Where is Mulkey's outrage at Baylor Situation

Let me preface with the following….I am not a Baylor fan in any way or ones figment of their imagination. Of all the competition in the Big 12…really any conference…I am most passionate about OU defeating Baylor in every sport through eternity. Now with that said…

The situation in Baylor is a travesty, such as that at Stanford involving the swimmer, Brock Turner…and so many other college campuses throughout the US. There have been MANY allegations, charges and convictions over the years. Our campuses are not immune from any of the other ill effects of society. We should not be shocked and amazed. There are the caught and the uncaught. But for the grace of God, it could have been…. Fill in the blank. OU included. This thread appears to include discussion as to why Mulkey has not been an advocate to speak against the findings on their campus regarding sexual assaults, covering up, etc. There is a post that questions why any female would attend Baylor. If one fears for their safety on a campus including a sexual assault, then they probably cannot go anywhere. If they want to make a statement, that’s another thing, but one will be hard pressed to find a campus where a sexual assault has never happened, where there have not been charges or convictions. And coverups!

More than likely, Mulkey and other employees of Baylor (like most employees of any company that has written policy and procedures) is prohibited from making statements about their employer/fellow employees without the risk of losing one’s job. It would be such a noble thing if she did. Maybe OU should take a stand and say that they will not play Baylor and accept a forfeit in a football game until all involved with wrongdoing are dismissed. Oh, that’s right! They can’t do that because they will lose money. So, I’m not willing to throw stones down the Waco way at Mulkey because she hasn’t taken a stand. There surely have been accusations if not charges of rape on the OU campus. I don’t recall any of the female coaches “taking a stand”. Further, are each of us willing to risk losing our incomes because of wrongdoing at our employment sites? Just saying…and JMHO.
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Let me preface with the following….I am not a Baylor fan in any way or ones figment of their imagination. Of all the competition in the Big 12…really any conference…I am most passionate about OU defeating Baylor in every sport through eternity. Now with that said…

The situation in Baylor is a travesty, such as that at Stanford involving the swimmer, Brock Turner…and so many other college campuses throughout the US. There have been MANY allegations, charges and convictions over the years. Our campuses are not immune from any of the other ill effects of society. We should not be shocked and amazed. There are the caught and the uncaught. But for the grace of God, it could have been…. Fill in the blank. OU included. This thread appears to include discussion as to why Mulkey has not been an advocate to speak against the findings on their campus regarding sexual assaults, covering up, etc. There is a post that questions why any female would attend Baylor. If one fears for their safety on a campus including a sexual assault, then they probably cannot go anywhere. If they want to make a statement, that’s another thing, but one will be hard pressed to find a campus where a sexual assault has never happened, where there have not been charges or convictions.

More than likely, Mulkey and other employees of Baylor (like most employees of any company that has written policy and procedures) is prohibited from making statements about their employer/fellow employees without the risk of losing one’s job. It would be such a noble thing if she did. Maybe OU should take a stand and say that they will not play Baylor and accept a forfeit in a football game until all involved with wrongdoing are dismissed. Oh, that’s right! They can’t do that because they will lose money. So, I’m not willing to throw stones down the Waco way at Mulkey because she hasn’t taken a stand. There surely have been accusations if not charges of rape on the OU campus. I don’t recall any of the female coaches “taking a stand”. Further, are each of us willing to risk losing our incomes because of wrongdoing at our employment sites? Just saying…and JMHO.

That's probably because the powers that be didn't handle the situation the way Baylor has.

When I was in school, OU had a 'Dean of Women' (not sure that's the proper term). Her name was Anona Adair. At the very minimum, you would think Baylor would have someone in a similar position who might have an opinion and speak publicly.
That's probably because the powers that be didn't handle the situation the way Baylor has.

When I was in school, OU had a 'Dean of Women' (not sure that's the proper term). Her name was Anona Adair. At the very minimum, you would think Baylor would have someone in a similar position who might have an opinion and speak publicly.

