For many--certainly for me--the overarching focus on money is ruining college sports. I'm not naive; I know it's always been a key factor, but now it drives everything and collegiate sports are losing their luster (for me and others). Your final sentence clangs harshly on my ear (I'm not criticizing you--I'm criticizing the state of collegiate sports). A university is not a business, and neither should collegiate sports be viewed as strictly a business. As they move more in that direction, they interest and inspire me less and less.
OU men's hoops doesn't make more money on a merit system; it makes that money because men's basketball is a one of the more popular sports. But men's sports got a decades-long head start on women's sports. If we only funnel money into perpetuating the status quo, not only is it, in my opinion, unjust, we will miss out on a great deal of fun and joy. Women deserve their place at the table. Asking that they bring in as much money as the men at this stage is not only unrealistic, it's impossible. Men's sports have an entrenched advantage that certainly isn't going away any time soon and may never do so.