Why the Creighton loss frustrated me so bad ...

I wish my fellow posters and Oklahomans would get over this dust bowl mentality. We have a good basketball team to support this season. Better than last years team.

OU isn't up against it and in tough this weekend. OU's opponents are the ones with the problem. They may not, but, I expect them to win all three. It is just as likely they sweep without a serious challenge as they lose a game.

Gary, are these predictions based off of you still going to practices. Thx
Well, you know, I have been posting on this message board for about 4 seasons now. I have never been far off when evaluating OU's prospects for the season. You thought Carl Blair was a good player which is an automatic disqualifier for offering up an opposing view.

i forgot you are all knowing
Well, you know, I have been posting on this message board for about 4 seasons now. I have never been far off when evaluating OU's prospects for the season. You thought Carl Blair was a good player which is an automatic disqualifier for offering up an opposing view.

I certainly have come to respect your opinion and really hope you are right. I am thinking about taking tomorrow afternoon off work to watch that game.
Gary, are these predictions based off of you still going to practices. Thx

I don't know if I would use the word prediction. Expectation would be my preference. I'm sure that my expectations are in line with the coaching staff and the players.

Last years team would have had a big shot at winning 2 games in this deal. This group is much better.