Addison Ryan


New member
Dec 3, 2008
Reaction score
I noticed OU admissions wished her a Happy Birthday. Basically said when she blows out her candles. Admission hopes her wish is to attend OU. #go2ou
I think what I like best about her is, she can create her own shot. Last year, Gioya and Peyton were the only 2 guards last year who could do that well. We need more. I also like what her coach had to say about her various moves. Being creative in this day and time is very important. What you can't tell as much in these clips is how quick a player is. It would be helpful if they would show more defense. She appears to be a scorer first where Gabbi is a passer first. Addison is young and should improve significantly in the next 2-3 years. It will be interesting to see how hard Sherri goes after her.