ISU Tickets... DEEP Discount for Good Seats


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2014
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Some buddies and I were all hyped up earlier this year and jumped on some lowers for the ISU game. Paid $75/ticket for three seats. Felt it was a decent deal at time given tone of season and knowing it would be last home game. Now we’ve all lost our motivation to go. My friend paid for them up front and my only goal is for him to get his money back for his portion. So just looking for $25/ticket or $75 total for the three.

Sec LW1; Row 10... all three seats together.

Please PM me if interested. Thanks
Great to see all the fair weather folks on the board! And nice to see a bunch of people who have literally never posted a word when things are going well start repeatedly calling to fire a coach who rescued the program from the Capel abyss and took it to the Final Four two years ago.
I readily admit I’m looking to get rid of my tickets because I have no interest in attending this game. I am hoping a fan that does want to go and doesn’t want to pay much for good seats will snatch them up. I save myself a long drive and the annoyance of having to DVR the Thunder game and avoid seeing a score.
Great to see all the fair weather folks on the board! And nice to see a bunch of people who have literally never posted a word when things are going well start repeatedly calling to fire a coach who rescued the program from the Capel abyss and took it to the Final Four two years ago.

Obligatory post....."we were in the Final Four two years ago" it's perfectly fine for this program to suck last year and crater this year.:OU-logo:
Obligatory post....."we were in the Final Four two years ago" it's perfectly fine for this program to suck last year and crater this year.:OU-logo:

Nice strawman. Where did I say it was fine? I can all but guarantee you that no one on this board cares more about OU basketball than I do, and no one takes losing harder. I have no ties to the program or school, live 200 miles away, but have been obsessed with OU hoops since I was a little kid. I spend tons of time and money following the team. Lose sleep over what is happening right now. So no, the last few weeks aren't fine in any manner. But all the people who just ignore decades of good coaching and think the answer is to fire Lon and hire some young, energetic coach need a reality check. I laugh when I see people mention Buzz Williams again. Since Lon took over here, let's compare which program has seen greater success. Every year people want some hot younger coach, and how does that usually play out? Or am I forgetting all the deep runs Texas has made since Shaka took the reins?

This hasn't been Lon's best job, and that's obviously an understatement. But before the season, most of the knowledgeable fans here were hoping for a nice bounce back season and a tournament bid. Win one of the next two games, and that's what we'll get. Still a disappoinment given what could have been, but I'll be watching till the bitter end.
Great to see all the fair weather folks on the board! And nice to see a bunch of people who have literally never posted a word when things are going well start repeatedly calling to fire a coach who rescued the program from the Capel abyss and took it to the Final Four two years ago.

Agreed. Those are "fans" for you!

The performance of the team yesterday was atrocious. The performance of so many OU "fans" is so much worse.
Oh get over yourselves. Let me get this straight...The guy doesn't want to spend a Friday night watching the current brand of OU basketball, compared to probably a plethora of other fun events he could be partaking in after a long week of work...So what? He's trying to recoup some dough? Does that really make him a bad fan? How stupid. I would do the same thing in a SECOND. For crying out loud... Why do some of you feel the need to bounce around the board chastising people who are unhappy? You wanna talk about ANNOYING!
Oh get over yourselves. Let me get this straight...The guy doesn't want to spend a Friday night watching the current brand of OU basketball, compared to probably a plethora of other fun events he could be partaking in after a long week of work...So what? He's trying to recoup some dough? Does that really make him a bad fan? How stupid. I would do the same thing in a SECOND. For crying out loud... Why do some of you feel the need to bounce around the board chastising people who are unhappy? You wanna talk about ANNOYING!

I agree with you. I've been going to games since the Clifford Ray/Gar Heard days. I haven't posted much but read here every day.
Some people are saying things like "why don't you post when things are good?" At work, you don't get recognized constantly when things are going fine. You usually hear nothing. But when things go horribly wrong - you will hear about it. Same for the coaches at OU or anywhere else.

Oh and I WILL be there Friday. Thank goodness I didn't pay $75 though!
I agree with you. I've been going to games since the Clifford Ray/Gar Heard days. I haven't posted much but read here every day.
Some people are saying things like "why don't you post when things are good?" At work, you don't get recognized constantly when things are going fine. You usually hear nothing. But when things go horribly wrong - you will hear about it. Same for the coaches at OU or anywhere else.

