For fun, the All-Villains team, from an OU fan standpoint

Rick Fox (1990, anyone?) should be on there!

Somehow, I forgot about him and "that game." I guess I was blocking it out of my mind.

An extra reason I hated that game is because people acted like Dean Smith pulled some genius moves to beat OU. The truth was more like his team underachieved all season, and that's why there were a #8 seed.
Somehow, I forgot about him and "that game." I guess I was blocking it out of my mind.

An extra reason I hated that game is because people acted like Dean Smith pulled some genius moves to beat OU. The truth was more like his team underachieved all season, and that's why there were a #8 seed.

Bryant Stith was worse the year before. Fox hit the game winner but if I recall correctly Stith crushed OU for the entire game.
I once was at an OU/Texas game in Norman and Muoneke stole the ball and went down for a fastbreak right by the student section. Right when he got to the freethrow line and slowed down to dunk, I yelled "Muoneke sucks!" He seemed startled, stumbled and then flat out missed a wide open dunk.

I'm not saying I should get full credit for the missed dunk. But it felt like I helped. :)
"I once was at an OU/Texas game in Norman and Muoneke stole the ball and went down for a fastbreak right by the student section. Right when he got to the freethrow line and slowed down to dunk, I yelled "Muoneke sucks!" He seemed startled, stumbled and then flat out missed a wide open dunk."

Haha, that's awesome. You are a true hero...I hated Muoneke with a passion. He and Najera went into a heavy weight fight everytime they played it seemed like.
I agree that Sutherland and Muoneke run away with this category. I also have real disdain for Monte Hardge, Derrick Chievous, and Russ Grimm. Pretty much anything Mizzou.
FYI - I'm glad no one thought I was being racist by listing my main reason for disliking Larry Brown. I am a white guy myself, but I do believe that many college basketball writers in the 80's were kind of racist and treated teams with more white guys as being "less talented." KU did have more whites than OU did, even though both coaches were white.
"First pick in 09 draft… Blake Griffin. As much as I hate OU, have you seen that mammoth? Is it just me, or does he not have as much hype as he should? Maybe if his jersey were a bit more burnt orange."

- Gabe Muoneke, courtesy of

He's just great at winning friends and influencing people, isn't he? I doubt Blake could wear any burnt orange under any circumstance.
I can't believe Byron Houston's name has not come up.
I can't believe(maybe you guys aren't old enough) no one has mentioned Steve
popgun Stipanovich. That night when he came to the LNC and the students shot off cap guns(think those were a little different times?) still rates as one of my all time favorite moments.
Sutherland, Grimm, Hardge... they never did anything Edjuardo didn't do.

First time I've ever seen Hardge show up in one of these discussions. I never considered him coordinated enough to intentionally do much of anything.
Sutherland, Grimm, Hardge... they never did anything Edjuardo didn't do.
First time I've ever seen Hardge show up in one of these discussions. I never considered him coordinated enough to intentionally do much of anything.

Please elaborate....
Sutherland, Grimm, Hardge... they never did anything Edjuardo didn't do.

First time I've ever seen Hardge show up in one of these discussions. I never considered him coordinated enough to intentionally do much of anything.

He had kankles.

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I can't believe Byron Houston's name has not come up.

Good ol' Flash! In the eyes of many "Orange," it's probably OU's fault that he started forgetting to wear pants occasionally.

Another guy who wasn't necessarily controversial, but still got on our nerves "back in the day" was Darnell Valentine of KU. His main sin was being a national media darling. Raymond Whitley, when healthy, was pretty close to being at his level, but "Juice" got almost no national pub. Valentine's numbers, when similar, earned him all kinds of national ink.
The entire 1991-1992 MU team that won the Big 8 (could have been 92-93) and Mouneke and Southerland if he was not on the aforementioned MU team(s).