Does Crocker make it to the NBA?


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Oct 12, 2009
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I think he could find a spot on a NBA team, he is long and a good defensive player. His jumper is solid and I think he will shoot the ball better than ever. I think he has a great year for us, and I think if we want to go far this year, Crocker will have to step up. I'm curious what everybody else thinks?
Last year I would've called you crazy. But from the brief glimpses we've seen of Tony in the practice clips, he looks like a completely different player to me.

Pulling up from deep with defenders in his face, nice mid-range game, taking it to the rack with confidence. Looks like he's aged five years and even looks to have added some bulk to me. I think he could develop into a poor mans Bruce Bowen in the league.

I know that's crazy from just watching 10 minutes of video footage, but then it was confirmed by Lamb's dad (or was it Barnes?) that he was looking great.
I don't think so, but if he has a chance it is becuase of the things that you mentioned. To me Tony was a guy that did not transition well from HS to college...when he was brought in he was supposed to be more athletic than he has shown. Not intended as a rip, but now he is an above average defender that shoots 3-pointers (albiet streaky). If he elected to become an EXCELLENT defender and could be more consistent in his three point shootong then I'd guess he has a chance to get drafted in the second round [and really, that is what we NEED him to be this season].
Not likely imo. BUT, how many would have said that Taylor G would have gotten drafted last year? Probably less than those that would say that Crock has a chance.

Stranger things have happened....
Not likely imo. BUT, how many would have said that Taylor G would have gotten drafted last year? Probably less than those that would say that Crock has a chance.

Stranger things have happened....

Agree, but the thing with Taylor is that he is an NBA level athlete...hope Tony can show some of that this season.
Agree, but the thing with Taylor is that he is an NBA level athlete...hope Tony can show some of that this season.

Taylor is an elite level athlete, but he is a foward in a guard's body. Tony at least has the height to be a wing. I think the two kind of cancel each other out imo.
Not likely imo. BUT, how many would have said that Taylor G would have gotten drafted last year? Probably less than those that would say that Crock has a chance.

Stranger things have happened....

Capel talked about 4 guys on the team having NBA potential a year or so ago and Taylor was not one of them. He specifically mentioned Blake, Willie, Ray Willis and Tony Crocker. I think Capel has to see something in Tony to make him say that.

At this point, I don't think Tony makes it in the NBA because I think he is too inconsistent.
Taylor is an elite level athlete, but he is a foward in a guard's body. Tony at least has the height to be a wing. I think the two kind of cancel each other out imo.

Agree for the most part...but with Taylor I always go back to that block that he had against TU during Capel's first season. His head almost hit the rim and he was up QUICK and that is the thing that got him a contract, he is a quick twitch athlete. I think Tony is a good athlete, but unless he has gotten quicker in his core, I'm not sure he is NBA level. That being said, just six months of working at it can make a big difference [be curious if Yo-Yo incorporates that stuff more than Rich].

Not to belabor [sp?] the point but the quick twitch thing makes Warren special, plenty of guys that can jump and make impressive dunks, but Warren hits the high spot quicker than just about anybody else out there [same thing with Blake]. That is the thing I've started looking at on these recruits quick are they to a vertical spot.

Watch Cameron Clark's video...he can get up and is clearly athletic BUT he is a little slow to getting to the height of his jump [slow compared to a guy like Warren]. In college the lane is MUCH smaller than it is in HS based on the speed of the game and the height of the players; accordingly, he'll have to get quicker to the top end of his jump if he is going to finish at the rim on the next level...JMHO.
I doubt it, but he might. I think he was a better all around player than Taylor. That, and Tony Allen still takes up a roster spot in the NBA.

Doubtful, but not impossible.
Tony Allen was the POY in the conference and was the best player on a Final Four team; nothing to sneeze at.
The quotes from Harrison Barnes give me some hope for Tony, guess it depends on how he does this year. He is a good enough defender that if he turns in a great year from deep around 40-45% consistently he might get a look or two.
He has been entirely too inconsistent during his career. He could mke it if he can average close to 20 points and 8 rebounds/game. He's already a good defender.
No, I don't think so. I think he lacks athleticism to play the wing in the league. The worlds best athletes are on the wing in the league.
No, but he might be good enough to play in Poland. He could also give the Globetrotters a shot.

He will definitely be getting a pay check for playing basketball somewhere.
I think you key characteristic that many are overlooking is the athleticism variable...Taylor got drafted solely on the fact that he is very athletic and a hustle player. Not saying TC doesn't hustle, but you have to realize at his position, more is going to be expected of him. The guy is not remotely NBA material right now. However, if he goes overseas, develops, gains experience, then who knows.

TC has been one of the most inconsistent players (besides defense) over the past few years; up until the Syracuse game, people were all over his production. I'm a big believer in TC for what he brings to the table when OU steps on the floor (defense, knocking down a few shots, leadership), but to insinuate he is a NBA draft pick is crazy talk.