Lace Dunn made Willie look like a JV player today


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
Lace had 28 points and his team won by 31 points... Willie had 9 points, mostly cheesy free throws and played no defense.. Why was Willie even out there? He didnt do a damn thing but get embarrassed.

Ya know what gets me the most? Willie didnt come out ONE TIME until the 4:00 mark in the second half when Baylor was preparing to get their walkon's some PT. Why is it that he can play like absolute crap and never got pulled? He was just standing around out there....
What I can't believe is he is going to take the team and the coaches down with him. He doesn't seem to understand that Coach is sticking his neck out every game for him....
I would like to know what's wrong with willie. Right now, with him on the floor, it's like playing four against six.
What I can't understand is how he can play with no pride whatsoever. If I were getting embarrassed like that and had the ability not to (i.e. by playing hard) I would do everything in my ability to not get embarrassed, but WW just keeps loafing.

Capel needs to bench him until he's will to give 100%.
First off, let me start by saying i am a HUGE KOBE FAN....

Willie reminds me of the way Kobe would purposely not do anything and let his teammates sink just to prove a point at how valuable he was (which in effect worked just the opposite)...

I watch Willie play this year and it is like he thinks he is just going to turn it off and on when he wants too....problem is, when he tries to turn it on it is meaningless and he ends up looking more selfish than anything else...

Where is the guy that could get to the rim at will and was playing with such swagger? That is how you know Blake was the real deal, not only did he look great, he made the players around him look great as well...
First off, let me start by saying i am a HUGE KOBE FAN....

Willie reminds me of the way Kobe would purposely not do anything and let his teammates sink just to prove a point at how valuable he was (which in effect worked just the opposite)...

I watch Willie play this year and it is like he thinks he is just going to turn it off and on when he wants too....problem is, when he tries to turn it on it is meaningless and he ends up looking more selfish than anything else...

Where is the guy that could get to the rim at will and was playing with such swagger? That is how you know Blake was the real deal, not only did he look great, he made the players around him look great as well...

We need BG to come down and slap a few people. :bgriff624_jpg_xs:
Willie has mailed it in for the year, what a sad sorry display. I understand not having a plethora of talent around to help you succeed, this has nothing to do with that.

Edmond's point is spot on, it is almost as if Willie is trying to prove a point or something. Unfortunately for him, scouts are taking notice, pundits (i.e. Seth Davis) are already stating he needs another year in school. Don't care what any of the NBA followers say about his skills, there are a hundreds of guys across the nation who are quick with their first step and need a volume of shots to get their points, most of which are considerably taller than Willie which hurts his stock.

Willie is an explosive player with the ball in his hand, but yesterday he looked slow, stagnant and uninterested in performing at all. It is really disappointing when the only time he tries to show a glimpse of his talent is on a "Willie Possession" in which he takes the ball from approximately 30 ft out, dribbles around for 10 seconds then attacks the hole. Unless WW has decided that this particular possession is a "WP", he is just going to chill for 35 seconds.

I've seen it 100 times in the various locker rooms I have been in, the player goes along with the game plan and shuts down his own effort because he feel slighted some way. Sure, Capel may have put on the white board yesterday something along the lines of ball-movement or getting other players involved, but do you honestly believe that if Willie broke a play because he found a hole and took it hard to the cup that Capel would be upset? Absolutely not. I used to think he was feeling sorry for himself, but am starting to believe he just doesn't care.

Reviewing all the publicized events over the past few years (move to Oak Hill, Lebron incident, this year) Willie just isn't a team player period. In all honesty, I believe the best thing for Willie is to go pro this year regardless of his draft stock so he can learn how to fit amongst a team. I think one things is for certain is that Willie can never be a "franchise" PG based on his mental approach to games, or how he displays his body language on the court.

I really do hope the best for Willie, it's difficult to watch a player with so much talent cast it away because of the organ in-between his ears. He literally is an improved attitude and consistent jump shot away from being a long-time impact NBA player.....hope he somehow realizes that at some point.
Willie has mailed it in for the year, what a sad sorry display. I understand not having a plethora of talent around to help you succeed, this has nothing to do with that.

Edmond's point is spot on, it is almost as if Willie is trying to prove a point or something. Unfortunately for him, scouts are taking notice, pundits (i.e. Seth Davis) are already stating he needs another year in school. Don't care what any of the NBA followers say about his skills, there are a hundreds of guys across the nation who are quick with their first step and need a volume of shots to get their points, most of which are considerably taller than Willie which hurts his stock.

Willie is an explosive player with the ball in his hand, but yesterday he looked slow, stagnant and uninterested in performing at all. It is really disappointing when the only time he tries to show a glimpse of his talent is on a "Willie Possession" in which he takes the ball from approximately 30 ft out, dribbles around for 10 seconds then attacks the hole. Unless WW has decided that this particular possession is a "WP", he is just going to chill for 35 seconds.

