring up...especially when it involves excessive pushing or anything that I feel is close to crossing a line. I am always amazed of the inconsistency across different refs. They clearly aren't trained enough..which if they were, that would help eliminate some of the cause for any complaining.
Totally understand your point...and I am not usually one to play the refs every time we lose. But for me, it's impossible to not get frustrated when I watch OU b-ball games and there are (IMO) so many calls made that either shouldn't be called at all or at least be consistent. I hate flopping and when a player who is 50-60+ pounds lighter brushed a bigger player who slides his a$$ in front of the smaller guy at the last second, then go's flying to the ground and the oblivious ref takes the bait and calls a charge because it "looked real" instead of actually applying some flippin common sense that what just occurred defies physics!!! I mean if it's soo obvious to everyone in the stands..why do these robots consistently reward the defensive player?? Personally, if a defender wasn't even in position and is obviously "sliding over" with the only intent of trying to get a bogus call..I would not reward him. That's not basketball. Charges SHOULD be called when the offensive player is obviously out of control and just rams into the defender (Miles Reynolds tends to do this a lot) or if the offensive player "lowers the shoulder" and plows into the defender. That's a charge. Nothing worse than a PG in transition is driving in, dished the ball across the court and some d-bag defensive player "slides" in front of him and the PG runs into him even though the ball is already across the court, yet they call a charge on a guy who isn't even near the ball..therefore is NO threat of gaining any advantage. That's the biggest BS of a call..yet these simple minded refs call that crap ALL the time!

I'll shut up now..but these guys should not be 100% sheltered from any criticism. I may only coach 11 year old girls rec soccer...but I am going to stick up for my team and question anything that I feel is significant enough to bring up...especially when it involves excessive pushing or anything that I feel is close to crossing a line. I am always amazed of the inconsistency across different refs. They clearly aren't trained enough..which if they were, that would help eliminate some of the cause for any complaining.
