04's Attempt: OU vs. Oral Roberts Recap


Well-known member
May 15, 2009
Reaction score
DISCLAIMER: These thoughts are not from a professional. They are from an unabashed Sooner BBall fanatic whose glasses are tinted heavily crimson. I’m not a coach, I’m not an analyst, I’m just a fan who used to write and misses the task. My knowledge of the X’s and O’s of the sport is tenuous at best. My predictions often prove folly. I once fell hard for Ray Willis. But I do love my Sooners hoopsters, often much too much. Feel free to critique but, please, be gentle.

It’s an indictment of our previous regime (thanks, Felton) that we now have to use decent D-1 programs like Oral Roberts as barometers for our progress, but such is life when your program has been gutted by a Jay-Z listening, miscreant-recruiting dunderhead.

But here we are! And this is life today in the LNC and, you know, it isn’t all that bad. We showed signs tonight of being a pretty resilient basketball team. We suffered through ten minutes of sleepwalking and followed it up with ten minutes of upper-echelon Big 12 basketball. We emerged from the locker room in the second half and appeared to have carved up another Thanksgiving dinner over the break, so sluggish was our start. But then we followed THAT up with ten more minutes of active, lead-expanding ball.

If sound, efficient basketball for 40 minutes warms your innards then you were shedding layers almost as quickly as you were looking for blankets. But if you were looking for stretches, little clues as to the ceiling of this team as the season wears on, then you were treated to some nice glimpses. I’ve always thought the sign of a good team is its ability to keep opponents at arm’s length when things get dicey and to pull away from your enemy when things get rolling. Several times tonight ORU would cut the lead to seven or eight but we never failed to find an answer. Even better, those answers often came from surprising contributors, be it an offensive board and bucket from C. J. Washington or a contested trey from Tyler Neal. Our starting five is pretty solid, but with Calvin Newell leaving to be closer to home (rumor has it he’s selling ocean front property in the suburbs of Albuquerque) we’re going to need contributions from the bench. Tonight, be it by C. J, or Tyler or Barry Honore, rest easy knowing they certainly answered the bell.

This wasn’t a Renoir out there though. ORU missed more bunnies than a heavily armed Elmer Fudd. They had lots of good looks, and lots of those good looks rattled out. We turned the ball over at some incredibly inopportune times. Our performance against ORU’s press late in the game would make even the most grizzled of nuns weep. But every time you’d glance at the scoreboard and think, “if they get a bucket here it’s going to get interesting…” we’d get a stop. There’s something to be said for that. Every time they’d cut it down to collar-tightening margins we had any number of guys willing to step up and take a shot. There’s something to be said for that too.

These guys play hard and they play together. We’re not going to set the world on fire, and we’ve got obvious flaws. We’re not going to win the conference, but you can bet Uncle Fred’s mortgage that we’re not the 9th best team in a 10-team Big 12 Conference. Bring on the Hogs!

1st: 9 [Yoi,]
2nd: 25 [La-la-loi La-la-loi,]
3rd: 15 [La-la-loi La-la-loi La-la-loi La-la-loi La-la-loi]
4th: 24 [Bump Baaaaa!]

Steven Pledger: 17
Andrew Fitzgerald: 16
Cameron Clark: 16

Cameron Clark: 8
Romero Osby: 7
C. J. Washington: 6

1. Cameron Clark: Against Sacramento State, it was Steven Pledger with the uber-efficient game. Tonight it was the pride of Grayson County coming through with a gorgeous stat line: 16 points on a mere eight shots, eight rebounds and two assists. To top it off, he’s also good for one jaw-dropping dunk a game. Tonight he channeled Clyde “the Glide” Drexler.

2. Steven Pledger: 17 points on a night he failed to make either of his two attempts from deep. That’s big-time progress. There were games last year where he’d rarely, if ever, drop a toe inside the arc, but tonight he took nine attempts from close range, making six of them. Three boards, three assists and nothing but twine on his five free throw attempts. Kid has been awfully consistent so far. Eager to see how this translates to Big 12 play.

3. C. J. Washington: I doubt we ever see another half out of C. J. as good as tonight’s opening stanza. I cannot recall how many boards he had in the opening 20 minutes, but I do know he had eight points in that time frame. But his game was well-rounded, and his post defense was very sound. We’d be foolish to expect contributions like this every night, but an unabashed fan can dream of the possibilities.

4. Shot selection: From where I sat, ORU looked pretty big. At least bigger than us, but not so big that we didn’t pursue good shots from within the paint and barely beyond. I wonder how long it’s been since we played a game while shooting only seven three-pointers. Our reward for working the ball inside was a very efficient percentage. 50 percent for the night looks awfully impressive, especially when one recalls our frigid start in the opening ten minutes.

5. Free-throw Shooting: 16 of 20. Deelish!

1. Calvin Newell: Closer to home? Good grief.

2. Casey Arent: Sigh. Why so hurried? If you get a rebound, just get it back out to the perimeter. 0-3 from three feet or less isn’t going to garner him much meaningful playing time.

3. Attendance: I love the fans that do come, and the fans that do come are loud, but I just can’t get over how few show up. As I write this I’m watching 15,000 purple-clad loons cheering their heads off for K-State in Wichita. If we played somebody from the Big East tonight in Tulsa do you think we’d have 15,000 in the building? Please, stifle your chuckles.

