Kelani Rickertts


Active member
Nov 10, 2008
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Shame overlap of sports but even though she hasn't played since HS, Kelani could be a practice player and handle a few minutes of a game. I believe she was the BB POY while at Mitty for either the Bay or Peninsula area.
I'm not so sure that Patti Gasso wants to risk the best player in the nation to a basketball ACL.
Could she play as a grad student next year like Rothisberger did after her BB years were up? Just a question. Sure it's not going to happen.
Just perplexed on how OU is going to finish the year with only 8 players or is there some help on the bench that isn't getting into any games?
Are there any redshirts this year?
Unless Sherri finds some walkons, we have eight. Others have done it.
Could she play as a grad student next year like Rothisberger did after her BB years were up? Just a question. Sure it's not going to happen.
Just perplexed on how OU is going to finish the year with only 8 players or is there some help on the bench that isn't getting into any games?
Are there any redshirts this year?

She could, but like you said, I doubt it.

We started the year with 12, 3 injuries and a bad back has left us with 8. Unless Sherri finds one or two kids that wants to walk on at mid-term, we will have to settle with the 8 we have. As has been mentioned, most teams use an 8 or 9 player rotation. We may not have the quality, but we have hard working kids that want to play and give us their best. Play the cards you got and let the chips fall. These kids could surprise us all.

Happy New Year.
She could, but like you said, I doubt it.

We started the year with 12, 3 injuries and a bad back has left us with 8. Unless Sherri finds one or two kids that wants to walk on at mid-term, we will have to settle with the 8 we have. As has been mentioned, most teams use an 8 or 9 player rotation. We may not have the quality, but we have hard working kids that want to play and give us their best. Play the cards you got and let the chips fall. These kids could surprise us all.

Happy New Year.

I agree with you. We just have to hope we don't have any more injuries and the girls can stay out of foul trouble.
I'm thinking that the "Babe Ruth of softball" has a pretty nice chance to earn some money playing softball down the road. I don't see her messing with that.