Culture vs Winning


Now there are reports that Joe has, or will, give Sherri an ultimatum on winning and reversing the sinking program OUWBB has become.


Interesting. Is there somewhere to go where I could read these reports? If this is actually based on something concrete, I would find it to be most interesting reading. So far, my internet research has not turned anything like this up. (And yes, I realize that just because some "professional journalist" reports something, that does not mean it is true and accurate.)
It’s been discussed on both of the unofficial OUWBB boards. This one and Sooner Norm’s board. That’s what I meant by reports.

If there had been a real stories — I would have named the official new sources. I don’t know if there have been any news stories. I’ve never searched the internet to determine that.

However, I do know for a fact that Sherri’s future has been discussed by a few local and national journalists between themselves.

I know that because I am personal friends with some of them.

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Thanks. I was wondering if there really was something concrete.

Discussions "by a few local and national journalists between themselves" is really no more insightful or useful than speculation by us on-lookers as we put forth speculation on message boards.

The normal procedure at many (most/all) athletic departments is for the AD to evaluate a coaches performance, of each coach in each sport. I think we can safely ASSUME that, after the end of the season, Joe and Sherri will discuss the state of the WBB program and what needs to be done moving forward. As a good administrator, Joe will expect a specific plan with benchmarks from Sherri.

Regardless of culture, history or prior success, Sherri needs to right the ship. It appears to be slowly sinking.
Journalists always know more than they publish. Stuff that is right, wrong and in between.

I agree every coach always goes through and end of season session with their ADs.

I don’t believe anyone believes those discussion are the same every year.

Obviously, this end-of-season review is likely to be harder on Sherri and her staff than in previous years.

This season follows a season of winning only a small number of games more than the squad lost. These two seasons have been two of the worst in Sherri’s career.

The program is struggling.

I think Joe will make it perfectly clear to Sherri that things have to improve all the way around and it needs to be sooner rather than later.

To do any less would be a dereliction of duty for him.

Joe C doesn’t mind tackling the most distasteful of his duties. There’s plenty proof of that.

That’s why I believe some of the board posts and some of my journalism contacts.

Notice I did not say he was going to fire her.

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