4. Scott Sutton: Lovely suit. Great pinstripe. Atrocious tie.

I’m really enjoying watching the improvement of this club and the wave of guys who step up from night to night. Didn’t get much offensively from Romero Osby or Sam Grooms tonight, but other guys picked up the slack. I’m still very concerned about our depth because I just don’t see seven guys being enough. Just a little help, somebody who could be that solid eighth man, would get this team much closer to turning the corner. Now is not the time to be thin with Arkansas arriving in about 40 hours.

All systems will have to be a go to offset their ball pressure. I’m anxious to see how we handle it. Football season is over. Landry has, hopefully, befuddled us for the last time. Come out and watch some basketball on Saturday! Just make sure you wash your hands before you head home. There’ll be some pigs in the house.

Thank you for your time.
Good stuff. No mention of Fitz's scoring? I thought this was one of his better offensive games of the season.
Good stuff. No mention of Fitz's scoring? I thought this was one of his better offensive games of the season.

It was but it seemed like that is all he wanted to do last night. he did more standing around and watching on the defensive side of the ball than he did so far this year. on one of Osby fouls, Fitz basically moved out the way and let the ORU player get an easy layup instead of helping on defense.
great as always ...

one things capel was telling the truth about was how athletic Osby is .. his tip dunk followed by pinning the ball block on the other end was great ... leading to the blair ally and the Clark oop
Good stuff. No mention of Fitz's scoring? I thought this was one of his better offensive games of the season.

I didnt get a chance to see the game...but from the box score alone it looks like fitz played very selfish....dude should never shoot 17 times he is not that good offensively to be shooting 17 times (noone on the team is).

And Osby only got 4 shots and made 3 of them....why didnt fitz give him the dang ball and let him shoot some to...
I didnt get a chance to see the game...but from the box score alone it looks like fitz played very selfish....dude should never shoot 17 times he is not that good offensively to be shooting 17 times (noone on the team is).

And Osby only got 4 shots and made 3 of them....why didnt fitz give him the dang ball and let him shoot some to...

Osby didn't get himself involved. He was playing out of sync and in foul trouble all game. Of Fitz's shots only a few of them were bad. He needs to work on not taking off balance jumpers. Anyway, he did his 8 of those 17. No offense, but it is pretty clear to me you didn't watch the game (mostly from your Osby comments). On a side note, why would Fitz be the guy responsible for not getting Osby involved?
Osby played a great little stretch in the 2nd half where he scored some points had a big block, couple big boards. Outside of that he didn't really show up in the game.
Osby didn't get himself involved. He was playing out of sync and in foul trouble all game. Of Fitz's shots only a few of them were bad. He needs to work on not taking off balance jumpers. Anyway, he did his 8 of those 17. No offense, but it is pretty clear to me you didn't watch the game (mostly from your Osby comments). On a side note, why would Fitz be the guy responsible for not getting Osby involved?

Lol, in my first sentence of my post i said "I didnt get a chance to watch the game" lol

Fitz is not responsible for getting osby involved...but the more fitz shoots the fewer oppertunities other guys like osby get....Once again I didnt watch the game, but judging from last year fitz had a real bad problem when he was fed in the post he never passed back out you always knew he was going to find a way to shoot
Lol, in my first sentence of my post i said "I didnt get a chance to watch the game" lol

Fitz is not responsible for getting osby involved...but the more fitz shoots the fewer oppertunities other guys like osby get....Once again I didnt watch the game, but judging from last year fitz had a real bad problem when he was fed in the post he never passed back out you always knew he was going to find a way to shoot

I meant it was obvious even without you saying anything.
Another terrific report, 04! A few here won't be happy that you started it off with an indictment of Capel's last two years, but they'll just have to deal with facts that can't (nor should they) be ignored.

I'm glad you put the spotlight on C. J. Washington. He doesn't get the chance to be there too often. He was solid in a half when two of our post players were struggling with foul trouble and with getting good shots. As I said on the game thread, that was easily the best half he has played since he came to OU.

Great job, C. J.! You, too, Cam and Steven! You were all really good when the team needed you the most.

i didn't have a problem with fitz shots

I didn't necessarily have a problem with Fitz' shots, but what I do have a concern about is that everytime he touches the ball it's going up. We saw it last year, teams would double and triple team him and the shot was still going up or a TO in the attempt to get the shot up. He could rack up assists if he would kick it out every so often.
oby needs to be more agressive (selfish) taking the ball to the rack
Other than some poor coverage when we doubled the ball up front I thought our team played very well defensively. We seem to have a knack making other teams miss close in shots. Probably the help defense we get inside makes them alter shots and shoot off balance.

We still have some rough spots but I thought overall we played well against Oral Roberts. Hopefully we will do as well against Arkansas.

I didn't feel that Fitz took that many bad shots. He seemed to be wide open most of the time. Maybe forced one a little bit inside but hit one too. May have shot one a little out of his range. 40%+ is not bad from where he shoots.

Isn't it nice to see a real team identity. Seems like we don't lose all that much whoever is in the game.

Great help defense most of the time. Great play off the bench by Washington. Hope this is a beginning of his improved play.

Think Kruger is doing a great job. Can't think of anyone I would rather have.