Andrew Fitzgerald and his lack of playing time

I haven't understood a single thing that has been going on with this team so far this year. From the players to the coaching. It's the main reason I have stayed off the board, other than being busy. It's just not worth my time getting into discussions and arguments about this team. It's a really frustrating team to watch and they show no consistency or signs of improvement. I like Coach Capel, he obviously can recruit, but he is not doing a good job with this team. I don't know who's fault it all is, obviously WW talked a big game this summer about being a leader and his improvement, and now he just looks like a head ache. I am not there so I have no idea what is going on, but man there is just nothing good to say about this team right now.

I was really excited about the team after the first game that I saw in person. Fitz and Pledge looked like they would fight for starting time, and like big said, Fitz didn't even play in some games. Nothing makes sense about what is going on with this team. It's like Capel is frustrated with them and is letting it effect his decision making. I don't know. I don't like to question coaches but I guess it's just cause this team is a mess and he can't seem to put together the puzzle because it is still missing a few pieces.
I have no answer for you on Fitz's playing time either because I haven't heard anything out of camp about any disciplinary issues.
Orlando Allen on the other hand has had some personal issues that has affected him mentally to missing practices and not practicing hard at the ones he makes. Fortunately it seems he has turned the corner and he alluded that he should start getting some playing time again soon.
Fitz is a guy that doesn't match up well for his position. He's not fast enough to play with a hybrid 4 and not big enough to defend 6'8 and up guys. Sometimes you have to forget about that and just put the guy out there.

Well, if he wasn't going to forget about it and put him out there, then why would he be on the team in the first place? That much should have been obvious from the get-go.