What kind of career will Tony Neysmith have at Auburn?


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Oct 31, 2008
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Recently, Auburn head coach Jeff Lebo made these comments concerning Tony Neysmith.

"Tony Neysmith is a guy kind of like Quantez (Robertson), who is not a great shooter, but can defend a lot of different people on the perimeter. He can run, and he's athletic. He can play probably some point. He can play the one. He can play the two. He can play the three. So, he's a guy I think that will come in, and with his athleticism and strength, be able to supply some of the things that Tez (Quantez Robertson) did on the court."
-Jeff Lebo

On who will be the backup point guard...
"Probably (Tony) Neysmith I'm thinking that right now."
Recently, Auburn head coach Jeff Lebo made these comments concerning Tony Neysmith.

"Tony Neysmith is a guy kind of like Quantez (Robertson), who is not a great shooter, but can defend a lot of different people on the perimeter. He can run, and he's athletic. He can play probably some point. He can play the one. He can play the two. He can play the three. So, he's a guy I think that will come in, and with his athleticism and strength, be able to supply some of the things that Tez (Quantez Robertson) did on the court."
-Jeff Lebo

On who will be the backup point guard...
"Probably (Tony) Neysmith I'm thinking that right now."

Coach's speak for "not sure where this guy fits in right now, he has some work to do."
Capel said the same things about Neysmith when he came to OU and then he barely touched the floor and almost never took a shot.

He is not a true PG and isn't as quick as most PG's. He's definetly not a SG because he can't shoot. And he's a little bit too small to be a SF.

Backup PG sounds about right. The only place I could see him being successful is at a school that runs and guns constantly where he could have some chances in the open court.
I see him as a back-up point guard that can come in and really make an impact on the defensive end.

Which game was it two years ago that he started the second half and scored two quick buckets (think he got a steal as well)?
I think he can be a great college defensive player. Offensively i dont see him being anything but below average.
Not much better than he would have had at OU. He's just not very good. One of the most limited players offensively to be recruited at OU in recent history. Can you imagine watching a 2 on 2 game between teams of Tony Neysmith and Ryan Wright vs Chris Walker and Johnnie Gilbert? haha
Lebo summed it up in his first few words, he can't shoot.
Not much better than he would have had at OU. He's just not very good. One of the most limited players offensively to be recruited at OU in recent history. Can you imagine watching a 2 on 2 game between teams of Tony Neysmith and Ryan Wright vs Chris Walker and Johnnie Gilbert? haha

Gilbert would score 20.