I've seen it 100 times in the various locker rooms I have been in, the player goes along with the game plan and shuts down his own effort because he feel slighted some way. Sure, Capel may have put on the white board yesterday something along the lines of ball-movement or getting other players involved, but do you honestly believe that if Willie broke a play because he found a hole and took it hard to the cup that Capel would be upset? Absolutely not. I used to think he was feeling sorry for himself, but am starting to believe he just doesn't care.

Reviewing all the publicized events over the past few years (move to Oak Hill, Lebron incident, this year) Willie just isn't a team player period. In all honesty, I believe the best thing for Willie is to go pro this year regardless of his draft stock so he can learn how to fit amongst a team. I think one things is for certain is that Willie can never be a "franchise" PG based on his mental approach to games, or how he displays his body language on the court.

I really do hope the best for Willie, it's difficult to watch a player with so much talent cast it away because of the organ in-between his ears. He literally is an improved attitude and consistent jump shot away from being a long-time impact NBA player.....hope he somehow realizes that at some point.

If true, do you think Capel should continue playing him this year?

I'm starting to think Willie needs to find his butt on the bench for a game or two. He's creating an environment that is going to be difficult for the team to overcome, even next year when he is likely not even around.
The whole team is full of JV looking players.

I have a friend down in Waco that works for BU's athletic dept. She called home last night and asked her father what had happened to OU's basketball program. She claims the players were bickering during the game and after the game. Being a Moore graduate, she was embarassed for OU and really shocked at how disjointed the kids are.
The whole team is full of JV looking players.

I have a friend down in Waco that works for BU's athletic dept. She called home last night and asked her father what had happened to OU's basketball program. She claims the players were bickering during the game and after the game. Being a Moore graduate, she was embarassed for OU and really shocked at how disjointed the kids are.

You could see it going on during the game. Instead of just playing through the bad stuff, the players would stare each other down, and blame somebody else, vocally. I specifically remember it happening once when Willie made a bad entry pass to Tiny, and it went out of bounds. Dang Tiny, Willie knows it was a bad pass, run your butt back down there and play some defense.

I just don't get this team.
You could see it going on during the game. Instead of just playing through the bad stuff, the players would stare each other down, and blame somebody else, vocally. I specifically remember it happening once when Willie made a bad entry pass to Tiny, and it went out of bounds. Dang Tiny, Willie knows it was a bad pass, run your butt back down there and play some defense.

I just don't get this team.

I don't get it myself. I have never seen a Sooner basketball team quit before the season started.
You could see it going on during the game. Instead of just playing through the bad stuff, the players would stare each other down, and blame somebody else, vocally. I specifically remember it happening once when Willie made a bad entry pass to Tiny, and it went out of bounds. Dang Tiny, Willie knows it was a bad pass, run your butt back down there and play some defense.

I just don't get this team.

Exactly. I've been critical of WW as well. He's played like crap. But some are acting like he's the only one. Tiny's attitude is crap. TMG obviously has problems because he missed the entire 1st half over an issue. Crocker and Davis haven't exactly set the world on fire as leaders.
It's not just WW. And simply sitting WW doesn't fix the problems.
I DID NOT see the game yesterday.
I AM NOT privileged to know exactly what is going on.
Thus, I am rather ignorant of the exact facts.

Let's make the assumption that what nearly everyone is saying is true:
a) there is an attitude problem
b) there is some sort of chemistry problem
c) the team is simply not trying.

I don't think Capel is the problem since I have seen his teams play well together on offense and defense. But, Capel must do something to get control of the team. If the situation is as it appears to be, there is only one thing that will solve or affect the team in a signficant manner. Dismiss Willie from the team.

You cannot have a situation taking the power from the coach. The coach must be in control of the team. The worst part of this team is that it appears that Capel is NOT in control. Right or wrong, he can't tolerate this.

You can't blame this on freshmen. They take their cue from what they are taught to do by the program, the coach, and the team leaders. If the freshmen are screwing up, look to their leadership. What part of it is breaking down? I don't want to hear that Tiny must be benched because of his attitude. He's a freshman. Why does he have this attitude?

You cannot permit one player to gain control of the program. You must, for the good of the program, establish who is in control. You must demonstrate that you, as a coach, are willing to take the losses this year in order to establish the attitude that must exist on your program.

If the problem is not Willie, what is it? The coach must find it and excise it, immediately.
last year, there were tons of posters (conference wide, not just ou fans) that crowed on and on about how griffin coming back and then shooting up to #1 showed how smart it was to stay in school multiple years.

i must just be missing all the posts this year discussing warren, brackins and aldrich's decisions to return. not a single one has improved their draft postion, and they are all at a point where if they don't improve over the 2nd half of the season, they will have hurt their stock.