They have staff/administration far enough up the hierarchy to make a statement. I just don't believe it has to be Mulkey. And "statements" are being made. It was exposed, jobs taken/accountability, communication, and now a task force.

I think there has been enough said and we got OUr own things to work on for discussion.
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I would suggest that you examine the history of the activities of what Baylor players have done on court, things that were totally excused and justified Kim until after some other entity forced her hand. This is the exact behavior that we are observing from Briles, Starr, Bliss, etc. As long as you win, justify the behavior, blame the victim. The Griner incident, for example, was due to the Texas Tech "inciting" her, i.e., it was the victim's fault. Win at all costs, and defend your perpetrators until your hand is forced. Then, and only then, do you plead that their actions were not characteristic of you or your program.

I cannot equate inappropriate behavior such as the Griner incident with rape.
So different in so many ways and so much worse. AS I said, I believe should say something and as someone else said (I thought but didn't), that at WHICH university have you seen a woman coach speak out or ANY coach except the coach whose player was involved and often after the subject was out to the public so the coach had to? I didn't see anything by Coach Coale regarding the Sigma Alph's singing about hanging Blacks and that Blacks could never be a Sig Alph. Nor did the ever so Christian Patty Gasso have anything to say. Nor did I see either at the rally. I would say that what the Sig Alph's did was much worse than what Griner did during the heat of the game. I will also credit Griner with maturing over her time at Baylor. I do not remember her receiving flagrants or techs after that. I am sure she got away with some calls just as our players have and as have most players. The point is that just because you hate Mulkey does not mean that she has every bad emotion, ethic, behavior possible; does not mean you know what her position is on this nor if and how she might have addressed it
to the administration or even her players regarding safety.

There are rapes on the OU campus. I don't see any coaches talking about them and it doesn't matter if it is done by a student athlete or just a student, there is a rampant culture of rape on university campuses and as I have said in previous posts, everyone from the regents to the coaches to professors should be talking about it and demanding changes be made.
KU is a great example of the lawsuit that has been brought against it is true.
Two rowers raped by same football player and both rowers then treated badly by the ROWING coach.

The Griner incident, as I recall, she immediately said was wrong on Griner's part. Also, she kept her out one more game than the NCAA penalty. (Going by memory here)

I am sorry that you hate Mulkey and Baylor so much and am sorry if my comments upset you, that was not my intention.
That's probably because the powers that be didn't handle the situation the way Baylor has.

When I was in school, OU had a 'Dean of Women' (not sure that's the proper term). Her name was Anona Adair. At the very minimum, you would think Baylor would have someone in a similar position who might have an opinion and speak publicly.

I was in school from 68 to 72 and OU had a sexist environment and a culture of rape. It just wasn't talked about because rape wasn't talked about at that time. Women didn't support women at that time as much as they should have and sometimes not at all. Speaking from experience (not raped).
Let me preface with the following….I am not a Baylor fan in any way or ones figment of their imagination. Of all the competition in the Big 12…really any conference…I am most passionate about OU defeating Baylor in every sport through eternity. Now with that said…

The situation in Baylor is a travesty, such as that at Stanford involving the swimmer, Brock Turner…and so many other college campuses throughout the US. There have been MANY allegations, charges and convictions over the years. Our campuses are not immune from any of the other ill effects of society. We should not be shocked and amazed. There are the caught and the uncaught. But for the grace of God, it could have been…. Fill in the blank. OU included. This thread appears to include discussion as to why Mulkey has not been an advocate to speak against the findings on their campus regarding sexual assaults, covering up, etc. There is a post that questions why any female would attend Baylor. If one fears for their safety on a campus including a sexual assault, then they probably cannot go anywhere. If they want to make a statement, that’s another thing, but one will be hard pressed to find a campus where a sexual assault has never happened, where there have not been charges or convictions. And coverups!

