Capel confident about turnaround >>> Ft. Worth Star-Telegram

Good column. We as fans need to try to be patient (like Joe C.) and give this thing time to play out. Capel deserves at least a chance to redeem himself for his poor judgement in recruiting certain players.
Good column. We as fans need to try to be patient (like Joe C.) and give this thing time to play out. Capel deserves at least a chance to redeem himself for his poor judgement in recruiting certain players.

I agree with everything you said, sir.
Good column. We as fans need to try to be patient (like Joe C.) and give this thing time to play out. Capel deserves at least a chance to redeem himself for his poor judgement in recruiting certain players.

I go back and forth on that...Last year i was all in his corner, this year?

I can see how it is probably worth extending him some time given the failures he has had with most of his recruits, but then again, how long do we continue to let him fail?

And also add the fact that i personally am not gaga about his coaching skills...
To me these are throw away articles. They aren't worth the paper they're written on. What is he going to say, "no I'm not confident about turning this around"?
I don't think TMG, Warren and Gallon were bad recruiting decisions. The bad decisions came with Early(waste of a scholarship), Neysmith(woas), Cannon(woas), and Hardrick(woas). Then you have Orlando Allen. Opportunity to be part of this team...and most likely would be given the starting center job this season but chose to leave.

Its not good that we only have 1 player from the 07 class...0 from the 08 on this team. That right there was bad recruiting. I personally don't mine the 09 class which has 2 guys leave to play for money, 2 guys stay who are dedicated and 1 guy who is most likely gone after this season.

He needs to continue recruiting talented players that will be good enough to play right away or who they see can play 3 years down the line. No more cannons, early's, neysmiths, or Hardricks who they take to just fill a scholarship.