Lace Dunn made Willie look like a JV player today

last year, there were tons of posters (conference wide, not just ou fans) that crowed on and on about how griffin coming back and then shooting up to #1 showed how smart it was to stay in school multiple years.

i must just be missing all the posts this year discussing warren, brackins and aldrich's decisions to return. not a single one has improved their draft postion, and they are all at a point where if they don't improve over the 2nd half of the season, they will have hurt their stock.

Jame Anderson may be the exception.
yes, anderson is on track to improve his draft position. hard to evaluate if he will improve it enought to justify missing a year of pay.
last year, there were tons of posters (conference wide, not just ou fans) that crowed on and on about how griffin coming back and then shooting up to #1 showed how smart it was to stay in school multiple years.

i must just be missing all the posts this year discussing warren, brackins and aldrich's decisions to return. not a single one has improved their draft postion, and they are all at a point where if they don't improve over the 2nd half of the season, they will have hurt their stock.

They'll still earn more moolah then any other endeavor that will come their way, and their "stock" should be commensurate with their playing ability and nothing else.