More than likely, Mulkey and other employees of Baylor (like most employees of any company that has written policy and procedures) is prohibited from making statements about their employer/fellow employees without the risk of losing one’s job. It would be such a noble thing if she did. Maybe OU should take a stand and say that they will not play Baylor and accept a forfeit in a football game until all involved with wrongdoing are dismissed. Oh, that’s right! They can’t do that because they will lose money. So, I’m not willing to throw stones down the Waco way at Mulkey because she hasn’t taken a stand. There surely have been accusations if not charges of rape on the OU campus. I don’t recall any of the female coaches “taking a stand”. Further, are each of us willing to risk losing our incomes because of wrongdoing at our employment sites? Just saying…and JMHO.

well said
I cannot equate inappropriate behavior such as the Griner incident with rape.
So different in so many ways and so much worse. AS I said, I believe should say something and as someone else said (I thought but didn't), that at WHICH university have you seen a woman coach speak out or ANY coach except the coach whose player was involved and often after the subject was out to the public so the coach had to? I didn't see anything by Coach Coale regarding the Sigma Alph's singing about hanging Blacks and that Blacks could never be a Sig Alph. Nor did the ever so Christian Patty Gasso have anything to say. Nor did I see either at the rally. I would say that what the Sig Alph's did was much worse than what Griner did during the heat of the game. I will also credit Griner with maturing over her time at Baylor. I do not remember her receiving flagrants or techs after that. I am sure she got away with some calls just as our players have and as have most players. The point is that just because you hate Mulkey does not mean that she has every bad emotion, ethic, behavior possible; does not mean you know what her position is on this nor if and how she might have addressed it
to the administration or even her players regarding safety.

There are rapes on the OU campus. I don't see any coaches talking about them and it doesn't matter if it is done by a student athlete or just a student, there is a rampant culture of rape on university campuses and as I have said in previous posts, everyone from the regents to the coaches to professors should be talking about it and demanding changes be made.
KU is a great example of the lawsuit that has been brought against it is true.
Two rowers raped by same football player and both rowers then treated badly by the ROWING coach.

The Griner incident, as I recall, she immediately said was wrong on Griner's part. Also, she kept her out one more game than the NCAA penalty. (Going by memory here)

I am sorry that you hate Mulkey and Baylor so much and am sorry if my comments upset you, that was not my intention.

You are so busy comparing the severity of the crimes (both were felonies) that you are ignoring the point. The point is that Kim Mulkey has, just like Briles and the administration in this case, consistently flaunted rules, just as has been done in this case. More specifically to the point, in every case (including the Griner case), Kim began with a defense rather than an admission of guilt. She just didn't decide to punish Griner on her own. Her hand had been forced. Since Griner had been in a similar incident involving an OU player the year before which did not receive NCAA attention, there was absolutely no punishment. Thus, she only acts when necessary. Even then, she does exactly what the problem is here. She justified the original action. Griner "had been provoked" by the Texas Tech player. She made an attempt to sweep it under the rug. Ultimately, it was a two-game suspension. Is that the going rate for felonious assault and battery?

The problem is that Baylor (and Kim and Briles) exhibits the tendency to do something wrong. Then, every attempt to avoid any retribution is taken. The incident is somehow justified. Only when forced is a response taken, and the response is usually far less than what is deserved.

Want to compare severity of crimes? Baylor is involved in a cover-up of rapes. SMU received the death penalty for what?---paying recruits? I'm not even sure that is against the law in most states.
Mulkey is untouchable at Baylor. That's why I mentioned her.
You might be right about other women's leaders at Baylor afraid for their jobs.
But Mulkey?? Seriously.
And Mulkey speaking out would shake the Baylor fan base out of their LaLaLand
Bring Back Briles Idiot Realm.
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I would suggest that you examine the history of the activities of what Baylor players have done on court, things that were totally excused and justified Kim until after some other entity forced her hand. This is the exact behavior that we are observing from Briles, Starr, Bliss, etc. As long as you win, justify the behavior, blame the victim. The Griner incident, for example, was due to the Texas Tech "inciting" her, i.e., it was the victim's fault. Win at all costs, and defend your perpetrators until your hand is forced. Then, and only then, do you plead that their actions were not characteristic of you or your program.

