About Stephen Pledger

when evaluating kids, I like to compare them to other kids. Here are my comparisions: TMG= Lawson, Pledger= Kelly Newton with better handles, Tiny= blair with an outside shot, Fitzpatrick= kid that started for George mason in the middle 2 years ago when they made their run in the tournament

I think Pledger has a chance to be much better than Newton ever was, post-injury. Pledger is bigger, and is a good defender and rebounder as well.

I also wouldn't compare Tiny to one of the best inside scorers in the country last year. Their bodies are similiar, their styles of play completely different.
First, lewis is the guy I was thinking of from G. Mason.

Second, I wasn't really expressing who I think is going to be better Pledger or Newton, just that they remind me of each other. Pledger is a big thick kid, in the 6'4,5 range and can shoot. It may be that Pledger can do other things, I don't really know.

Third, my assessment of Tiny is that he is a huge, nimble kid that knows how to use his body and has soft hands/touch around the goal. This is what I have seen in the games I have watched. That description would fit Blair to a T. This being said, just as with Pledger, I don't know who will end up being better as I haven't seen Tiny play against college kids. It certainly isn't fair to compare any high school kid with someone that was a finalist for national player of the year. However, to me, they look like very similiar players from a build and skill standpoint.
I think it is clear that Coach Capel thinks highly of Cade Davis. He got solid minutes as a freshman and the bulk of the back-up minutes as a sophomore.

And he will continue to think very highly of him because Cade works so hard in practice. Its no secret that Coach really values guys that "bring it" and compete during practice.