I think as has been discussed, the numbers (in the $400 million range) are way too high for it to be just a new press box and south end zone area. That has to include improvements for other facilities.
I think as has been discussed, the numbers (in the $400 million range) are way too high for it to be just a new press box and south end zone area. That has to include improvements for other facilities.
Considering Baylor just built an entire new stadium for $260 million or so, I think it is safe to say the $300-400 million range is more than just improvements to Memorial Stadium
Actually, you would be surprised to know this isn't the case. The problem with OU's stadium is it has been upgraded and added on in pieces over the last 50 years. Our administration tear down the existing structure and build an awesome NFL stadium for the same amount we are having to pay for a lot of this stuff. A lot of costs are incurred because we are having to interact with existing structures. So while Baylor spent $260M, they had brand new space, and built a 60,000 person stadium.
Also, as others have noted, not all $300-400M will be visible by the casual fan. Renovating the entire south endzone structure will completely change the offices, training rooms, weight rooms, and locker rooms.
Another key piece that threatened to push back these renovations, are steel prices. A big reason the renovation 10 years ago of the East upper deck got completed quickly and cheaply is because we got a great contract on the steel purchase, and the costs have risen DRAMATICALLY for this project. Just want to show not all projects (baylor or OU of old) aren't apples to apples.
Actually, they are only getting 45,000 seats for $260M. Future expansion will go up to 55,000.
ok, couldn't remember if it was just above or below 50k.
So basically if you look at $260MM/45,000 = $5,777/seat so building a new state of the art 90,000 we would like would be $520MM. So based on the rumors, we are spending 57-77% of that theoretical budget to add 10,000 seats?
No way could they ever sell the possibility of using the budgeted money better to start over and build an amazing 21st century stadium, too much history and old alums wouldn't have it (and they would be paying for it)
If we renovate the LNC again they are complete idiots!