I wouldn't be at all shocked if Mulkey is a total terror behind the scenes for players she deems expendable. If you remember the movie "One On One," starring Robby Benson as an expendable freshman who even gets pummeled in practice by a burly guy brought in by the evil head coach, you could probably picture Mulkey pulling something like that. I could even picture Skeletor letting Griner use a walk-on for target practice, in preparation for "being provoked."

In light of the total BU meltdown from reality overall, I do wonder if Jenni Carlson has any retroactive embarrassment over her 2015 column that was trying to make Mulkey a hero and a "villain" out of the collection of enlightened OU fans who despise her. It was truly comical, though, when some BU fan posted below it about what a "class act" she was - and it was followed by several rebuttals that included links of some of Skeletor's worst moments.

It's only a shame that a rival fan she jawed with once, I believe in Austin, wasn't Ronda Rousey. That would have been entertaining....
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You are so busy comparing the severity of the crimes (both were felonies) that you are ignoring the point. The point is that Kim Mulkey has, just like Briles and the administration in this case, consistently flaunted rules, just as has been done in this case. More specifically to the point, in every case (including the Griner case), Kim began with a defense rather than an admission of guilt. She just didn't decide to punish Griner on her own. Her hand had been forced. Since Griner had been in a similar incident involving an OU player the year before which did not receive NCAA attention, there was absolutely no punishment. Thus, she only acts when necessary. Even then, she does exactly what the problem is here. She justified the original action. Griner "had been provoked" by the Texas Tech player. She made an attempt to sweep it under the rug. Ultimately, it was a two-game suspension. Is that the going rate for felonious assault and battery?

The problem is that Baylor (and Kim and Briles) exhibits the tendency to do something wrong. Then, every attempt to avoid any retribution is taken. The incident is somehow justified. Only when forced is a response taken, and the response is usually far less than what is deserved.

Want to compare severity of crimes? Baylor is involved in a cover-up of rapes. SMU received the death penalty for what?---paying recruits? I'm not even sure that is against the law in most states.

Under the circumstances, I imagine Griner would have been charged with a misdemeanor; but let's say
both were felonies, NOT all felonies are equal. The thread was about Mulkey speaking out about the Briles and football player's (s') rapes. The thread has gone far afield from that, I did not. So whatever, Syb, this is NOT something I am going to argue with you about. Never intended to. So much hate on this board for anyone is really sad.
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Under the circumstances, I imagine Griner would have been charged with a misdemeanor; but let's say
both were felonies, NOT all felonies are equal. The thread was about Mulkey speaking out about the Briles and football player's (s') rapes. The thread has gone far afield from that, I did not. So whatever, Syb, this is NOT something I am going to argue with you about. Never intended to. So much hate on this board for anyone is really sad.
No. The thread has been about exactly that. It has been about what Mulkey's influence would be. I have provided information and asked that you examine her previous behavior which suggests that she is exactly like Briles. You have suggested that it is my hatred of Mulkey and Baylor, which is exactly what Briles and Mulkey have both done. Any criticism is not due to their lack of ethics, but rather due to your hatred and jealousy.
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No. The thread has been about exactly that. It has been about what Mulkey's influence would be. I have provided information and asked that you examine her previous behavior which suggests that she is exactly like Briles. You have suggested that it is my hatred of Mulkey and Baylor, which is exactly what Briles and Mulkey have both done. Any criticism is not due to their lack of ethics, but rather due to your hatred and jealousy.

MY HATRED AND JEALOUSY??? Just to be clear that is not what you were saying, correct? It was the general "your"?

