Encouragement & Compliments


New member
Nov 10, 2009
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I see that almost every post on here criticizes the players, their actions on the court, and decisions made by the coaching staff. I would like to challenge the members on here to write words of encouragement and compliments when a player or coach does something great. The players do see your comments and while you may think that may challenge them to play better and such-it is hurtful. Every single player from Willie to Beau and Tiny to TJ deserves our support, encouragement, and kindness. They are OUr players and OUr team. Positive attitudes and words go a lot farther than negative and hateful ones. So can we all say something nice about our Sooners and hope that motivates them to win on the road and keep their heads up. After all, we're not the ones out there practicing, working out, playing, and taking criticism from everyone. If you think you can do better, then by all means go try out for the team. But until that happens-this is the University of Oklahoma's team and they need us more than ever right now.

There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. That little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative. -W. Clement Stone

So, I will start off by giving kudos to the players on the men's basketball team who signed memorabilia and are appearing at the U-Night for Haiti this Saturday. This shows that they care about the community and giving back to help others. :clap
I see that almost every post on here criticizes the players, their actions on the court, and decisions made by the coaching staff. I would like to challenge the members on here to write words of encouragement and compliments when a player or coach does something great. The players do see your comments and while you may think that may challenge them to play better and such-it is hurtful. Every single player from Willie to Beau and Tiny to TJ deserves our support, encouragement, and kindness. They are OUr players and OUr team. Positive attitudes and words go a lot farther than negative and hateful ones. So can we all say something nice about our Sooners and hope that motivates them to win on the road and keep their heads up. After all, we're not the ones out there practicing, working out, playing, and taking criticism from everyone. If you think you can do better, then by all means go try out for the team. But until that happens-this is the University of Oklahoma's team and they need us more than ever right now.

There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. That little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative. -W. Clement Stone

So, I will start off by giving kudos to the players on the men's basketball team who signed memorabilia and are appearing at the U-Night for Haiti this Saturday. This shows that they care about the community and giving back to help others. :clap

Great to hear! Thanks for posting. :clap
I am always glad to see the team giving back. It is easy not to do anything, but these guys are out there giving there time. I don't mean to be melodramatic, but it is really nice to hear thinga like that.
I don't know about anyone else here but I always give the team kudos for what they do well. In fact all I have said about this season is that I would like to see improvement the rest of the way.
I guess i would be one of those "sunshine pumpers" but this season these guys are not playing up the the level they are capable...and criticism is just part of playing at the D1 level when you dont get the job done...

it is just so much easier as a fan to be negative anyway, so you will get more people to come out and vent their displeasure...the nature of the society we live in unfortunately...

Good for them tho on giving back...in their position, winning or not, they still have the ability to raise money and do things for the community that others dont...
I see that almost every post on here criticizes the players, their actions on the court, and decisions made by the coaching staff. I would like to challenge the members on here to write words of encouragement and compliments when a player or coach does something great. The players do see your comments and while you may think that may challenge them to play better and such-it is hurtful. Every single player from Willie to Beau and Tiny to TJ deserves our support, encouragement, and kindness. They are OUr players and OUr team. Positive attitudes and words go a lot farther than negative and hateful ones. So can we all say something nice about our Sooners and hope that motivates them to win on the road and keep their heads up. After all, we're not the ones out there practicing, working out, playing, and taking criticism from everyone. If you think you can do better, then by all means go try out for the team. But until that happens-this is the University of Oklahoma's team and they need us more than ever right now.

There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. That little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative. -W. Clement Stone

So, I will start off by giving kudos to the players on the men's basketball team who signed memorabilia and are appearing at the U-Night for Haiti this Saturday. This shows that they care about the community and giving back to help others. :clap
Great post, thanks!
I see that almost every post on here criticizes the players, their actions on the court, and decisions made by the coaching staff. I would like to challenge the members on here to write words of encouragement and compliments when a player or coach does something great. The players do see your comments and while you may think that may challenge them to play better and such-it is hurtful. Every single player from Willie to Beau and Tiny to TJ deserves our support, encouragement, and kindness. They are OUr players and OUr team. Positive attitudes and words go a lot farther than negative and hateful ones. So can we all say something nice about our Sooners and hope that motivates them to win on the road and keep their heads up. After all, we're not the ones out there practicing, working out, playing, and taking criticism from everyone. If you think you can do better, then by all means go try out for the team. But until that happens-this is the University of Oklahoma's team and they need us more than ever right now.

