11 players


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Sep 23, 2013
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Just looked at the wbb roster, and all 11 players we thought would be there are there. BUT...just eleven. An injury or two, family emergency, whatever, and we are AGAIN extra short handed.
Can anyone explain why we do not/cannot fill our 15 slots so as to develop depth and some protection from injury?
One of the things about out program that seems less than as good as it could be.
We should have 12 players, but the jr college guard hasn’t appeared on the roster yet... with the high transfer rates, brining in 15 players would just be a revolving door, UNc is one school that has sometimes gone to the max, and they normally lose players left and right, unless it’s girls who don’t expect to play... Sherri doesn’t go extremely deep right now, so I would think getting 15 players would case issues with some of the kids who don’t play or the families of the players who don’t play... unless you think we would be better off getting some local high school Ok kids who don’t care about playing, are just happy for a free ride, to be playing at a school and for a team they grew up following and would be nothing more then cheerleaders.
Seldom does any school have a roster of 15 scholarship athletes in WBB. That many are just not needed. The 15 'ships allowed is to accommodate Title IX scholarship allotments by gender due to the football discrepancy.

The 2019 UConn roster has 11 members. Their 2018 roster 10 members. Notre Dame have 11 on their 2019 roster.

I think the realistic target number for most schools is 12-13 scholarship members. OU last had 13 scholarship players in 2016-17. But things happen to keep that number down frequently.


I'm more concern of the quality of players on the team and not the number
I'm more concern of the quality of players on the team and not the number

Same here, when was the last time OU had 2 players make all Conference 1st or 2nd team? Anna got 2nd team last year because she cane on strong late, but the lack of elite level talent on the roster is and has been a problem for years...
Madi Williams was an All-Conference quality player last year. But, she was kind of alone in her role with little help. She was our leading rebounder by a decent margin and was always among the leaders in the Big Twelve. She scored over 11 points. Usually, a freshman who is 11 and 8 will receive some attention. But, we really weren't in a position to showcase her.

Ana could operate outside and create her own opportunities. Taylor could shoot from outside, and we make quite a case about her not being open. The fact is that Madi was almost never open. She drew a lot of attention inside.

When you start as many freshmen and sophomores as we did last year, not everyone knows what to do on offense or defense. We let people loose for layups easily at times because we broke down at the perimeter. This guard is loose, which leads to someone else having to get out of position which leads to a wide open layup. I will be just as interested in seeing how we have learned the defense this Fall as the offense. Hopefully, last year's freshmen learned what not to do. Now, maybe they can learn what to do on defense, maybe even help this year's newcomers adapt to this thing that HS players are rarely taught.

I want to see how the perimeter shapes up. We don't really have a settled position. I think we have only two settled players at this point, Madi and Ana. A lot of people need to show us what they learned last year.
Seldom does any school have a roster of 15 scholarship athletes in WBB. That many are just not needed. The 15 'ships allowed is to accommodate Title IX scholarship allotments by gender due to the football discrepancy.

The 2019 UConn roster has 11 members. Their 2018 roster 10 members. Notre Dame have 11 on their 2019 roster.

I think the realistic target number for most schools is 12-13 scholarship members. OU last had 13 scholarship players in 2016-17. But things happen to keep that number down frequently.



When you can’t keep theplayers you recruit, you need to recruit more players. When you have the talent we’ve had the past 6 years, working harder to get a few more seems appropriate to me.

We aren’t at the UConn or N.D. Level, not even close. They can get by with 11 or 12. We need to cast a big net and hope we find some special unknowns.

Realistically, I expect another challenging year. Hopefully the two new assistant coaches can make a difference.