AND as I said, I DO NOT equate the behavior or Briles and Mulkey. IF you do not see the difference in protecting a RAPIST, from the actions of Mulkey, well we have nothing to discuss or as in your case get angry about because my views are not the same as yours. AND I do think there is a lot of hate and negativity on this board. I started my thread in response to you and at the same time, though I disagreed with you, I defended you. For some people, there is just no discussion, it has to be negative and condescending. THAT I THINK is very sad for those people and for this board. (NOT saying, in the past, on political and social issues of importance, I did not get caught up, especially when I was attacked for not agreeing with some people here....I won't do that again.) I will not look at this thread again. I have said all that I believe was worth saying. (good thing there wasn't the internet during Switzer's time, I would hate for anyone to have to admit to all the wrongs done by the coaches and university to the football players and the illegal activities of the players which were ignored and the cheating of the staff of the football team and ignored by the administration.....that even now there are players on teams who could not pass many high school tests in different subjects, an example: Adrian Peterson, a very sad example) So will leave people alone to fix the Big 12 by kicking Baylor out, though not sure how that
helps the students who go there but this seems more about hating Baylor than wanting to improve the experience of college athletes, but then again, I guess these 18yo deserve it for choosing the Baptist school which they all wanted to attend or their parents wanted them to attend for years before they went there. BUT let's don't get into the political, cultural, religious, mental health aspects of our current society, not the winning at sports which is so important that there is ALWAYS griping about refs or other players, and this attitude has been perpetrated on our young people, so that kids who can't dribble the ball from one end of the court to the other and get beaten by 15 points in a 20 to 8 game talk about the refs and the other team cheating. OUT OF THIS CONVERSATION FOR GOOD. Know I will be attacked but it does not bother me. Kind of tired and sad of people on here claiming to be Christians and being so full of hate and condescension. Though an atheist, I know how it feels to be disgusted with myself for not being a better person and try everyday to do better. If I had time, I would probably edit this and make it more appeasing to the board, but I don't so will accept that I could have handled better. The internet does not lend itself to rational discussions, to understanding, to kindness but more to WHO WINS. I really was not about winning this argument but putting out a different viewpoint. Syb, I was clearly surprised with your first response to me. I know we agree on a lot of social issues and I tried to make my first response acceptable to you. I obviously failed. I will need to take much more care with initial responses before I get caught up in something like this. I don't hate anyone on this board. I don't KNOW anyone on this board. I don't know what your experiences are which includes everything physical, biological, emotional and environmental in your lives. So my wish is that we could all change our attitudes because I believe that the internet is what has lead to so much divisiveness in our country. Is the reason that so many people do not GET that having an assault rifle is NOT about the 2nd amendment, do not GET that ORLANDO would not have happened had we had reasonable gun control laws. AND if you need to shoot animals with an assault rifle, then that is NOT sport (which shooting animals for sport IS NOT a sport anyway) but it is a way to be sure you kill an animal.... and not for food or other necessary reasons but because you think it is fun (general you, not talking about anyone in particular on the board, like I said I do not know you). The internet, hate radio, hate tv has lead to a divisiveness in this country which has lead to people voting against their own interests, retweeting meme's which are lies but no one checks the source, see it ...hear it...read it...believe it. THAT is a very scary and ignorant attitude. EVERYTHING on news, whether it be written in papers and mags, put on by some unknown source on the internet, made up by newspeople on tv and the radio NEEDS to be checked on the internet using more than one source and though I think Fox news people are not intelligent or the ones that are just are not interested in anything but things that support their narrative instead of the truth, I also do not trust MSNBC or CNN. The best news I have ever received was from america.aljazeera online and from their magazine from which you could get a free app for to use on a tablet. Unfortunately, both became financially non-viable. Another source is The Christian Science Monitor.......not the religious part but the news part. (no, never been a Christian Scientist , one of magazines suggested by a professor of politics in 1970 so I subscribed.) You want to MAKE sports better or do you just want to criticize other institutions?
