Last year, I thought possibly after Gioya had those great games and then didn't play as well, it might have been because Peyton's game picked up. It seemed (and it is difficult to KNOW so this is just a perception which I believed could have been part of Gioya's problem) that it affected Gioya's play in the sense that
she didn't know whether to shoot or pass. Then her shooting accuracy was affected and then her entire game. Also, as her confidence became less in herself the team felt less in her and passed more to Peyton and Gabbi.
I understand I could be entirely off. I would just think any player could
develop some hesitancy about whether to shoot or pass when you have other options which are good.
Throwing this out here for a couple of reasons: did anyone else see this last year? also, after being out, if Gioya comes back, it would seem that it might take her a couple of games to get going and that if my first impression from last year was true then how will this type of confidence issue affect her coming back into a group that has been playing together? I have all the confidence in the world in Gioya's game except for the fact that I think she let's it get into her head. I kind of hate throwing these things out because I don't know and not wanting to argue just wondering what others see.