Will OU increase salary for Jennie?


Well-known member
Nov 10, 2008
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Just wondering if they bump it again or let it remain as is...The coach at Iowa may be close to retirement could the hawks come down and sweep her away?
Just wondering if they bump it again or let it remain as is...The coach at Iowa may be close to retirement could the hawks come down and sweep her away?
yes is the answer I would think ..

Joe C is ususally pro active
I do not see Jennie jumping from team to team. I know it is Iowa, her home state, but I really think she likes her team and staff and wants to build something here. With the success that she has had, I would think she would want to stay. I also believe the AD will want to pay money to keep her. Maybe not as much in the next year or two that she could get somewhere else, but soon. Moving is not easy for family, nor her, nor is starting a new job. I certainly hope she stays several years, if not till retirement.
Jennie got a raise last year and I am sure she will get another after this year's success. Joe is good about keeping successful coaches paid well.

By the way Lisa Bluder is 62...I guess she might decide she doesn't want to coach anymore and retire but on the other hand she just had her best period of success and could easily coach another 10 years.
By the way Lisa Bluder is 62...I guess she might decide she doesn't want to coach anymore and retire but on the other hand she just had her best period of success and could easily coach another 10 years.
I really mentioned Iowa because it had been mentioned. I had no idea of the situation. I think in the last couple of years that I might have heard something about her retiring but not sure that I did and, as far as source, sure I did not follow up to get a clue as to whether it might be valid or not. Plus, maybe her assistant would be next up.
Anyway, good point re: there not being an Iowa opening now or anytime soon.
Bluder may retire noe because Caitlyn Clark will be in the WNBA.