Cousins Picked For Pan Am Games Tryout

You would think the coaches would err on the side of picking the college kids over the older players with professional experience. I don't want to be one to say "those guys had their chance," but those guys had their chance. Picking someone like Keith Langford over a college player would deprive an amateur athlete of a marvelous opportunity.
Still awaiting the final cut. As the "roster" link below shows, some of the players competing for spots are 30 years old (e.g., Kieth Langford is 31).

Keith Langford. Now, that's a name from the past. When I hear or see that name, my thoughts go immediately to his mother. She was a frequent poster on, under the name "KLM" (Keith Langford's Mother).

CoolM will remember KLM. She was quite a character and very opinionated. She openly criticized Roy Williams for the way he was using her son. She would also call Keith out publicly if he had a bad game, or if he didn't hustle on defense or play to his potential. But, let someone else criticize the kid and all hell would break loose.

I never understood why she didn't like Kelvin Sampson? Kelvin recruited Keith out of high school (North Crowley, Willie Warren's old school), so I've got to believe that something happened during that time to get KLM riled up. My guess is KS got on her bad side when he refused to play the recruiting game with her. That's pure conjecture on my part.
Too bad Cousins was not picked to continue. As least he won't be injured playing or practicing for another team.
Too bad Cousins was not picked to continue. As least he won't be injured playing or practicing for another team.

Excellent point. Missing the cut will also give him more time working out with his teammates this summer.

So, while I would have preferred to see him make the cut, there are some positives.
Too bad. I would like to see him get some reward for all his hard work. Just like Buddy.
The Pan Am Games team is dead to me!

Seriously, there are five guys on the team who have played professionally, four of whom are 30 or older and another who's 25. I'd rather see all collegiate guys, personally, or, if we're going to go with pro players, get some NBA guys on the team.
I'd prefer he get some rest for the season anyways. Always makes me nervous when these guys finish a season, and go play on another team, then come directly home and start a new season. Relax. Get away from the game a bit. Recharge.

I worry the same about Buddy. One camp after another. It has to be exhausting, no matter how young and in shape these kids are.
I guess I'm in the minority that wanted him to make it. He's going to be playing anyways, might as well be with great coaches, organized environment, & solid competition.
I'd prefer he made the team but I think not making the team might put a little chip on his shoulder. Plus, I'm hopeful he and the coaching staff at OU got some feedback on why he was cut and what, if anything, he needs to work on. Definitely a positive to be asked to try out, actually make one cut, and bring some good competition, coaching, and skill work back to Norman and his team.

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