As long as Trump nominates a judge qualified for SCOTUS, that is all that matters to me. Some on his list were partisans and leaders of the GOP like Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton, etc. I would fight that nomination.
The names I am hearing are Amy Barrett and Barbara Lagoa. In my brief research into these two, I think it would be difficult to question their qualifications for the bench.
Barrett is basically as good as it gets, in terms of qualifications. She was the best student in her high school, graduated with the highest honors in undergrad, went to Notre Dame law school and graduated first in her class, was the editor of the Notre Dame law review, and earned all the highest honors Notre Dame can give to a law student. She's been a law professor for a long time, clerked on the SCOTUS, etc.
In other words, she is exceptional.
It's not the job of the senate to contest her on philosophical grounds. They are supposed to be judging if she is qualified to be a justice on the bench of the Supreme Court.
Just like the appointments of Kavanaugh and Gorsuch, they are exceptional legal minds. They are not partisans.
If he appoints Barrett, which I suspect he will do, it would mean he chose 3 exceptional legal minds for the bench.
Lagoa seems impressive as well, but probably not as qualified as Barrett.
Am I wrong in my mindset on this?