DEA to 22 year old Traveler: Thanks. I’ll Take That Cash

statute allows it. authorities use it. frequently. no one questions it enough.

Of course they have statutes and regulations that allow this but no statute may contradict the Constitution. I am truly amazed at the comments by Boca because I would be fine with no Miranda. Nothing in the Constitution requires idiots to be taught or reminded of their rights but three things prohibit these seizures.

I totally get the policy Perhaps more times than not the government is right. However if they can take your property without a hearing they an put you in jail or prison without a hearing.

No matter the justification citizens should not lose rights
Wake up and get in the real world people. Good lord you are up in arms about this calling it Nazi Germany but tanks are literally rolling through Ferguson Missouri and it's no big deal. Oklahoma and Texas are in the stone ages tasering people and executing them with untested drug concoctions and it's no big deal.

There were no tanks to my recollection in Ferguson Missouri or Baltimore Maryland.
There were no tanks to my recollection in Ferguson Missouri or Baltimore Maryland.

That's likely due to the fact you, like most fox brainwashed conservatives, aren't exposed to real news. It's why conservatives are so uninformed and don't even understand how the country works.

For several nights this week, tanks, combat gear and assault rifles were seen in Ferguson, Missouri. link
Armored humvees are not tanks.

I'd expect a self proclaimed genius like boca to know that.
Not one tank pictured in your link. The video says Missouri got Humvees and M-16 rifles. Not tanks. Why do you and that report lie?
Back to the original topic, here is a somewhat related story. In this case, there is a “happy ending” ... if that is the correct phrase. Read on and judge for yourself. The man that writes of this experience (by him and his wife) must have strong control over his anger reflex.

Even Innocence and Compliance is No Guarantee of Your Safety During a Police Stop


I’m grateful that we didn’t get killed. I’m grateful that my wife didn’t get assaulted. I’m grateful that they didn’t plant drugs on me or put me in the hospital. But my gratitude doesn’t change the fact that these men abused their power, disrespected my wife, laid their hands on my body in an inappropriate way, scared the hell out of us both, made us miss our show, and treated us like criminals simply because they felt entitled to do so.

They will not ruin my life, nor will they determine my destiny, but I want to put this story on the record because this was neither the first nor the second time something like this happened to me, and I sincerely believe that things like this happen all over the country. There’s this naive idea floating around that people should never be afraid of cops as long as they’re innocent and compliant. For a lot of people in this country, that’s simply not true. This isn’t about playing some mythical race-card, nor is it about me promoting the idea that all cops are evil. I’m sure there are lots of cops who are nice to their kids and fun to hang out with when they’re having beer with their buddies. (I’m also sure that’s true of a lot of so-called thugs.)

But if we want to have intelligent discussions about authority in this country, we have to stop using a logic that tells us that people in authority always have a fair reason for doing what they do. We do a lot of talking about what people can do to avoid being abused by cops. We don’t talk as much as we should about the abuse that happens to people who follow all those instructions. If we can’t question authority, we are doomed.


But why are people so often silent in the face of abuse? They don’t want to risk their careers; they don’t want to make enemies at their church; they don’t want to be associated with the wrong political party; they don’t want to be seen as liars; they don’t want anyone targeting them. And I get it. Just since I shared this on social media, people have called me a liar, a bull****ter, a slanderer, a cop hater and an attention seeker. Honestly, I can relate with those people who would rather just stay silent than suffer the indignity of the aftermath — which so often just adds insult to injury.

But then there are the people who find inspiration, perhaps to tell their own story. I wrote this for them. Some have asked why I would write something like this if I have no chance of bringing the cops to justice. My answer is that I wrote this primarily in hopes that some people’s minds will be opened and others’ hearts will be healed due to what I went through. Most importantly, I wrote this for people who stay silent — for whatever reason — will know they aren’t alone.

After reading the above linked article, I am reminded that my brother had a similar experience with the police in an OKC suburb. When my brother was in his 40s, he was stopped within a half-mile of his home, told to get out of the car, and was then physically mistreated in a very rough manner by the two police officers. He was eventually allowed to drive home from the scene, but received nothing but an arrogant, disrespectful, non-informative reply when he asked the cops why he was stopped. (He did not ask why he was roughed up.) My brother did not pursue any type of complaint, but he has never had a good thing to say about the police since.

Law enforcement personnel have a difficult job, but they should never manhandle citizens that have done nothing to provoke them.
Here's an update for the anti government folks. As usual you were 100% wrong. The DEA did a great job and like 99% of other civil forfeitures they had an abundance of evidence. The illegal funds are property of the U.S. Government, not the criminal who did not have the legal right to possess the federal reserve notes (cash). Dude was a drug dealer and they nailed him with drug money.