There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. That little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative. -W. Clement Stone

So, I will start off by giving kudos to the players on the men's basketball team who signed memorabilia and are appearing at the U-Night for Haiti this Saturday. This shows that they care about the community and giving back to help others. :clap

Excellent post. Having the pleasure and priviledge of playing small college basketball many, many, moons ago, I can relate to your post. Amazing how many "arm chair quarterbacks" that are out there that know so much more about the game than the players and coaches they tend to support. Unless you are on the court every day for 3 hours, attend film study, and scouting reports. Making sure you get to your classes, manage your study time. I could go on and on. You just don't know. Constructive criticism is one thing, and the support of your fellow students, faculty, coaches and family give you during your four years is immeasurable. Believe it or not the players love interacting with the fans, appreciated their support and that is what is important. Hurtful and nasty opinions need to be kept to themselves, however good honest criticism that will make a player better is usually always appreciated. Again thanks for a needed and appreciated post. It was well intentioned.
Love your positive attitude and message SoonerGirl21!

It's funny that a great post like this garners only a few replies while the consistently negative drivel of others get dozens, a lot of which are agreeing with this crap.
Let's try supporting the program and players more than we do the nay-sayers and detractors. Some of you guys rag on OU more than a freshly beaten aggie fan.

Thanks for the excellent post.
Great post.

A little support and respect for Coach would be nice as well...this time last year he had us as spoiled as we'd been in a while.
oh man. A much needed reality check on this forum.

Excellent, excellent post.
Awesome post. With some people that's all it's about. Winning and losing. To them it doesn't matter what some of these kids stand for off the court. I want to win to, but I want to see the fellas win on an off the court. BOOMER SOONER BABY!!!:clap
Great reminder!!

I am not a poster, but a reader. When this board was started, many said they wanted a place that was positive, unlike ouinsider.com. Lately, the attitude of the posts mirror those on that football board this past fall.

Boomer Sooner.
I would like to thank you all who have had posted with positive comments and also to those who have took the time to at least read it.

I have another compliment to give the basketball team: So far every player that I have asked (5 of them) has agreed to change his profile picture on Facebook to one of Wayman Tisdale in honor of Saturday's game paying tribute to him and also celebrate his life. This endeavor was started by the Capelables and I love that the team is supporting it as well. I also encourage you to check out the picture on the Capelables Facebook group page if you are a Facebook user. Thank you.
The most positive thing of the season occurred against ISU. That was a great win. From the coaching to the incredible efforts of the players to the support from Warren, Crocker and the others on the bench.

The effort at A&M was also positive. Most of the effort against Tech was positive (they kind of let that slip away at the end but that happens on the road).
Coach Capel has also joined the Capelables efforts and changed his profile picture to one of Wayman as well.

What a tremendous coach the University of Oklahoma has. Coach Capel listens to the students who don't even play for him, helps support them, and sets a great example. I can't think of another coach at this level who would do that. We have the best coach here.
Good stuff SoonerGirl. Keep the positive vibes going!!!!

have you forgotten that all of us on this board are experts on BB and experts often criticize. we will keep criticizing until OU hires us as assistant coaches as we know what needs to be done to start (whining), I mean winning.
have you forgotten that all of us on this board are experts on BB and experts often criticize. we will keep criticizing until OU hires us as assistant coaches as we know what needs to be done to start (whining), I mean winning.

I'm sure you know that even in your everyday life doing whatever occupation you hold that it's such a nice feeling to be complimented on a job well done or have that little extra encouragement when your day's not the best. I know I do. That's what these boys need. I'm not saying constructive criticism is bad, that's definitely a plus. But when you point a finger at someone else remember that there are three pointing back at you. Have a great night ;)