If so, you have to make your small world better and hopefully try to make positive changes in the entire world. But if you aren't doing that, then I am not sure how valid your complaints are about a university.........part of the problem or part of the solution. And no, I don't believe I do NEARLY enough and I do believe this and am aware because I have been studying social, political issues my entire life and wanted things to be better for all. As I said, I am an atheist but that is not the same thing as not having values or not caring for others, the country, the world. AND I do not consider myself a good person, just for some reason have these values, but also all the faults that most of us have to bigger and lesser degrees.........ego, pettiness, selfishness, anger, thus am not holding myself above anyone here. This board does not define a person and I am sure there are many persons with whom I disagree that have done many good things for many people. (I hope I completely stay out of these discussion for now on. I thought I had entered this one in a way that would not cause an angry response or responses......I will be very careful as to what discussions I enter and exactly what I say. Someone accused me of being negative towards the OU Softball team, Patty Gasso, etc, regarding my comments after the second game. I was shocked.
TO ME, watching a sport without thinking about it and what was good and what was bad is not worth watching. If I can't try to learn and don't want to know why things happen, whether it is a great game or a poor one, then there is no interest in watching. So I made some comments about the players seeming flat or off or something to that effect regarding the second game, and also something about it seemed they were out of place on a play and why didn't the coaches notice and let them know before the play..........all of a sudden I knew more than Patty Gasso.......I mean really, can we not comment on what we see. And I hope that people respond either
agreeing with me or telling me how they saw it, because I want to know about softball if I am watching it or just a game if I am watching it. I learn from other's knowledge. I didn't have the opportunity to play sports except with brothers, Mom and Dad, and friends. Missed the time when women were
a little more respected because Title ix forced it. With softball I usually have no clue what ball is being pitched unless it is just a fast ball down the middle.
Offspeed, drop balls..........maybe sometime when I have a chance I will try to find some on youtube to watch, because I want to recognize these. OH well, know this is too long but though I get the negativity here, it still disappoints me. I mean there are people who have to say negative things about other posters and there are posters that are going to suck up to every post Syb makes. (not being negative towards you Syb) It is sometimes like Junior High on here. STILL I learn from Speedy and others whose posts for the most part I do not enjoy. Thought I had a female friend on here that I wanted to include in a WNBA trip to Dallas because I thought she would enjoy and that my friends and I could help her with her friend. I understand that I haven't and that is okay. I am not looking for friends. I will stick around for info on games, talk about games, but hope to stay out of any of the hate and condescension. I have NOT walked in any of your shoes, nor Mulkey's. BUT I am not blind and if you do not see that she has emotional problems, then I am not sure about your level of observation or compassion. IF a person has emotional problems, it is up to the boss, friends, etc to get a person help or at least try and, if the boss can't then change what that person's job is or fire them. Do ANY of you think that if you had a job and had emotional problems which based on you mental health, you could not identify or admit to or know how to do better, that you would quit your job or would you continue going through you life screwing up? The perpetrator of the Orlando massacre is a good example. His ex-wife said her family saved her and that he was bi-polar. It seems pretty evident from what she said, from all his self-taken twitter pics, from things that were reported about him from co-workers that he was sick. It was only a matter of time before he hurt someone, unfortunately it had to be by way of a massacre of innocent people.
Oh well, I do wish everyone on here happiness and peace and health and I also wish that some eyes would be opened to understand what is going on with others and in this world. Wish for their to be more compassion from all of us.
MY HATRED AND JEALOUSY??? Just to be clear that is not what you were saying, correct? It was the general "your"?

