Joe's Comments on Lloyd Noble

Renovation or replacement is needed for 2 big reasons, improving the sports atmosphere and bringing more fans to the game. The third would be generating income. The entry, main concourse and most facilities should be near mid level which is ground level. If you buy general admission seats you may have to climb to the top if near full.

If only 5000 fans came to the game but sat shoulder to shoulder in the 5000 seats closest to the floor, the sports atmosphere would be much better.
Excellent point about how difficult it is for senior citizens to get from the upper to the lower level and back again.

I know from experience that it hurts my knees like crazy to walk up and down those steps. Going down is worse than going up for me. If the new bowl increases the incline without giving some consideration to restrooms and concessions, I believe older people like me will not make much of an effort to attend future games. Wealthier donors may continue to buy tickets. They just won't be there to fill the empty seats, much like it is now.

OU doesn't need to build a new arena. The location of LNC is perfect, with the parking and easy access to Highway 9/I-35. I think for recruiting purposes, the location of LNC with the practice facilities attached is second to none. It's apparent that whether we renovate LNC or build a new facility the crowds are not going to come. The newness of a new arena or renovation of LNC will wear thin quick. The big conference games will probably see more people in the seats but those November/December/early January games are still going to only be about 75% full, max. That's from a 40 year history. I marvel at every game, men's or women's, when about 2 or 3 minutes from the end people flock to the exits in hope to miss the extra 30 SECONDS of wait time in traffic for a game of 6 to 8 thousand. We average over 10,000 per game of tickets sold and I don't think that changes either. If people, who are OU basketball fans in the Norman/OKC area, don't go to the games only because of the configuration of LNC, I'm not sure what to say. I think we should renovate LNC just because we have a great location already with great practice facilities attached and I think the main reason they are renovating or building a new arena is for addition of suites/boxes which will in turn generate cash for the athletic department. But I don't for a second thinks building/renovating provides an oasis for basketball attendance (not tickets sold) in the long run. It will be temporary, at best.
This. UNC is planning to renovate the Dean Dome in order to add luxury boxes. Lots more revenue this way. Since we don't fill it anyway might as well maximize revenue.
Either reno or replace is OK with me. Just get it done ASAP.

If they built another one, I have looked and OU has looked at this too. They could put the new arena on the South side of the practice facility. Connect it and add more "player inhancement" areas and you still have all of the parking AND you have two arena's if state tourney needed to happen or two different events at one time. Or you could do some shrinking to Lloyd Noble and make it more appropriate for Gymnastics/Wrestling/etc.
I think something that hurts our older and more wealthy attendees is having the bathrooms and concessions only at the top. It's not a hassle for me, but as our fanbase gets older, those with the tickets low will simply stop showing up to game, but keep giving their money to the university because it's too hard to handle the steps up and down during the game.

I am definitely excited about decreasing capacity, losing the bowl shape, and increasing the steepness of the stands though.

I'm guessing you haven't found the Mid Con restrooms and concession, it isn't much, but I go there when I'm on the lower south of the arena.

Think its a bigger deal to start at the top of the arena and you have to walk down to your seat, it should be more of a split, where the cheap seats are up and the good seats are at ground level or down a hair. I'd like to see the main concourse start at the parking lot level