the pell grant they may or may not receive has 0 to do with athletics and has nothing to do with being an athlete ..
as far as the cost of headington hall .. that is not a secret .. lots of non athletes (over 50%) live there .. and have the adjoining meal plan
just like reguar students move out of the dorm and go 3 to an apt to save money so to college athletes ... it is no a "scam" ..
maybe you should pick your spots ..
Please. Try to follow along. Why do you think that Stoops and Joe C. got on the TV and beamed and gloated that Heddington Hall would be a game changer for OU? But, yet, Stoops only requires freshmen to live there.
Follow along now. The value of the room and board portion of the athletes scholarship is based on Headington Hall rates. It is new, it is pretty, and it is nice and it demands the new highest rates on campus. Higher rates than anything before it.
Now, after their freshman year when they ball players move out, they will receive a weekly check that is equal to the cost of living and eating all their meals in Headington Hall. That amount of money is much greater than what it cost them to live in other places. The players can pocket the difference between the check and he actual cost of their living expenses.
Are you with me? Before Headington Hall other schools, many of them in the SEC, had structures in place that allowed them to actually pay the players more money to come their school than OU could.
The gap between the Headington Hall rate and the actual cost of living off campus is now about equal to most. Up until now OU has been at a recruiting disadvantage to some schools. It probably wasn't a lot of money. But, to a college kid, if they can legally pocket an extra $200 a week, that could often be the difference maker as to where they went to school.
Now, because of Headington Hall, an athlete will have an opportunity to pocket as much of their room and board money as they would at other schools that are competing for their services. Probably more than most.