AND as I said, I DO NOT equate the behavior or Briles and Mulkey. IF you do not see the difference in protecting a RAPIST, from the actions of Mulkey, well we have nothing to discuss or as in your case get angry about because my views are not the same as yours. AND I do think there is a lot of hate and negativity on this board. I started my thread in response to you and at the same time, though I disagreed with you, I defended you. For some people, there is just no discussion, it has to be negative and condescending. THAT I THINK is very sad for those people and for this board. (NOT saying, in the past, on political and social issues of importance, I did not get caught up, especially when I was attacked for not agreeing with some people here....I won't do that again.) I will not look at this thread again. I have said all that I believe was worth saying. (good thing there wasn't the internet during Switzer's time, I would hate for anyone to have to admit to all the wrongs done by the coaches and university to the football players and the illegal activities of the players which were ignored and the cheating of the staff of the football team and ignored by the administration.....that even now there are players on teams who could not pass many high school tests in different subjects, an example: Adrian Peterson, a very sad example) So will leave people alone to fix the Big 12 by kicking Baylor out, though not sure how that
helps the students who go there but this seems more about hating Baylor than wanting to improve the experience of college athletes, but then again, I guess these 18yo deserve it for choosing the Baptist school which they all wanted to attend or their parents wanted them to attend for years before they went there. BUT let's don't get into the political, cultural, religious, mental health aspects of our current society, not the winning at sports which is so important that there is ALWAYS griping about refs or other players, and this attitude has been perpetrated on our young people, so that kids who can't dribble the ball from one end of the court to the other and get beaten by 15 points in a 20 to 8 game talk about the refs and the other team cheating. OUT OF THIS CONVERSATION FOR GOOD. Know I will be attacked but it does not bother me. Kind of tired and sad of people on here claiming to be Christians and being so full of hate and condescension. Though an atheist, I know how it feels to be disgusted with myself for not being a better person and try everyday to do better. If I had time, I would probably edit this and make it more appeasing to the board, but I don't so will accept that I could have handled better. The internet does not lend itself to rational discussions, to understanding, to kindness but more to WHO WINS. I really was not about winning this argument but putting out a different viewpoint. Syb, I was clearly surprised with your first response to me. I know we agree on a lot of social issues and I tried to make my first response acceptable to you. I obviously failed. I will need to take much more care with initial responses before I get caught up in something like this. I don't hate anyone on this board. I don't KNOW anyone on this board. I don't know what your experiences are which includes everything physical, biological, emotional and environmental in your lives. So my wish is that we could all change our attitudes because I believe that the internet is what has lead to so much divisiveness in our country. Is the reason that so many people do not GET that having an assault rifle is NOT about the 2nd amendment, do not GET that ORLANDO would not have happened had we had reasonable gun control laws. AND if you need to shoot animals with an assault rifle, then that is NOT sport (which shooting animals for sport IS NOT a sport anyway) but it is a way to be sure you kill an animal.... and not for food or other necessary reasons but because you think it is fun (general you, not talking about anyone in particular on the board, like I said I do not know you). The internet, hate radio, hate tv has lead to a divisiveness in this country which has lead to people voting against their own interests, retweeting meme's which are lies but no one checks the source, see it ...hear it...read it...believe it. THAT is a very scary and ignorant attitude. EVERYTHING on news, whether it be written in papers and mags, put on by some unknown source on the internet, made up by newspeople on tv and the radio NEEDS to be checked on the internet using more than one source and though I think Fox news people are not intelligent or the ones that are just are not interested in anything but things that support their narrative instead of the truth, I also do not trust MSNBC or CNN. The best news I have ever received was from america.aljazeera online and from their magazine from which you could get a free app for to use on a tablet. Unfortunately, both became financially non-viable. Another source is The Christian Science Monitor.......not the religious part but the news part. (no, never been a Christian Scientist , one of magazines suggested by a professor of politics in 1970 so I subscribed.) You want to MAKE sports better or do you just want to criticize other institutions?
If so, you have to make your small world better and hopefully try to make positive changes in the entire world. But if you aren't doing that, then I am not sure how valid your complaints are about a university.........part of the problem or part of the solution. And no, I don't believe I do NEARLY enough and I do believe this and am aware because I have been studying social, political issues my entire life and wanted things to be better for all. As I said, I am an atheist but that is not the same thing as not having values or not caring for others, the country, the world. AND I do not consider myself a good person, just for some reason have these values, but also all the faults that most of us have to bigger and lesser degrees.........ego, pettiness, selfishness, anger, thus am not holding myself above anyone here. This board does not define a person and I am sure there are many persons with whom I disagree that have done many good things for many people. (I hope I completely stay out of these discussion for now on. I thought I had entered this one in a way that would not cause an angry response or responses......I will be very careful as to what discussions I enter and exactly what I say. Someone accused me of being negative towards the OU Softball team, Patty Gasso, etc, regarding my comments after the second game. I was shocked.
TO ME, watching a sport without thinking about it and what was good and what was bad is not worth watching. If I can't try to learn and don't want to know why things happen, whether it is a great game or a poor one, then there is no interest in watching. So I made some comments about the players seeming flat or off or something to that effect regarding the second game, and also something about it seemed they were out of place on a play and why didn't the coaches notice and let them know before the play..........all of a sudden I knew more than Patty Gasso.......I mean really, can we not comment on what we see. And I hope that people respond either
agreeing with me or telling me how they saw it, because I want to know about softball if I am watching it or just a game if I am watching it. I learn from other's knowledge. I didn't have the opportunity to play sports except with brothers, Mom and Dad, and friends. Missed the time when women were
a little more respected because Title ix forced it. With softball I usually have no clue what ball is being pitched unless it is just a fast ball down the middle.
Offspeed, drop balls..........maybe sometime when I have a chance I will try to find some on youtube to watch, because I want to recognize these. OH well, know this is too long but though I get the negativity here, it still disappoints me. I mean there are people who have to say negative things about other posters and there are posters that are going to suck up to every post Syb makes. (not being negative towards you Syb) It is sometimes like Junior High on here. STILL I learn from Speedy and others whose posts for the most part I do not enjoy. Thought I had a female friend on here that I wanted to include in a WNBA trip to Dallas because I thought she would enjoy and that my friends and I could help her with her friend. I understand that I haven't and that is okay. I am not looking for friends. I will stick around for info on games, talk about games, but hope to stay out of any of the hate and condescension. I have NOT walked in any of your shoes, nor Mulkey's. BUT I am not blind and if you do not see that she has emotional problems, then I am not sure about your level of observation or compassion. IF a person has emotional problems, it is up to the boss, friends, etc to get a person help or at least try and, if the boss can't then change what that person's job is or fire them. Do ANY of you think that if you had a job and had emotional problems which based on you mental health, you could not identify or admit to or know how to do better, that you would quit your job or would you continue going through you life screwing up? The perpetrator of the Orlando massacre is a good example. His ex-wife said her family saved her and that he was bi-polar. It seems pretty evident from what she said, from all his self-taken twitter pics, from things that were reported about him from co-workers that he was sick. It was only a matter of time before he hurt someone, unfortunately it had to be by way of a massacre of innocent people.
Oh well, I do wish everyone on here happiness and peace and health and I also wish that some eyes would be opened to understand what is going on with others and in this world. Wish for their to be more compassion from all of us.

