Hats off to TMG


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2008
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Crocker and Cade will get the most pats on the back for this game, but I think the light went on for TMG tonight. Shot well, made good decisions, got us into our offense, hounded their guards on defense, and played with a lot of poise. His pressure on their guards really made it easier on the rest of our guys...

There was one spot in the game where he pulled a cross-over behind the back on his man and took a stutter step like he was going to go And 1 on the guy...then he pulled it back out and set up the offense. It was nice to see him play cool and collected (with intensity) instead of helter skelter.

BTW...I gave him a hard time in an earlier thread about hurting our team in every game so far this year. Tonight he was an integral part of the win. I think DSM0K's +/- statistics will bear that out.
He sure picked up his defensive effort tonight.
I agree, the more experience TMG gets it will only continue to get better for this team and his overall play.
TMG played really well, but I was very impressed with his defense. He gave the Arky guards fits the entire night. Keep it up, Tommy!
He's definetly the man for the job. Just wait until he figures out what he's doing. BOOMER SOONER BABY!!!:tmg
couple bad turnovers early on, but got everything straightened out when he came back in. his 3 was dropping as well, which gives a guard like him insane confidence that he can do whatever he wants on the court.
When we were doing the Full court man... I thought TMG was doing an extremely good job of staying right on his man. He hardly left more then a foot between him and his defender, and, if I remember correctly, he didn't get called for a foul while doing so.

TMG played much better today, than any time before. I'm sure Capel would say much of the same. Thanks TMG, Tony and Cade for your great efforts tonight! Oh and thank you WW for your controlling of the game in the later part of the 2nd half.
TMG did a superb job last night, both defensively and offensively. He always sticked close to his man. I wish WW would do the same. For a guy to be a team leader, he is very lazy and has a bad attitude. He doesn't alway stay close to his man on defense. He is very lackadaisical with the ball on offense causing many careless turnovers. Did you see his body language when he missed those freethrows? That is no way to lead a team. He has all the talent in the world but it's his attitude that hindered him. I wish he would be like TMG sticking close to his man on defense. Moving around to get open on offense. The problem is you have two guys who want the ball in his hands (TMG, and WW).
TMG did a superb job last night, both defensively and offensively. He always sticked close to his man. I wish WW would do the same. For a guy to be a team leader, he is very lazy and has a bad attitude. He doesn't alway stay close to his man on defense. He is very lackadaisical with the ball on offense causing many careless turnovers. Did you see his body language when he missed those freethrows? That is no way to lead a team. He has all the talent in the world but it's his attitude that hindered him. I wish he would be like TMG sticking close to his man on defense. Moving around to get open on offense. The problem is you have two guys who want the ball in his hands (TMG, and WW).

Yup he isn't ready for the NBA
Its funny because TMG didn't stand out to me while I was at the game (too busy cheering I guess), but after breaking down the tape, he really did have a defensive game. He was picking his man up fullcourt, and did a nice job of hounding him without fouling.

He showed a lot more effort today on the defensive end! :clap
He showed a lot more effort today on the defensive end! :clap
This will be the key to TMG's success overall...if Capel can keep him motivated to give 100% all of the time we will all be very satisfied.
I agree about TMG. His pressure was very good tonight. It all starts with pressuring the guards. I am encouraged that this team will continue to improve.