Gut check time!


New member
Nov 5, 2008
Reaction score
At this time after this very disappointing loss. It is really time now for our team to forget about post season play and all that other stuff. The team's focus now should just be working hard, giving good effort, and making improvement on the defensive side of the ball. We can score the basketball. We just don't seem to give the effort or know how to stop the other team. I give utep all the credit. They were hitting their shots left and right last night. They also had an answer everytime it looked like we were going to get back into the game. Our basketball team should just worry about playing complete basketball games with better effort and consistency. I really think that if the team will do this. They can still accomplish some of their goals. It's also time to play Orlando and just live with whatever he gives you. Put him in there beside Tiny and just let both of them clog up the lane. It really can't hurt. By the way the shots taken at Coach Capel are uncalled for. He's still a coach that alot of teams would like to have. He can coach and he can recruit, but with that said. He has alot of work to do with this bunch. IT'S GUT CHECK TIME! BOOMER SOONER BABY!!!
Coaches take shots and he is a grown up. Some of these shots are deserved.Some are not. If you can't get your guys to do the things you want who do we blame. Kids or the coach? There are kids on that bench that would try.