Too long of a post to read, especially since it begins with a misconception.

your hatred and jealousy

This does not refer to you, womenssports. It refers to all of those who are said, by Baylor, Briles, Kim Mulkey, etc., to hate Baylor and be jealous of Baylor. Their contention and defense is and always has been that they are innocent, at least no worse than anyone else, and that it is the jealousy of their opponents that causes them to make accusations against the "innocence of Baylor." Same lie as is used by a lot of disgusting folks around the world.
Too long of a post to read, especially since it begins with a misconception.

This does not refer to you, womenssports. It refers to all of those who are said, by Baylor, Briles, Kim Mulkey, etc., to hate Baylor and be jealous of Baylor. Their contention and defense is and always has been that they are innocent, at least no worse than anyone else, and that it is the jealousy of their opponents that causes them to make accusations against the "innocence of Baylor." Same lie as is used by a lot of disgusting folks around the world.

I apologize for hijacking the thread, but not for the sentiment that I expressed about the Witch. I think this whole BU "Denial Isn't Just A River Called the Brazos" situation with football has made me a bit crazy. But I also haven't forgotten all the denial of what she's done - by BU fans, and even some Mulkey-sympathizers on this site, and that also sends me into orbit sometimes.
Because he is rightly entitled to due process, has a contract that probably identifies how and when the contract terms are violated. Once everything goes through the process he will get his comings. Hopefully hammered and tattooed.

Since Baylor is a private school, they are going to spread money far and wide to try to keep everyone involved quiet. Hopefully, someone will refuse their bribes and pursue their lawsuit all the way to court. You would think the NCAA would investigate and the Title IX folks, but I have my doubts.
I think that Baylor is making every effort to cover this up, and I suspect that the Big Twelve will assist them in any way possible.