Oh and I WILL be there Friday. Thank goodness I didn't pay $75 though!

Bingo. Success SHOULD be the norm. Doesn't mean I love them any less.

Cheer hard man! I was just up there for the UT game, driving all the way from Houston. Wish they'd have given a little better effort for us. Hey but my little girl loved the road trip(Buccees, Turner Falls...YEAH!).
I agree with you. I've been going to games since the Clifford Ray/Gar Heard days. I haven't posted much but read here every day.
Some people are saying things like "why don't you post when things are good?" At work, you don't get recognized constantly when things are going fine. You usually hear nothing. But when things go horribly wrong - you will hear about it. Same for the coaches at OU or anywhere else.

Oh and I WILL be there Friday. Thank goodness I didn't pay $75 though!

Yeah, that was dumb on my part. And for the record, I’m not actually trying to recoup ANY of that for myself. My goal is to get $75 for all three so my buddy who organized this breaks even for his ticket. I am willing to eat it just so I don’t have to be there in person :)
But all the people who just ignore decades of good coaching and think the answer is to fire Lon and hire some young, energetic coach need a reality check.

Decades? I assume you are talking about Lon's career overall, but I couldn't care less about anything but his tenure at OU. I like Lon a lot, I WANT his way to work. He is one of the finest gentleman I think any of us could ever meet, so I hate it that we are in this situation. But there is no way you can feel good about what is happening now and what the future looks like for this program. We are not just in a slump or down.....we are embarrassing ourselves. I think I agree with others who have said you have to give him next year just out of loyalty and respect for him, but I'm pretty sure we are throwing away a year to do the right thing, and the overall program will be worse off for it. Sigh......what an unfortunate mess!!
Nice strawman. Where did I say it was fine? I can all but guarantee you that no one on this board cares more about OU basketball than I do, and no one takes losing harder. I have no ties to the program or school, live 200 miles away, but have been obsessed with OU hoops since I was a little kid. I spend tons of time and money following the team. Lose sleep over what is happening right now. So no, the last few weeks aren't fine in any manner. But all the people who just ignore decades of good coaching and think the answer is to fire Lon and hire some young, energetic coach need a reality check. I laugh when I see people mention Buzz Williams again. Since Lon took over here, let's compare which program has seen greater success. Every year people want some hot younger coach, and how does that usually play out? Or am I forgetting all the deep runs Texas has made since Shaka took the reins?

This hasn't been Lon's best job, and that's obviously an understatement. But before the season, most of the knowledgeable fans here were hoping for a nice bounce back season and a tournament bid. Win one of the next two games, and that's what we'll get. Still a disappoinment given what could have been, but I'll be watching till the bitter end.

Oooooo I love a good accusation of using a logical fallacy. Let's examine this a little closer though.

StrawMan Fallacy
Description: Substituting a person’s actual position or argument with a distorted, exaggerated, or misrepresented version of the position of the argument.

stormspencer says: "Obligatory post....."we were in the Final Four two years ago" it's perfectly fine for this program to suck last year and crater this year"

Final Conclusion
After reviewing the accusation, and evaluating the comments by stormspencer... I conclude that this is indeed a strawman. It will be stricken from the record, and all those who read it should recognize it as a logical fallacy.

Winner: WichitaSooner

Sorry stormspencer, I liked your post though.
Oh get over yourselves. Let me get this straight...The guy doesn't want to spend a Friday night watching the current brand of OU basketball, compared to probably a plethora of other fun events he could be partaking in after a long week of work...So what? He's trying to recoup some dough? Does that really make him a bad fan? How stupid. I would do the same thing in a SECOND. For crying out loud... Why do some of you feel the need to bounce around the board chastising people who are unhappy? You wanna talk about ANNOYING!

Most of us will never live up to their standards, but either will they, so that tells you all you need to know. But we should feel blessed that we have been given the opportunity to co-exist in their society.
Well, this thread went in an interesting direction....

Anyway, if anyone wants to make an offer for these three seats just let me know.
My brother has 4 season tickets and he can’t even give them away for Friday night. Good luck selling them for $25 @ when they will be available on the cheap before the game.
My brother has 4 season tickets and he can’t even give them away for Friday night. Good luck selling them for $25 @ when they will be available on the cheap before the game.

We will most likely wind up donating them as well.