An encouraging note about Cam Clark


New member
Nov 9, 2008
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Thought this was interesting a couple weeks back and got buried in a thread.

One of our posters "chico got game" who is apparently close to the Clarks and has been posting updates on his games, said a couple of weeks ago that Cam's dad hired a defensive coach to come in and work with Cam to get him better and ready to play early at OU.

If so, I really, really like the sound of that. If Cam can come in with that defensive mindset already being worked on he could be a very good defender for us on the wing Day 1 with his length and athleticism.

Also, if we were able to land the Tony Smith kid Capel was scouting last night, who is by all accounts long and athletic point juco guard/combo guard type with lots of game and a really hard worker, that would improve our perimeter defense right there.

Back to Clark, I'm again really liking the mindset this kid is going to apparently come in here with next year having already worked with a defensive coach to improve that aspect of his game.
Need to send all of our guys down there for the defensive specialist! Seriously though, i Cam can come in and play tough defense, he is a lock to see substantial minutes early and often.

Oh, and bring in three JUCO kids, two bigs and the guard at Seward!
Isn't Eduardo back in Texas, send him over to work Cam out :ez-laugh:
He is working on footwork also which is huge. It helps you defend with your body and not arms, get in position for rebounds, post up, defend on the ball, etc... He is very smart to be working on those parts of his game. I think good footwork helps a player adjust to D1 much more quickly.
I hope he works on screen defense. Our guys don't no how to navigate screens. Teams that have shooters make wings navigate through a maze of screens. PGs get screened more than anyone.